Wednesday, November 29, 2023


GOD (Chrill), Co ndefcenlio n o f, 1 3 2, 2 74, 301, Faithin, 9 6, 1 1 8 , 1 34, 1 37, 2 69, Gratitu de to, 1 16, 1 2 6, 12 7, 1 3 2 , 2 5 2, 348 Guide, 2 5 1, 2 80, 3 16, 3 39, 3 54 King, 3 8 , 161, 163 , 164, 166, 2 60, 2 67, 2 7 1, 2 79, 2 86, 2 96, Kn owledge o f, 2 9 2, 340, 345 His Love, 93, 1 1 1, 1 16, 1 2 3, 1 2 6, — 1 3 3fl 74 Love to , 1 2 1, 1 2 3 , 1 2 6, 1 3 2 , Name o f, 3 01, 306 Omn ipo tence, 8 2 44, 2 54, 2 60, 2 8 5, 2 9 8 , 30 1s 344 Omn ifcience, 2 76, 3 2 6, 3 3 8 Rell in , 93 , 103 , 1 1 1, 1 14, 13 7, Seeking, 93 , 94, 96, 107, 1 14, 1 56, 2 7 8 , 309 Unchangeable, 2 60, 3 10, 3 1 1, 3 3 1 Halleluj ahSequence, 3 5 5 Harvell, 1 5 5, 3 5 8—364 Heaven, 160, 2 14, 2 45, 248 , 302, 304, 305, Ho fanna, 2 61 Humiliatio n, 9 8, to o , 105, 108 , 1 1 5, 1 3 3, 2 84, Humility, 103 , 3 8 5 Innocen ts ’ Day, 63 Judgmen t, 3 5—49, 104, 3 1 8 Labo r and Rell, 70, 1 1 ‘ 1, 162, 2 1 3, 245, 303, Len t, 9 1—1 1 2, 2 9 1, 3 5 2, 3 5 3 , 3 56 li tany. 106. 1 56. 1 57. 2 79. 39 6. 397 Martyrs, 2 1 3 , 2 16, 2 1 7, 2 2 1, 2 2 3, 245, 2 48 , 2 8 2, 305 Matrimo ny, Ho ly, 2 36, 2 3 7 Mercy, See king for, 9 6, 98—100, 105 , 108, 1 10, 1 14, 1 1 5, 2 93 Millio ns, 78 , 3 16, 37 1—376 Mo rn ing, 1— 10, 1 8 1 , 2 8 3 Name o f J efus, 65—67, 2 64, 2 72, 2 8 8 , 2 90 New Year, 68—7 2, 3 3 1 Ordinatio n, 2 2 4 — 2 2 7 Q uin quagefima, 89, 90, 2 73 Relignation, 2 50, 2 95: 308: 3 14: 39° Re tirement, 2 9 1 Riche s, Co n tempt o f, 2 09 Ro gation Days, 1 5 5— 1 57 Sain t Andrew, 34, 343 , 3 50 Barnabas, 90, 204, 2 73 Bartho lomew, 103 , 2 08 James, 2 07, 3 2 5 John Baptill, 42 , 4 6, 2 05, 3 1 2 Evangelill, 62, 1 3 1, 3 2 8 Luke, 2 1 1 Mark, 95, 2 02 , 2 5 8, 34

Complete Anglican Hymns

OH ! TIMELY HAPPY, TIMELY WISE. morning. mH TIMELY happy, timely wife, New mercies each returning day, Hearts that withriling mo rn arife ! Ho ver aro und us while we pray ; Eyes that the beam celellial view, New perils pall, new fins fo rgiven, Which evermo re mak es all things new! Newtho ughts o fGOD, newhopes o f H eaven. New every mo rning is the lo ve If o n o ur daily co urfe o u r mind Ou r wak ening ' and upriftng pro ve, Be fet to hallow all we find, Thro ugh fleep and dark nefs fafely bro ught, New treafures llill, o f co untlefs price, Rello red to life, and power, and tho ught. GOD will pro vide fo r facrifice. p Only, 0 LOR D, in Thy dear love, Fit us fo r perfeel rell abo ve ; And help us, this and every day, To live mo re nearly as we pray ! O SPLENDOR OF THE FATHER ’ S MIGHT. Splendor Paterma g loria . morning. O S PL ENDOR o f the FATH ER ’ S might, Vo uchfafe us llreng thto aét aright ; Who callell fo rth the light from Light ! Co nfo und the Tempter ’ s jealo us fpite ; E te rnal Fo nut o f every ray ! 0 fanélify each bleeding wo e, D ay - liar that g ivell lig ht to day And grace to pcrfevere bellow. II. T rue SUN o f Righteo ufnefs , arife ! mf Our fo uls direct, that they may reig n Shine in us, Radtance from the lk ies ! In ho ly bo dies , free from (lain ; I n fu fe the HOLY SPIR IT ’ S beam, May Faith 2 living flame appear, O n every fenfe to lbed a gleam. From bane o f falfeho o d ever clear. D Almighty FATH ER, thro ned abo ve ! So pafs in fo ber jo y the day, Tho u FATH ER o f eternal lo ve ! Sweet Mo delly the dawning ray ; Great GOD o f grace, 0 help o ur prayers, f May Faithmeridian brightnefs lhow, And banilhfi n with all its fus tes. The fo u l a twilight never know ! CHRIST, WHOSE GLORY FILLS THE SKIES . I. f Cm usr ,Who fe glo ry fills the ik iee, Cn ars 'r, the true, Light, from o n high, be near ! in my heart appear ! III. milit then this fo ul o f mine, Pierce the glo om o f fin and grief ! tr“ . Fill me , Radiancy divine : Scatter all my u nbelief! f Mo re and mo re Thyfelf difplay, Shining to the perfe ct day l II. p Dark and cheerlefs is the mo rn, Unaccompanied by Thee J o ylefs is the day ’ s retu rn, Till Thy mercy ’ s beams I fee ; Till they inward light impart, Glad my eyes, and warm my heart. T H E MORNING LIGHT HATH SHED ITS BEAMS . morning. m 3 3 mo rning light hathlhed its beams, at]Fo r Satan comes in light ’ a array, And paved its way in living lireame ; To haunt us left we kneel and pray f Rife, Chrillian ! mee t the ray ! Chuck ! humbly Cream ado re ”If And Whilc it PO0N its 8 0146 0 5 112. rrrr. That He may rife thy leading liar, o h, le t it 80146 0 tho ughts infpire To warm and light thee from afar, f UP: Chrillian, hail the day ! f Thy brightnefs eve rmo re. f Shake o f the lingering mo uld o f night ; p If night hathdro pped a {po t o f bane, Put o n the armo ur o f the light ; To fo il thy co nfcience, walhthe llain Reno unce a languid cafe ; In Cu am’ s all- precio us blo o d af Apparel thee in ho ly drers, f Full ll rengthened by His co rdial Grace , The garb o fjasu ’ a Righteo ufnel ' a ; Efi' ay thy fo ul ’ e diurnal race, p The n fall upo n thy knees. Sufiained by fain tly food. Then when the day draws near the Well, And tells thee o f approaching reli, To cafe thy weary head, rra . O pray a Savio u r ’ a riche lt lo ve May dro p in radiance from above, pp To gild thy dying bed. mf Lo o k fo rth, mine eye, lo o k up, and view No r twilight plagues, no r midnight fears, H ow bright the daylight lhines o n me ; No r mo rtal, no r immo rtal fo es , And as the mo rning do th renew, H ad po wer to take us in their fna ras , Mark how renewed Go d ’ s mercies be. But fafe we flept, and safe aro fc. II. Beho ld the fplendo rs o f the day D the Ihadows o f the night ; And who late in darka lay, Have now the comfo rts o f the light. p So when that mo rning do th appear, In which Tho u lhalt all flefhdellro y, We {hall no t be awaked with fear, era . But rife and meet Thy SON with joy. IV. f Let heart, and hand, and vo ice, acco rd This day to magnify Thy name ; And let u s every day, 0 Lo a n ! Co ntinu e to perfo rm the fame. AS MOUNTS ON HIGH THE OR B OF DAY. 7cm lucis orto/Mere. mommg. I if As mo u n ts o n high the o rb o f day, Withlo wly fu it to Go v we pray, To fhield us from the Ihafts o f ill, While we o ur daily talk s fulfil. IV pThe to e o f lice nfe may He curb, mf That when the daylight difappears, e lho u ld fweet repo fe difiu rb ; And night ag ain her Ib ads uprears, His nurlin favo r fcreen the li ht, Ou r fo uls preferved from wo rldly ( l ain, Left it (ho (I drink o f vain ht. To Go o may lift the thankful firm f To Go o the FATH ER give the praife, To Go o the So n the fame upraife With Bo th the COMFORTER ado re, From ag e to ag e, fo r evermo re. III. Our inmo fl: tho u ghts be ever pure ! May linful folly ne ’ er allure ! And let the flelh, with pride inflamed, By temperance be g ently tamed ; o GOD OF MORNING, AT WHOSE VOICE. morning. I . IV. f 0 G00 o f mo rning, at Who se vo ice p Bu t I {hall ro ve, and lo fe the race, The cheerfu l fu n makes hafie to rife, If Go d, my Su n, lhall difappear , And like a giant do th rejo ice And leave me in this wo rld ’ s wild maz e , To ru n his j o urney thro u gh the lk ies To fo llow every wandering Itar. II. V. From fairelt chambers o f the Ball: mf Lo rd, Thy co mmands are clean an d put The circu it o f his race begins Enlight ’ ning o ur beclo u ded eyes Witho u t o r wearinefs o r refi, Thy threat ’ ning s j ust, Thy promife furs Aro u nd the earth he flies and lhines Thy Go fpel makes the fimple wise. mf Oh! like the fu n may I fulfil Thy co u nfel give me fo r my guide, Th ’ appo inted du ties o f the day And then receive me to Thy blifs With ready mind, and active will, All my defires and ho pes belide March o n, and keep my heav ’ nly way ! Are fain t and co ld co mpared with this RISE , MY SOUL, ADORE THY MAKER. fl aming. No . 1 0 f RISE, my fo ul, ado re thy Maker ! 1 ) O LOR D JESUS, GOD Almighty, Angels praife Pray fo r me Jo in thy lays Till I fee With them be partaker. Thee in Salem’ s city . II . V. p FATH ER , Lo rd o f every Spirit, HOLY GH OST, by JESUS given , In Thy light Be my Guide, Lead me right, Lest my pride Thro ugh my SAVIOUR ’ S merit. Shut me o u t o f heaven . III VI. mf Never call me fro m Thy Presence mf Tho u the night waft my Pro tecto r Till my fo ul With me flay Shall be full All the day, Of Thy blefséd Efl ' ence. Ever my Directo r. VII. f Ho ly, ho ly, ho ly Giver Of all go o d, Life and fo o d, f Reign, ado red fo r ever ! ALL PRAISE TO THEE , MY GOD THIS NIGHT. E hcmug. No . I I . I. IV. f A L I. praife to Thee, my GO D, this night, 0 may my fo u l o n Thee repo fe , F o r all the blefling s o f the light, And may fweet fleep mine eyelids clo fe ; K eep me, 0 keep me, KI NG o f KI NGS, Sleep, that may me mo re vig ’ ro us make Be neath Thine Own Almighty wings. To fe rve my GOD when I awak e ! V. p F o rgive me, LOR D, fo r Thy dear So n, When in the night I fl eeplefs lie, The ill that I this day have do ne ; My fo u l with heavenly tho u ghts fupply ! T hat withthe wo rld, my felf, and Thee, Let no ill dreams diftu rb my refl, I, ere I fleep, at peace may be. No po wers o f dark nefs me mo lefl l III. VI. Teach me to live, that I may dread f Praife GOD, fromWho mall blefling s flow, The g rave as li ttle as my bed ! Praife H im, all creatures here below ! TO the, that this vile bo dy may Praife Him above, ye heavenly ho fl l Rife glo rio us at the awfu l Day. Praife FATH ER , SON, and HOLY GH OST ! I . IV. mf SUN o f my fo u l , Tho u SAVIOU R dear, p If fome po o r wan dering child o f Thine It is no t night if Tho u be near Have fpu rned to - day the vo ice divine, 0 may no earth - bo rn clo ud arife Now, LOR D, the gracio us wo rk be gin ; To hide Thee from Thy fervant ’ s eyes . Let him no mo re lie do wn in fin. II. V. p When the fo ft dews o f kindly fleep, Watch by the lick ; en rich the po o r My wearied eyelids gently Resp, With blefiing s fro m Thy bo u ndlefs {to re Be my laf ’ t tho ught how fweet to rei ’ r Be every mo u rner ’ s fleep to - night, F o r ever o n my Savio ur ’ s breafl. Like infant ’ s flumbe rs , pu re and light. III. VI. mf A bide With Ime from mo rn till eve, f Come near and blefs us when we wak e, F o r witho u t Thee I canno t live ; E re thro u gh the wo rld o u r way we tak e. A bide with me when night is nigh, Till in the o cean o f Thy lo ve F o r witho u t Thee I dare no t die. We lo fe o u rfelves in heaven abo ve. NOW THE SHINING DAY IS PAST. a betting. No . 1 3 ’ lhining day is pafl, An d the beauties o f the light Are withlhadows o vercalt By the man tle o f the n ight f Than ks to Thee, 0 Lo an, I pay Fo r the bleflings o f this day ; Alking grace fo r everyfin, Whereby erred I have therein. II. IV. pTho ughthe Sun hathleft us now, p And fmce deathand fleep are faid And withho lds his light from me ; Some refemblances to have, Lo an, from hen ce depart no t Tho u, In my bed ere I am laid No r in darkn efs le t me be ; SO prepare me fo r my grave, Bu t the rays Of Grace divine ( f er. That withcomfo rt wake I may, Cause Tho u ro un d me (kill to lhine, To enjo y the fo llowin g day An d withmercy overfpread Or if deathclo fe up min e eyes, Bo thmy perfo n and my bed. Relt in hope till all lhall rife. mf Chafe all wicked fiends from hence, That they do me n o defpite, By deluding Of the fen fe Thro ughthe darknefs Of the n ight ; But, O LORD, from all my fo es Le t Thine angels me in clo fe, And pro teét me in my neep, When myl ’ elf I cann o t keep. THE SUN IS SINKING FAST. Q ueuing. TH E fu n is linking fall ; SO now beneath H is eye The daylight dies Wo u ld calmly rel ’c, Let lo ve awake and pay Witho u t a wilho r tho u ght Her evening facrifice. Abiding in the brealt, II. V. As C H R IST upo n the Cro fs mf Save that H is will be do ne, In death reclined, Whate ’ er betide ; Into H is Father ’ s hands p Dead to herfelf, and dead H is parting fo u l refig ned In H im to all belide. III. VI. SO now herfelf my fo u l crer. Thus wo u ld I live, yet now Wo uld who lly g ive No t I, bu t H e Into H is facred In all H is po w ’ r and lo ve In Whom all rits live Hencefo rth alive in me. VII. f One facred Trinity One LOR D divine Myfelf fo r ever His ! And He fo r ever mine sf AEInE withme ! fall falls the even tide ; The darkn efs deepen s ; Lo an, withme abide ! ra When Other helpers fail, an d comfo rts flee, fHelp of the helplefs, (p) 0 abide withme. II. IV. p Swift to its clo fe ebbs o u t life ’ s little day f I fear no foe, withThee at hand to blefs ; Earth’ s j oys grow dim, its glo rie s pafs away ; Ills have n o weight, an d tears n o bittern efs Change an d decay in all aro und I fee, Whe re is Death’ s fling ? where, Grave, thy victo ry? f O Tho u, Who changell: no t, (p) abide withme. I triumphltill, (p) if Thou abide withme. V. pp Ho ld Tho u Thy Oro la befo re my clofing eyes ! Shine thro ughthe glo om, and po in t me to the lk ies ! era . Heaven ’ s mo rn ing bre aks, an d earth’ s vain lhadows flee ; fIn life and death, (p) 0 Lo an, abide withme ! p I need Thy prefence eve ry pafling ho ur ; What bu tThy Grace can fo il the Tempter ’ s po wer? ‘ trer. Who like Thyl ' elf my guide and flay can be ? fThro ughclo ud and fun lhine (p) 0 abide withme. THE CHRISTIAN ’ S PATH SHINES MORE AND MORE . fibeuiug. No . 1 6. I . of THE Chrillian ’ s pathlhines mo re and mo re, From mo rn to pe rfefiday Yet dark ’ ning llo rms will rife the while, And hide the chee ring ray Tho ughclo uds may dimFaith’ s heavenward flight, f At evening time it fhall be light. IV. pWhen comfo rts fail, and friends are few, fAt evening time it lhall be light ; And griefs his pathfurro und p 8 0 runs the promife dear, Tho ughall is dar k witho ut, within To chee r the pilgrim’ s fainting heart. rm. A heav ' nly light is fo und. When death’ s dark ho ur draws near, NO change Of l ' cene his peace can blight, ( res. E ’ e n midli the gloom o f Nature ’ s night, f At evening time it lhall be light. f At evening time it lhall be light. III mf ’Tis goo d at times that pilgrimfaints Fo r but a moment ’ s fpace , Sho uld feel that GOD, in wrathatfin, Can hide His fmiling face. Behind that veil the fun lhines bright, fAt evening time it lhall be light. ER E I SLEEP, FOR EVERY FAVOUR S tarting. I . p ER E I lleep, fo r p Leave me no t, bu t ever lo ve me This day lh Let Thy peace B my GOD, Be my blifs, fI will blefs my SAVIOUR . Till Tho u hence remove me. II. V. a]O my LOR D, what lhall I render Vilit me with Thy falvatio n ; To Thy Name, Let Thy care Still the fame, No w be near, Gracio us, go o d, and tender ? Ro und my habitatio n. III. VI. Tho u hall o rdere d all my go ings f Tho u , my Ro ck, my Guard, my To wer, In Thy way Safely k eep, Hear me pray, While I lleep, Sanctify my do ings. Me with all Thy power. VII p 8 0, whene ’ er in death I llumber, eras. Let me rife With the wife, f Co unted in their number. 1/ SAVIOUR, BREATHE AN EVENING BLESSING. fibmiug. No . I 9 . pp SAvIOU R, breathe an evening blefling, mf Tho ugh the night be dark and dreary, E re repo fe o u r fpirits feal ; Dark nefs canno t hide from Thee Sin and want we come co nfefling Tho u art He, Who , never weary, Tho u canll: fave, and Tho u canlt Watchell where Thy peo ple be. hea l . p Sho uld fwift deaththis night o ’ ertak e p Tho ugh del ’ tructio n walk aro und us, us, Tho ugh the arrow palt us fly, And o u r co uch become o ur tomb, Angel - gu ards from Thee furro u nd us mes. May the mom in heaven awake u s, f We are fafe if Tho u art nig h . ~ Clad in light and deathlefs blo om ! HEAR PRAYER, O HEAVENLY FATHER . i nn ing. NO . 2 0. I. III. p HEAR my prayer, O Heavenly FATH ER , p Keep me, thro ugh this night o f peril, E re I lay me do wn to lleep: Underneath its bo undlefs lhade ; Bid Thy angels, pure and ho ly, Take me to Thy reft, I pray Thee, R o u nd my bed their vigil keep. When my pilgrimage is made. II. IV. cu r. Heavy tho ug h my lins, Thy mercy mf No ne fhall meafure o ut Thy patie nce Far o u tweighs them every o ne ; By the fpace o f human tho ught Down befo re Thy Cro ls I call them, No ne lhall bo und the tende r mercies , Tru lling in Thy help alo ne. Which Thy Ho ly SON hath bo u g ht. V p Pardo n all my palt tranfgreflio ns ; Give me lireng thfo r days to come ; Guide and guard me with Thy blel ' ling, pp Till Thine angels bid me ho me. MY GOD, WHEN I FROM SLEEP AWAKE. B laming. I. IV. mf M Y GOD, when I from fleep awak e mf Shine o n me, LOR D ! new life impart ! The fo le po fl ' e l ' lio n o f me take ; Frelhardo u rs kindle in my heart ! F rom midnight terro rs me fecure, One ray o f Thy allq uick ’ n ing lig ht And guard my heart fro m tho ughts im Difpels the flo th and clo u ds o f night. pu re ! 0 may I always ready Rand, With my lamp bu rning in my hand May I in light o f Heav ’ n rejo ice, Whene ’ er I hear the Bridegro om’ s vo ice p Ble fl: J ESU, Tho u, o n H eav ’ n inten t, Who le nig hts hall: in devo tio n fpent ; B ut I, frail creature, fo o n am tire d, And all my z eal is fo o n ex pired. V p LOR D, lell: the Tempter me fu rprife, Watch o ver Thine Own facrifice ! All lo o fs, all idle tho ughts call o u t, And make my very dreams devo u t ! VI f Praife GOD, from Whom all bleliing s flow Praife H im, all creatu res here below ; Praife H im abo ve, ye heavenly ho ll ; Praife FATH ER , SON, and HOLY GHOST ! p As now the fun ’ s departing rays At fall o f night defccnd, SO quick declines the day Of life, Still halting to its end. LOR D, llretching o ut Thine arms to us, Tho u o n the Gro fs didl ’ t lie p Grant us that blefl ' é d Gro fs to lo ve, dim. In tho fe dear arms to die. III. mf To GOD the Father give the praife , With CH R IST H is o nly So n ; To GOD the Spirit give the fame, While co untlefs ages run. THROUGH THE DAY THY LOVE HATH SPARED US . en suing. NO 2 3 THE DAY IS PAST AND OVER. t inn. TI)? fipe ' pa v dsehfldm N0. 2 4 A - men mf TH E day is pall: and o ver mf The to ils o f day are o ver All thanks, 0 LOR D, to Thee ! We raife the hymn to Thee, We pray Thee, that o fl ' encelefs And alk that free from peril p The ho urs o f dark may be : p The ho urs o f fear may be p 0 J ESU , keep us in Thy fight, p 0 J ESU, keep us in Thy light, c m. And fave us thro ugh the coming night ! cm. And guard us thro ugh the coming night II. IV. mf The jo ys o f day are o ver mf Be Tho u o ur fo uls ’ Preferver, We lift o u r hearts to Thee, O GOD fo r Tho u do ll: kno w, And call o n Thee that linlefs H ow many are the perils, p The ho urs o f gloom may be p Thro ugh which we have to g o 1) O JESU, make o ur dark nelis lig ht, 1) Lo ver o f men, 0 hear o u r call, cm. And fave us thro u gh the coming night ! en s . And guard and fave us from them all ‘ m DAY o f rell and gladnefs ! 0 day Of jo y and light ! 0 balm o f care and fadne fs, Mo ll beau tiful, mo lt bright ! ”a . On thee, the highand lowly, Thro ughages jo ined in tune, fSing ho ly, ho ly, ho ly, TO GOD the great Triune ! II . Inf On thee, at the Creatio n, ( res. New graces ever gainin The light firll had its birth; From this o ur day o f tell, On thee, fo r o ur falvatio n , We reachthe re fs remainin g Chrill: ro fe from depths o f earth To fpirits Of the blell ; rm. On thee o ur LORD viéto rio us [ To HOLY GHOST be praifes, The Sn arr fen t from Heaven ; To FATHER and to SON, fAnd thus o n thee, mo lt glo rio us, The Churchher vo ice upraifes A triple light was given . TO Thee, blelt THREE IN ONE ! p To - day o n weary natio ns The heav ’ nly Manna falls ; To ho ly co nvo catio ns The fIlver trumpe t calls, trer. Where go fpel - light is glowing Withpure and radian t beams, fAnd living water flowing Withfo ul - refrelhing lireams . HAIL, SACRED DAY OF EARTHLY REST. If H A I L ! facred day o f earthly relt, pAll earthly things appear to fade, F rom to il and tro u ble free ; As, riling high and higher, H ail ! quiet fpirit, bringing peace ares. The yearning vo ices ltrive to jo in p And jo y to me. p The heav ’ nly cho ir. II . a A ho ly flillnefs, breathing calm mf Fo r tho fe, who ling with faints below On all the wo rld aro u nd, Glad fo ngs o f heav ’ nly lo ve, res. U plifts my fo u l, O GOD, to Thee, crer. Shall ling,when fo ngs o f earthhave ceafed, 1 ) Where refl: is fo und. 1 ) With faints abo ve. NO fo und o f jarring flrife is heard, 1) Accept, O GOD, my hymn o f praife, As week ly labo rs ecafe That Tho u this day halt iven, NO vo ice, bu t tho fe that fweetly Sing mes. Sweet fo retallze o f that en dle 3 day p Sweet fo ngs o f peace. pp Of re l ’ r in heaven. TO THY TEMPLE I R EPAIR. Shannan. I. mf To Thy temple I repair ; p While the prayers Of faints afcend, LOR D , I lo ve to wo rlhip there ; GOD Of Love, to mine attend! When , within the veil, I meet Hear me, fo r Thy SPI R IT pleads ; CH R IST befo re the mercy- feat. Hear, fo r JESUS intercedes. II. Tho u , thro ugh H im, art reco nciled ; I, thro u gh H im, beco me Thy child ; p Abba, FATH ER , give me grace In Thy co urts to feck Thv face ! III. VI. f While Thy glo rio us praife is fung , f Fro m Thy ho ufe when I return, To u ch my lips, u nlo o fe my to ngue, May my heart within me burn ; That my jo yfu l fo u l may blefs And at eve ning let me fay Thee, the LOR D, o ur Righteoufnefs ! I have walked with GOD to -day. V 1 ) While I hearken to Thy law, Fill my So u l with humble awe Till Thy Go fpel bring to me Life and immo rtality. ON EACH RETURN OF HOLY REST. 5 1111113 2. NO. 2 9 . I . III. mf On each return o f ho ly tell, p When, humbly kneeling at Thy Thro ne, The day my heavenly FATH ER bleli , With deep diltrefs my gu ilt I own, 0 let my happ y po rtio n be Then let my co ntrite fpirit fee TO find fupreme delight in Thee ; E no u gh o f pardo ning grace in Thee ; f In Thee, my GOD, in Thee ! eras. In Thee, my GOD, in Thee ! II. IV. mf Tho fe precio us ho urs I wo uldimpro ve mf When in Thy temple I ado re, In fervent prayer, in facred lo ve ; And tru th ’ s unfathomed mines ex lo re ; F rom earth ’ s po llu ting pleafures free, Or trembling taife the One in Three, To find my every jo y in Thee ; Frelhglo ries et me view in Thee ; f In Thee, my GOD, in Thee ! f In Thee, my GOD, in Thee ! V f Thus, o n each day o f ho ly relt, May I with heavenly jo y be blelt, And, in a bright eternity, (res. Have my undying blifs in Thee ; WELCOME, SWEET DAY OF REST. I. III. f WE LCOME, fweet day o f ref ’c, p One day amidlt the place, That faw the LOR D arife ; Where o u r dear LOR D hath been, Welcome to this reviving breall, Is fwee tcr than ten tho u fand days And thefe rejo icing e yes ! Of pleafure and o f lin. The KI NG H imfelf comes near, And fealts H is faints to - day We here may fit, and fee H im here, And love, and praife, and pray . IV. f My willing fo u l wo uld flay In fucha frame as this, And lit, and li ng herfelf away To everlalting blifs. THIS PRIMAL DAY, THE SPRING OF TIME. Die parente Iemporum. s unt an. f T H IS primal day, the fpring o f Time, p 0 FATH E R , Who hall: fixed o n me W he n, pu tting forth H is po w ’ r fu blime , The {lamp o f Thy Divinity , T he Sire AL MI GH TY, So u rce o f all, Teach all my tho ughts o n Thee to rel ’ c F rame d by H is wo rd this earthly ball ; No lo ve but Thine to fill my bre alt. II. V. When, death defeating, from the g rave O SON, thro u gho ut this mo rtal firife, U pro fe the SON, a wo rld to fave ; Grant me to lhare Thy death, Thy life When GOD ’ S go o d Spirit came t ’ infpire To live devo te to Thee abo ve, T he fo uls o f men with gifts o f fire A facrifice o f bu rning lo ve. III. VI. with ardent glow, O Fo nut o fgifts from heav ' n ’ s fair lhrine, On e very heart pro fufely flow, Thyfelf a gift flill mo re divine, While we with t wice triumphant li ng Be Tho u a to rch o f q uenchlefs light H igh praife to o ur life - giving K ING . Inflame my bres il to feck Thy sight ! VII. f O SOVER EIGN o f my heart, to Thee, Thrice ho ly, do I bend my knee ; Thine eve r thro ugh each paliing ho ur. I lo ve Thee with my n tmo fl: po we r. o LORD OF HOLY REST, WE PRAY. m LOR D o f ho ly Refl, we pray mf NO mo re fatigue, no mo re diflrefi; In this Thy ho ufe, o n this Thy day ! No r fin, no r hell, lhall reach the place Own Tho u, as grateful facrifice, The fo ngs which from o ur lips arife. f Thine earthly Sabbaths, LOR D, we lo ve ; crer. NO rude alarms Of raging fo es Bu t there ’ s a no bler relt abo ve NO cares to break the lo ng repo fe ; To that o u r lab ’ ring fo uls afpire, No midnight lhade, no clo uded fun, Withardent pangs Of flro ng delire. But facred, high, eternal no o n. V fO lo ng- expected day, begin ! Rife o ’ er thefe realms o f wo e and lin ! dim. We fain wo uld leave this we ro ad, p And lleep in death, to relt wi GOD. JESUS CALLS US ’MID TH E TUMULT. Runten) . or General. I. III p J ESUS calls us ’mid the tumu lt, sf JESUS ealls us fiom the wo rlhip, Rei ning o ’ er life ’ s tro ubled fea ; Paid to lucre ’ s go lden lio te Eve r l g wee t H is vo ice refo unde th, Luring us fro m every ido l, Saying, Chrillian, fo llow Me. Saying, Chrillian, lo ve Me mo re. If As, o f Old, St. Andrew heard it By the Galilean lake, Turned fro m home, and to il, and k in dred, Leaving all fo r His dear fake. V cres. J ESUS calls us by Thy mercies, SAVIOUR , may we hear Thy call ; Give o ur hearts to Thy o bedience, f Serve and lo ve Thee belt o f all ! IV p ’Midft o urjoys, and pains, and lOrrows, Days Of to il, and ho urs of eafi, Still H e calls, in cares and pleafim , Chrillian, lo ve Me mo re than thefe. ” HARK A TRUMPET VOICE OF WARNI NG. En clam Vox . f H A R K a trumpet vo ice o f warning . mf Lo ! the Lamb, with free remiflio n, Pealeththro ugh the realms o f Night Come s to earthto cleanfe and fave: Chafe afar the dreams Of dark ne fs Let us kneel with tears o f fo rro w, Chrill: defcends in flames o f light. ” H is fo rgiving lo ve to crave. II. Le t the fo ul lhak e o f her to rpo r, p Then, when nex t He beams in fplendo r, Bo und no mo re by mo rtal clay ; Girding ro u nd the wo rld with dread, Burlts the Star o f Mo rn in brightnefs , H e above e (b enching every baneful ray. Shall a lhield o f mercy f Mi ht and ho no u r, praife and glo ry, Give the FATH ER and the SON Jo in the SPIR IT in the homage, Lo ng as endlefs ag es run. THE LORD OF MIGHT, FROM SINAI ’ S BROW. absent. N 3 5 f THE LORD o f might, from Sinai ’ s brow, Gave fo rthHis vo ice o f thunder ; And Ifrael lay on earthbelow, Outliretched in fear and wo nder BeneathHis fee t was pitchy night, And at His left hand, an d His right, p The LORD of Love, the LORD o f Might, The KING o f all created, tree. Shall back re turn to claim His right, On clo uds o f g lo fe ated ; f Withtrumpe t - fo un and angel- fo ng, And hallelujahs lo ud an d long, O ’ er deathand hell defeated. p The LORD of Love, o n Calvary, A mee k and fufl ' ering flranger, Upraifed to heaven His langu id eye, In Nature ’ s ho ur of danger : Fo r us He bore the weight o f woe, Fo r us He gave His Bloo d to flow, And met His FATHER ’ s anger. BLEST FRAMER OF THE STARRY HEIGHT. Creator almefideram. flhhmt. I. nfBL EST Framer o f the flarry height, f When o nce Thy Name, in glo rio us power, Thy people ’ s everlalting ht, Comes ringing o n the midnight ho u r, f Go o d J ESU, Savio ur Of us a l, The lto o ping ho lts o f Heaven and Hell 0 lilten as we humbly call. With trembling knee their terro r tell. Le li Earth, betrayed by wiles o f Hell, 1 ) Avert Thy wrath we humbly pray, Sho uld perilh, Tho u hal ’ t bro ke the fpell Great Judge o f that tremendo us Day And, fired by lo ve, unfailing, fure, With weapo ns o f Thy heav ’ nly grace F o r lin - lick man art fou nd the cure. Defend u s from the fo eman ’ s face. 9 TO blo t away that commo n fin, f Might, ho no ur, majelty, and praife, Which ltained the wo rld witho ut, within, To GOD the F ather highwe raife ; Tho u , Cro fs - ward, fro mtheVirg in ’ s lhrine, With GOD the Spirit lau d the Son, Art halting, fpo tlefs Lamb, divine. Till ro lling ages ecafe to run. LO ! HE COMES WITH CLOUDS DESCENDING. fitment. NO. 3 8 I. srf LO ! He comes withclo uds defcending, mho fe dear to ken s o f His Paflion Once for favoured fin n ers flain ; Still His daz z lin g Bo dy bears, Tho ufand tho ufand fain ts attending Caufe o f endle fs exultatio n Swell the triumpho f His train f Hallelujah! f Wi thwhat rapture Jesus, King o f kings lhall reign ! Gaz e we o n tho fe glo rio us fears ! p Every eye fliall now beho ld Him, Raised in dreadfiil majefly ; Tho fe, who fe t at no ught and Pierced, and nailed Him to pp Deeply wailing, Shall the true MESSIAH fee. IV t a, Amen, le t all ado re Thee ! Highon Thine eternal Throne ! SAVIOUR, take the power and glory, Claim the Kin gdom fo r Thine Own 0 come quickly ! Everlalling GOD, come down ! G REAT GOD, WHAT D O I SE E AND HEAR ! p GR EAT GOD, what d0 I fee and hear ! p Bu t fmm fifled withgnilty feam, The end of things created ! Beho ld His wrathprevailing The Ju dge o f man kind do thappea r, In woe they rife, an d find their tears On cla ads o f glo ry feated ! And fighs are unavailing: The trumpe t fo unds ! the graves rello re The day o f Grace is pall and go ne ; The dead, whichthey co n tained befo re They trembling ltand befo re the Throne, Prepare, my fo ul, to meet Him I All unprepared to mee t Him. II in] The dead in Chitin are firfl to rife, And gree t th’ Archan gel ’ s warning, To mee t the Savio ur in the lkies On this treme ndo us morn ing NO glo omy fears their fo uls difmay; H is prefence lheds e ternal day On tho fe prepared to mee t Him. IV. But le t no t dread my bof om wrin g, A load o f harm hearing A wo ndro us fight do thcomfo rt bring f The Judge my n ature wearing! p BeneathHis Gro fs I view the day, When heaven an d earthlhall pafs away, And thus prepare to meet Him. HARK ! HARK THE SOUND ! THE SAVIOUR CO MES anbent. NO . 40 III. f HAR K !hark the fo u nd! the SAVIOUR comes, pHe comes, the bro ken heart to bind, The SAVIOUR , pro mifed lo ng ; The bleeding fo ul to cure, Let every heart p repare a thro ne, And with the treafures Of H is grace And every v0ice a fo ng! T ’ enrich the humble po o r. fHe comes, the prifo ners to releafe, f Our glad H ofannas, PR INcE o r PEAcs, In Sata n ’ s bo ndage held: Thy welcome lhall pro claim, The gates o f brafs befo re Him burfl, And Heav ’ n ’ s eternal arches ring The iro n fetters yield . With Thy beloved Name. LO ! HE COMES ! LET ALL ADORE H IM ! I mf LO! He comes ! Let all adore Him! ’Tis the GOD o f grace an d truth! Go ! prepare the way be fo re Him! Make the rugged places fmo o th! f Lo ! He comes, the mighty LORD ! Great His wo rk, and His reward. II. as] Let the valleys all be eaifé d; Go, and make the cro o ked lh'aight ; Let the mo un tain s be abaféd Le t allNature change its Ease Thro ughthe defert mark a road; Make a highway for o ur GOD. III. Where the thorn and b riar flo urilhed, Trees lhall there be feen to grow, Plan ted by the LORD, an d n ourilhed, Stately, fair, and fruitfiil to o : They lhall rife o n everyfide ; They lball fpresd their branche s IV. Down the hills, and lo fty mo untain s, Rivers lball be feen to flow; There the LORD will open fountain s, Then ce fupply the plains below f As He pafl ' e s, every land Shall confcfs His powerful hand. THOU JUDGE OF QUICK AND DEAD fl hlmlt, or General. I . p THOU JUDGE o f quick and dead, Beliu 'e Who fe bar fevere , Withho ly jo y, o r guilty dread, We all lball fo on appear ; Our fouls do Thou prepare An d fill us now And llir us up to pray ; H. To pray, and wait the ho ur, That awful ho ur unknown, When , ro bed in majelly an d pow’ r, To judge the human race, Withall Thy FATHER ’ s daz z ling train, Withall Thy glo rious grace. To damp o ur earthly jo ys, T’ increafe o ur ho ly fears, Fo r ever let th’ Archangel ’ s vo ice Be founding in o ur ears The fo lemn midnight cry f “ Ye deed, the jtmon is come Arife, and mee t Him in the lhy, And mee t yo ur infiant doom! IV. Oh! may we all be fo und Obedien t to Thy wo rd, Attentive to the trumpe t ’ s fo und, And loo king for o ur l o an ! Oh! may we thus in fure A lo t among the blefi, And watcha momen t, to fecure An everlafiing re fl ! DAY OF WRATH ! THAT AWFUL DAY. Die: in : Die: 1714 D AY o f wrath ! that awful Day, E arth in afhcs do omed to lay Seers fo reto ld the dread difplay Ho w the wo rld with fear lhall fhak e, When the Judge lball H eav ’ n fo rfak e, Strict acco unt o f all to take II. Thrills the trump ’ s amaz ing to ne Thro ugh the tombs o f ages flown, Calling all befo re the thro ne. Death and Nature Rand aghafi, While Creatio n, thro ugh the vafic, Wakes to anfwer fo r the pafiz. III. Then the Reco rd lhall be fpread, Whence the hem arraign is read, Sealing do om to quick and dead. When the Judge H is feat hath ta ’ en, Burfis to light what hid hath lain, Naught {hall unavenged remain . I ' V Wretch, what plea then {hall I name ? What defender dare to claim, When the ju ft fcarce ’ fcape the flame ? King o f awful majefty, Bringing refcu e full and free, F o unt o f pity rcfcue me. VII. pp Thin k, go o d s u , think, I pray, p Tho u from crime didfiMary clear Tho u fo r me didfitread Thy way Lentcfito a thief Thine ear ; L e t me no t be [o il that day. ere: . E ’ en to me gav ’ li: hope to cheer. We ary cam’ li Tho u me to g ain Tho ugh my prayers can no thing earn, Sav ’dfime thro ugh the Cro fs o f pain LOR D , to me in pity turn, Su chThy to il be no t in vain. Lefi: in deathlefs fire I burn. P a r t II. VI. VIII. p Righteo us Ju dge, when vengeance cries , p Grant me with Thy fheep to Ba nd, Gran t fo rg ivenefs fro m the flt ies, mf Seve red from the finful band, E re the Reck ’ ning Day arife. p Safely fet o n Thy right hand. Gro aning I lament my fin ; mf When the cur -13d, dumb with lhame , Blu fhmy check s at g uilt within ; Sentenced are to piercing flame, dimMay my prayer Thy mercy win ! p With the blcfl: 0 call my name. IX ere: . Lo w in prayer my . knees are bent ; dim. Crufhed to duf ’ t, m heart is rent ; 1 ) Be my Ray when t. ere: . That fhall be a d When the gu ilty o ne ap cars, Ril ’ n from allies, pale with fears. As he meets his Judge difirefi, p Spare him, s u ever blefl: pp Grant to all eternal rel! ZION, AT THY SHINING GATES . milie u. NO 4 5 ZION , at thy fhining Give u s grace Thy yo ke to wear ; LO the King Of Glo ry waits Give u s i ’ treng thThy Cro fs to be ar ; Halle thy Mo narch ’ s pomp to greet, Make us Thine in deed and wo rd, Strew thy palms befo re H rs feet ! Thine in heart and life, 0 LOR D . II. V. Cn n xs 'r, fo r Thee their triple light, Kill in us the carnal fo o t, Faith, and Ho pe, and Lo ve unite ; That the Sp a m may bear fruit This the beaco n we difplay, Plan t in us Thy lowly mind TO pro claim Thine Advent Day. Keep us faithfu l, loving, k ind. VI. 9 Come, and give us peace within ; f SO, when Tho u {halt come ag ain , LOOfe us fro m the bands Offin Judge Of ange ls and Of men , Take away the galling weight, We, withall Thy faints, fhall ling Laid o n u s by Satan ’ s hate. Hallelujahs to o ur King. BEHOLD l THE BAPTIST ’ S WARNING SOUNDS . NO. I f B EH OL D ! the Baptilt ’ s warning fo unds p Tho u, J s s u , Tho u o ur fafety art, Thrill thro ugh the Jo rdan ’ s winding The {trcng thand balm o f eve s - y heart ; bo u nds As grafs that fades , o u r mo r race As rings his herald vo ice o n high, Lies pining fo r Thy abfent Face. Let lifilefs llumber qu ickly fly V. The heaven , the o cean, an d the . earth, Stretcfi‘ ej ‘ f ’thThy Hand the fiCk to Their great C reato r 3 co ming birth Lift u p the fall ’ n Thy Face reveal See rifing o n their lo nging s ight, And greet it with fupreme delight. Earth ’ s beau ty, that In du ft hath lam, Revive, and bid it blo o m again. III mf Then cleanfe yo u r hearts , to fin a prey f TO H im, Who comes the wo rld to free, F o r GOD appro aching fmo o ththe way ; TO SON, and FATH ER , ho no ur be ; Prepare fo r H im a place o f refi, Thee, gracio us SPIR IT, we ado re, Meet home fo r fucha wo rthy Guefi. Fro m ag e to ag e, fo r evermo re. DAY OF JUDGMENT ! DAY OF WONDERS ' fitment. I. III. p DAY Of Judgment ! Day Of wo nders ! f At H is call the dead awaken, Hark! the M pef s awful fo und, Rife to life fro m earth and fea ; (res. Lo u der than a tho ufand thu nders, All the po w ’ rs Of Natu re, ihak en Shakes the vaficreatio n ro und ! By H is lo o ks, prepare to flee p How the fummo ns p Carclefs (inner, Will the finner ’ s heart co nfo und! What will then become Of thee ? II. IV. mf See the Judge, o ur nature wearing, But to tho fe, who have co nfeffé d, Clo thed in ma ' elty divine ‘Lo ved and ferved the LOR D be Y o u , who lo n o r H is a pearing, crer. He will fay, “ Come near, ye Then lball ay, “ This OD is mine ! See the k in dom I befiow Gracio us SAVIOUR , f Y o u, o r ever, Own me in that day fo r Thine. Shall My love and g lo ry V. inf Under fo rro ws and repro aches, May this tho ught o ur co u rage raife ! Swiftly GOD ’ S Great Day appro aches Sighs lhall then be turned to praife f We iball triumph When the wo rld is in a blaz e ! O SAVIOUR ! IS THY PROMISE FLED fl hbtnt, or General. NO . p 0 SA VIOUR is Thy promife fled ? Y et, ’mid the wild and wintry gale, No r lo nger might Thygrace endure When death rides darkly o ’ er the fea, TO heal the lick , and raife the dead, And fl reng thand earthly daring fail, And preach the Go fpel to the po o r ? Our prayers, RE DEEMER, refl o n Thee . mf Come ! s u s, co me ! retu rn a g ain ; Withbrighter beam Thy ervants mf Come ! Je s u s, co me ! and as o f yo re blefs, The Pro phet went to clear Thy way, Who lo ng to feel Thy perfeét reign, A harbinger Thy fee t befo re, And [hare Thykingdo m’ s happinefs . A dawning to Thy brig hter day ; p A feeble race, by paflio n driven, trey. SO nowmayg race,withheavenly lhower, In dark nefs and in do u bt we ro am, Our {to ny hearts fo r truth prepare ; erer. And lift o u r anxio u s eyes to heaven, Sow in o ur minds the feed o f powe r, Ou r ho pe, o ur harbour, and o ur Then come, and reap Thy harvell home. there LORD, GIVE US OF THAT FERVENT LOVE. St. ltbomas . NO. 5 0. I flf LOR D, give us o f that fervent lo ve, That warm effufio n from abo ve, Which filled Thy fervant ’ s breafi, When hearing Tho u mul ’ t qu it his view, He mo urned that he no pathway knew, TO trace Thee to Thy R efi. II. pWhen Tho u wert nailed, and pierced, and dead, Upo n the cursed tree that fpread Its arms to palin light, Still lo ving Thee, he idly wept Tho fe bleeding fears the flee ! had left, Deep graven o n his fight. V. p Go o d LOR D, Who didfl defcry the fpo t, Where he was marred by carnal blo t, Tho u gh lo ving to the laft ; grant, by Faith we may be flayed, H is fo ft rebu ke o u r faving aid, f On Tru th o ur ancho r call . Then, fo rely hau nted by the view, When fo u nd the tidings, glad and true, That Tho u art raifed Save I can fee and feel, ” he cries , Tho fe wo u nds , faf ’ c printed o n mine eyes, The tidings fo u nd in vain . ” IV. erer. Thou calleft him, as mu te he flands , TO feel and fee Thy Side, Thine Hands f My LOR D! my GOD break s o u t : Thee, Thomas , fight to Faith do th draw ; Mo re blei ’ t are they who never faw, Y et never knew a do u bt. ” HARK ! TH E HERALD ANGELS SING. NO. 5 1 . Glo - ry I. f Hau ! the herald an gels ling Glo ry to the new- bo rn King! Peace o n earth, and me rcy mild, G OD and finne rs reco nciled ! pJo yful, all ye natio ns, rife, Jo in the triumphOf the fl ies erer. Univerfal Nature fay, CnRu 'r the LORD is bo rn to - day. fCum ‘r, by highell: Heaven ado red ; Can er, the everlafiing LORD ; Late in time beho ld Him come, Ofl ’fpring o f a Virgin ’ s womb! p Veiled in flelhthe Go dhead fee ! Hail, th’ incarnate Deity ! Pleafed as Man withmen t ’ appear, Ja va o ur la y m an here ! III. f Hail l the heavenly Pamcs o f Pu ca ! Hail ! the Sun Of Rxcm o usn ass l Light and life to all He brings, Rif ' u withhealing in His wings. p Mild He lays His glo ry by, Bo rn that man no mo re may die, erer. Bo rn to raife the fo ns o f earth, Bo rn to give themfeco nd birth. IV. mf Come, Dssraa Of Nar rows, come, Fix us in Thy humble home ! Rife, the Woman ’ s co nqu ’ ring Seed, Bruife in us the Se rpent ’ s head ! p Now difplay Thy faving Power, R uined nature now reflo re ; era . Now in myltic unio n jo in Thine to o urs, and o urs to Thine ! DRAW NEAR, ALL YE FAITHFUL. NO. 5 2 . m u w near, all ye faithful, jo yful and triumphan t, O hafie ye, O halle ye, now to Be thlehem See there the Infan t, born the King of Angels ! p 0 come let us adore Him, 0 come let us ado re Him, era . 0 come let us ado re Him, the CIIRIs 'r, the Lo rd ! II. as]For He, GOD of GOD, He, Light Of Light e ternal, Hathno t in His love abho rred the Virgin ’ s womb Hail Him, true GOD, be g o tten, n o t created ! 0 come, &c III . f Now fin lo ud Ho fan nas, all ye cho irs of Angels ! Now Eng all ye blifsful so ns o f Heav ’ n abo ve ! Glory to GOD be given in the highelt ! 0 come, &c. IV. fTo Thee, blefl ‘ ed J esv, bo rn this happy morning, Be glory afcribed by all o n earthbelow! WORD o f the Faw n , n ow for man Incarnate ! 0 come, Sec. ALL MY HEART WITH JOY IS SPRINGING. l tistmas . NO. 5 3 . f ALL my heart withjo y is fpringing, p Can s -r, our Laws , {0 meek and loving, While in air Dries o ur tears, Everywhere Angel cho irs are finging. All o ur fins removing ; Hark ! I hear the j o y fu l ditty Cmu s 'r, o ur Lassa, Who fufl ' ers fo r us, Cmu s 'r, ” they fay, He can quell “ Came to - day, Deathand Hell, Born in David ’ s city And to peace refiore us. II . IV. a]TO this lower world dcfcendeth mf Hark ! from yo u dark manger lowly He, Who fe love Seem to waft All o ur fo rrows ende th. Gentle wo rds and ho ly He, Who breathan d be in g gave us, era . “ Sighn o mo re ! away withfadn efs ! 03 mthe lkies, Ye are dear l Lives and I amhere ; In o ur flelhto fave u s. I Bringing hope and g ladnefs . L ines 4 and 8 are repeatedppby the three under voices . MERCY TRIUMPHS , CHRIST IS BORN. Christmas . No . I. f MER C Y triumphs, CH R IST is bo rn ! Light and mercy cheer the to mb! Sera phs hail this happy mo rn ! Hallelujah ! CH R IST is come Echo lo u d their fo lemn cry Let all earth ’ s redeemed cry fl “ Glo ry be to GOD o n high f Glo ry be to GOD o n high II. f Praife to GOD, and peace o n earth Such the f His birth H im we w H im we blefs, Pa Ic o f Pz ac n and Righteo ufnefs. III. VI. Promifed Branch o f J I -zss n ’ s Item, 1 ) H is the lo ve to feel o ur wo e ; CH R IST is bo rn in Bethlehem f His the might to nell o ur fo e We have pardo n, we have peace ; Unto H im, in carat and heaven, Dark ncfs, guilt, and terro r ecafe . f Be all praife and ho no ur given ! V. p SON Of MAN, He murmured no t, Bo re with us, and fhared o ur lo t ; f SON Of GOD, we know H im well , By each fig n the prophets tell. ANGELS FROM THE REALMS OF GLORY. c hristmas . NO ° 5 5 ° fANORLS from the realms o f glo ry, mf Sages, leave yo ur co ntemplations, Wing yo ur flight o ’ er all the earth! Brighter vifio ns beam afar; Ye, who fang Creatio n ’ s fiory, See k the great Defire o f natio ns, Now proclaim Mefliah’ s birth Ye have feen His natal fiar fCome and worlhip, fCome and wo rlhip, Wo rlhip CHRIST, the new- born King! Worlhip CHRI ST, the new- born Kin g! II. IV. mf Shepherds, in the field abiding, mf Sain ts, before the altar bending, Watching o ’ er yo ur flo cks by night, Watching lo ng in hope and fear, GOD withman is n ow refiding, Suddenly the Lo rd, defcending, Yonder lhines the infan t - light In His Temple lhall appear; fCome and worlhip, fCome and wo rlhip, Worlhip Cam-r, the new- born King! Wo rlhip Cam-r, the new- born King! V. p Sinners, wrung withtrue repentance, Do omed fo r guilt to endlefs pain s, J ufiice now revo kes the fen tence, Mercy calls yo u : bre ak yo ur chain s ; fCome and wo rlhip, Wo rthip CHaIsT, the new- bo rn King! WHILE SHEPHERDS WATCHED THEIR FLOCKS . c hris tmas . NO 5 7 arf WHILa lhephe rds watched their flocks by night, All feated o n the gro und, The angel o f the LORD came down, And glo ry {ho ne aro und. I “ Fear not, ” faid he ; ( fo r mighty dread Had fe iz ed their tro ubled mind Glad tidings o f great joy I bring To yo u and all mankind. III p Thus fpake the Se raph; and fo rthwith Appeared a lhining thro ng Of angels, praifing G OD, and thus Addrefl ' ed their jo yful fo ng f All glo ry be to GOD o n high, And to the earthbe peace ; Go od will hence fo rthfrom Heaven to men Begin, and neve r ecafe To yo u, in DaVId ’ s town, this day Is bo rn o f David ’ s line, The SAVIOUR, Who is CHRIST the LORD And this lhall be the fign The heavenly Babe yo u there lhallfind To human view difplaycd, All meanly wrapt in fwaddling hands, And in a manger 'laid. ” HARK ! WHAT MEAN THOSE HOLY VOICES . chris tmas . No . 5 8 . I p HAR K What mean tho fe ho ly vo ices , Sweetly warbling in the fk ies Sure th’ angelic ho ft rej o ices ; Lo udeft halleluj ahs rife. f Hallelujah II . mf Lillen to the wo ndro us fio ry, mf Hafien , mo rtals, to ado re Him Which they chant in hymns o fjo y Learn H is Name, and tafie His joy, f Glo ry in the highcft, glo ry Till in heaven y o u fing befo re H im, Glo ry be to GO D mo fl: high. f Glo ry be to G OD mo lt High Hallelujah Hallelujah ! III. VI. p Peace o n earth, go o d will fro m heaven, mf Let us learn the wo ndro us flo ry Reaching far as man is fo u nd ; Of o u r great R EDE EMS R ’ S birth tres . So u ls redeemed and fins fo rgiven , cres. Spread the brightnefs o f His glo ry, Lo ud o u r go lden harps fhall fo und Till it co ver all the earth . Hallelujah Halleluj ah f CH R IST is bo rn, the great Ano inted! Heaven and earthH is glo ryfing Glad receive WhomGO D appo inted F o r yo u r Pro phet, Prielt, and King. Hallelujah ! V mf COMB Tho u lo ng- expected JESUS Bo rn, Thy peo ple to deliver ! Bo rn to fet Thy people free Bo rn a Child, and yet a King From o ur cares and fins releafe us ; Bo rn, to reign in u s fo r ever ! Let us find o ur refl in The . Now Thy gracio us Kingdom bring. f Ifrael ’ s fizreng thand co nfo latio n 1 ) By Thine Own Eternal SPIR IT, Hope o f all the earth Tho u art ! Rule in all o ur hearts alo ne ; Blel ’ t defire o f every natio n ! erer. By Thine all - suflicient merit, J o y o f every lo nging heart ! f R aife us to Thy g lo rious Thro ne ! O JESU, SAVIOUR OF US ALL. Redemptor omnium. t istmas . p 0 J am, Savio ur o f us all, To that exalted grace advanced, WithGOD the Father One, Thy bre thren lhield from harm, His e qual ere the wo rld began, Lell they relapfe to fo rmer fin, Now born His o nly So n Unaided by Thine arm. II. V. Our peace and glo ry, LORD, art Thou, The land, the hear ’ ns, the ocean vafi, So le hope o f man difirefi, In rival firain s fhall raife O hear the prayers that po ur to Thee To Him, Who gave Thee to the world, From eachdevo ted breafi. Glad fo ngs o f ho ly praife ; VI. Thyfelf for us in mo rtal fo rm fAnd we, fo r whom Tho u once wall bo rn. Thou free! didfienlhrine Tho u life ’ s e ternal Spring, Then grant t we, to o, may partake Will magn ify this glo rio us day, Thy Nature all Divine. And hymn s o f triumphfing . f 0 as u, Virgin - bo rn, withThee, he Father we adore ! O HOLT G HOST, to Thee be praife Bo rhnow and evermore ! CHIEF OF MARTYRS ! HE WHOSE NAME. 0 qui tuo dux Marty rum. mf CH I EF o f Martyrs he who fe name 1 ) CH R IST fo r him a victimbled ; Do th a myfiic cro wn proclaim H e fo r C H R IST his blo o d firlt lhed No t o f flo w ’ rs that fee decay, Firfi: Co nfefl ' o r, who fe laft breath Weave we this his crown to - day. Flies to o wn H im GOD in death . II. V. Brightthe flo nes ,whichwo undhim, gleam, Firfl: u po n the pathis he, Sprinkled with his life ’ s red fircam Marked acro fs the crimfo n fea ! Radiant o ’ er his faintly head, Fo rth he leads the martyr- band Stars co u ld ne ’ er fu chlufl re lbed. Lo ! they fo llow clo fe at hand. Where his brow receives the blows , Flafhing light divinely glo ws Bu rlting fo rth, eachho ly ray Do th an angel- face betray . VI. f Virgin- bo rn, to Thee we raife, With the Father, endlefs praife ; G OD the Spirit we ado re, Now, hencefo rth, fo r evermo re l THY DEAR DISCIPLE ON THE SEA. I . IV. p TH Y dear difciple o n the fe a, p That tender heart, that ardent mind, A fo n Of labo u r rude and fo re, Such ho no ur reaped as no ne have Leaves fhip andfire,O LOR D, fo r Thee, p And lo ving {lands upo n the tho se. Thy dying lips to himco nfig ned Thy blefi' é d Mo ther fo r his own. 11. V. mf Thus, to il and lo ve in fweet embrace, Full lo ng the to il o f life his lo t He lives to cheer T weary breaft, Peace ! let himtarry till I come ! ” A meet companio n in race Co me, LOR D! draw near this lo nely Thy bo fom, pillow o f 3 mit. fpo t, And tak eThy waiting martyr home. ” III. IV. Tho ugh there he lay in willfu l lo ve, p Thus calm, may we abide the ho ur, H e co urts no languo r, dull and weak ; Thy Face revealing fro m abo ve ; eras. Bu t fo ars an eagle, fink s a do ve erer. Still z ealo us, tho ’ with waning power All fervid, fo ft, fu blime and meek . f While fireng thdeclines, {till firmin lo ve. TO THEE, ALL GLORY, LORD. munI nnocents . f To Thee all glo ry, LOR D ! f To Thee be praife fo r all Who from this wo rld o f fin, The ranfo med infant band, By cruel Hero d ’ s ruthlefs fwo rd, Whofince that ho ur have heard Thy c all , Tho fe precio us o nes didfl: win. And reached the qu iet land . II. To The all glo ry, LOR D mf Oh ! that o ur hearts within, F o r now, all grief unkno wn, Like theirs, were pu re and bright They wait in patience their reward, Oh! that as free from wilful fin, The martyr ’ s heav ’ nly crown. We lhrank no t from Thy fight III. 1 ) Baptiz ed in their o wn blo o d, 1 ) LOR D, help us every ho u r, Earth ’ s untried perils o ’ er, Thy cleanfing grace to cl They pafl ' ed u nco nfcio ufly the flood, crea life to glo rify Thy po wer, And fafely g ained the fho re. In death to praife Thy Name LET TYRANTS TAKE THEIR HAUGHTY NAMES . QIIttIInItision. No . 6 5 . IV. f LET tyrants take their hau ghty names erer. To fu fl - ‘ er fo r that facred» Name, From natio ns fo rced to bleed ; We co u nt the highefl priz e ; A no bler title CHR IST affumes Fo r death is bitter now no mo re, From tho fe that He hath freed. But fweet in lo ving eyes . II. No ne o ther name than this is g iv ’ n 1 ) Tho u,Who do ll: lo ve to be Invoked, Fo r mo rtals to ado re ; Blcft SAVIOUR o f u s all ! A Name thro u gh which the dead revive, In Thygreat Name we make o urho afl And live fo r evermo re. O hear us when we call! III. VI. p The urchafe, made at fucha co il , f Great J ESU, from the Virg in ‘ bo rn, WIIcn all H is blo o d was fpilt, We glo ry give to Thee ; Are we again, in mad afl ' ro nt, The FATH ER an d the SPIR IT praife, TO cancel by o ur g uilt ? Till ages ceafe to be. jESUS l NAME OF WONDROUS LOVE. fJESUS ! Name o f wo ndro us lo ve ! mf J ES US Name o f mercy mild, Name, al l o ther names abo ve ! Give n to the ho ly Child, Unto which mu ll every knee When the cup o f human wo e FirfiH e rai ’ ted here below. b p JESUS Name decreed o f o ld, To the maiden Mo ther to ld, Kneeling in her lo wly cell, By the Ang el Gabriel. III. creJ . JE SUS ! Name o f price lefs wo rth 'TO the fallen fo ns o f e arth, F o r the pro mife that it gave, “ J ESUS lhall His people fave. ” V. f J ESUS o n ly Name that ’ s given Unde r all the mighty heaven, Whe reby man, to fin enflaved, Burfts his fetters , and is fay ed . VI. f JESUS ! Name Of wo ndro us lo ve ! Hu man Name o f GO D abo ve dim. Fle edin o nly this, we flee , p H elp le s , 0 o ur GOD, to The e. H OW SWEET THE NAME OF JESUS SOUNDS . c ittnmision, or General. NO. 67 . I. O p How fweet the Name o f JESUS fo unds J ESUS ! my Shepherd, H ulband, In a believer ’ s car ! My Pro phet, Priefi, and King, It fo o thes his fo rrows, heals his wo unds , My LOR D, my Life, my Way, my End, And drives away his fear. Accept the praife I bring. II. V. It makes the wo unded fpirit who le, Weak is the effo rt o f my heart, And calms the tro u bled breafi; And co ld my warmeft tho u ght " I “ is manna to the hu ngry fo u l, But when I fee Thee as Tho u art, To weary fpirits refi. I ’ ll praife Thee as I o ught. III. VI. mf Dear Name the ro ck o n which I bu ild, fTill then I wo uld Thy lo ve pro claim My lhield and hidingplace ; With every flee ting breath ; My never- failing treaf ’ ry, filled And may the mufic Of Thy Name With bo u ndlefs flo res o f grace. Refrelhmy fo ul in death I FATHER, LET ME DEDICATE. mmY ear. No . 6 9 . mf FATHER, le t me dedicate All this year to Thee, In whatever wo rldly fiate Tho u wilt have me be. 1 ) No t from forrow, pain, or care, Freedom dare I claim ; This alo n e lhall be my prayer f Glo rify Thy Name ! ” II arf Can a child prizfume to cho o fe Where or how to live ? Can a Father ’ s lo ve refufe All the belt to give ? Mo re Tho u givefievery day Than the belt can claim; Nor witho ldefiought that may f Glo rify Thy Name ! ” mf If in mercy Tho u wilt fpare Jo ys that ye t are mine ; If o n life, feren e and fair, Brighter rays may fhine ; Le t my heart, while glad it fings, The e in all pro claim; And, wha te ’ er the future brings, f Glo rify Thy Name ! ” IV. p If Tho u callefito the Cro fs, And its lhadow come, Turn ing all my gain to lo fs, Shro udin g heart and home, era . Let me thin k how Thy dear Son To His glo ry came, And, in decpe ft woe, pray on, f Glo rify Thy Name I ” mf A raw more years lball roll, A few mo re fcafo ne come, And we iball be withtho fe that refi, Afleep within the tomb. p Then, gracio us LORD, prepare Our fo uls for that dread day erer. O walhu s in Thy precio us blo o d, And take o ur fin s away . mf A few mo re flrugg les here, few more partings o ’ er, A few more to ils, a few more tears, And we fhall weep no mo re. p Then, gracio us LORD, prepare Our fouls fo r that bright erer. O wafhus in Thy precio us bl And take o ur fin s away. III. mf Yet but a i ittle while, And He lhall come again, Who died that we might live, Who lives That we withHim may reign . 1 ) Then, gracio us LORD . prepare Our fo uls fo r that glad day walhus withThy precio us blo o d, And take o ur fins away. FOR THY MERCY AND THY GRACE. a rmYear. No . 7 I III. mf F OR Thy mercy and Thy grace, 1 ) Who o f us death ' s awful ro ad Faithful thro u ghano ther year, In the coming year lhall tread ? Hear o ur fo ng o f thankfillnefs, With Thy ro d and fiafl ' , O GOD, FATH ER , and RE DEEMER, hear ! Comfo rt Tho u his dying bed. II. IV. In o ur weak nefs and difirefs, mf Keep us faithfu l, keep us pu re, Ro ck o f Strength, be Tho u o ur Stay ! Keep us evermo re Thine o wn ! In the pathlefs wildernefs Help, 0 help u s to endu re ! Be our true and living way ! Fit us fo r the promifed crown V. f SO within Thy palace gate We lhall praife, o n go lden firings, Thee, the o nly Po tentate, LOR D o f lo rds, and KING o f kings ! WHY SHOULD THE CRUEL HEROD FEAR ? fipwbmm. Crudelir Herodes, Deum. NO , 7 3 I . mf WH Y lho u ld the cruel Hero d fear That CHR IST, the King, ’ Is coming near? Lo . dips the Ho l y Lamb o f GOD He takes no realms o f earth away, The fins, which ne ’ er in H im were trace d, Who gives the realms o f heavenly day. From us, by wafhing, H e efl ' aced. II. The Magi track the leedi fa r, A wo ndro us Power IS bro ught to fig ht Which they had witnefl ' ed rom afar LO . water reddens ’ neath the light ! To Light by they o nward p , tefs And, at the wo rd o f Fo rce Divine, And by their their GOD co nfefs . Its nature changes into wine. V. f All glo ry be to JESU ’ 3 Name, A bright Epiphany Who came To FATH ER , SPIR IT, high we ra to ag e, u nceafing praife. ALL HAIL THE LORD ’ S ANOINTED. E piphany. N0 74 » f ALL hail ! the LORD ’ s Anoin ted, Great David ’ s greater So n ! Who , in the time appo inted, His reign o n earthbegun ! He comes to break opprefiion, To let the captive free, To take away tranfgreflion, And rule in equity. II mf Down He lhall come like lhowers Upo n the fruitful earth, And jo y and ho pe, like flowe rs, Shall deck His pathto birth Befo re Him, o n the mo untains, Shall peace, the herald, go, And righteo ufnefs, in fo untains, From hill to valley flow. III f Down kings lhall fall befo re Him, And go ld and incenfe bring ; All natio ns fhall ado re Him, His praife all peo ple fiug ; To H im lhall praye r unceafi And daily vo ws afcend, His kingdom fiill increafing, A kingdom witho ut end. IV f O ’ er eve ry foe viEto rio us, He o n His thro ne iball tell, Fromage to age mo re glo rio us, All blcfling, and all blefl The tide o f time ib all never His co venant remove ; His Name fhall {land for ever That Name to us is Love. OF NOBLE CITIES THOU ART QUEEN. B risbane. f OF no ble cities tho u art (b een ; mf The Magi faw H im! firaight they o n! Tho u, Bethlehem, alo ne halt feen Their E afl ern o ff ’ ring s from their Salvatio n ’ s Captain, from the fk y, And, profirate, with their prayers u nfo l Incarnate in a cradle lie. Myrrh, frank incenfe, and ro yal go ld . The Star, befo re who fe lufire bright The treafu re fpeak s the King o f kin gs ; The vanq u ifhed Sun hath paled his light, The incenfe GOD befo re us brings Pro claims that GOD has come to earth, And, myflic fig n o f deathly wo es , A flefhly Fo rm Of human birth . The myrrh His fcpulchre fo relho ws . V. f All glo ry be to JESU ’ S Name, A bright Epiphany Who came ; To FATH ER, SPI R IT, hi h we raife, From ag e to ag e, u nc Ing praife. WHAT STAR IS THIS THAT BEAMS SO BRIGHT . E piphany. NO. 7 7. l . mf WH AT Star is this that beams fo bright, f Lo ve ne ver k nows o f dull delay ; And dims the fu n with fairer light ? NO to il, no rilk , o bftru éts their way fIt marks a new- bo rn Mo narch’ s rife, Their home, their k in, their native land, H is cradle po inting from the lk ies . At o nce they quit at GOD ’ S command . pf See now fu lfilled the Pro hets ’ cry ! p 0 CH R IST, while beams the Star Of grace, L O ! Jaco b ’ s flat afcenciio n high Alluring us to feck Thy face, Arrefted at the heav ’ nly blaz e, Upo n o ur flo thfu l fpirits lhine, Starts fo rth the Eaft in deep amaz e. No r let them quench the light divine. Witho u t, the Star info rms theirfight ; f To Thee, O FATH ER, Radiance bright, Within, there lhines a brighter light, To Thee, O SON, the Natio ns ’ Light, Which leads them, by its gentle fo rce, Be praife eternal, and to Thee, To trace the marvel to its fo urce. O SPIR IT, equal glo ry be. GOD OF MERCY, GOD OF GRACE. i mbu e. N0 7 8 GOD o f mercy, GOD o f grace, f Let the people praife Thee, LOR D l Shew the brightnefs o f Thy face Be by all that live ado red m u. Shine u po n us, SAVIOUR , lbine ; Let the natio ns lho u t and ling Fill Thy Chu rch with light divine Glo ry to their SAVIOUR KI NG ! And Thy faving health ex tend At Thy feet their tribute pay, Unto earth’ s remo teft end. III And Thy ho ly will Obey ! f Let the people praife Thee, LOR D ! Earth fhall then her fruits affo rd GOD to man H is blefling give ; Man to GOD devo ted live ; All belo w, and all abo ve, One in jo y, and light, and lo ve. SONS OF MEN, BEHOLD FROM FAR ! E piphany. I. f So n s o f men, behold from far i mf Natio ns all, far 03 : and near, Hail the lo ng- expected (tar ! Halle to fee yo ur GOD appear ! Jaco b ’ s (tar, that ilds the night, Halle ! fo r Him yo u r hearts prepare ; Guides bewilder Nature right. Meet H im manifefied there II. V. p Fear no t hence that ill lho uld flo w, tr“ . Here beho ld the Day - fpring rife, Wars o r peftilence below Po uring eyefight o n o ur eyes Wars it bids and tumults ceafe, GOD in H is Own lig t furvey, Ulh’ ring in the Prince o f Peace. Shining to the perfect day ! 1) Mild He lhines o n all be neath, f Sing, (y e morning liars again, t rey. Pie rcing thro ugh the lhades o f death ; GOD efcends o n earth to reign ; Scatt ’ ring erro r ’ s wide- fpread night, Deigns fo r man His life t ’ emplo y fKindling dark nefi: into light. Sho u t, ye fo ns o f GOD, fo rjo y ! BRIGHTEST AND BEST OF THE SONS OF THE MORNING. Graham L mf BRIOHTES I ' and belt o f the fo na o f the mo rning ! lhall we yield Him in eo flly devo tion Dawn o n o ur darkn efs, and le nd us Thine aid ! Odors o f Edam, and o f ’ rings divine ? Star Of the Bali, the ho riz o n ado rning, Gems o f the mo un tain, and pearls o f the ocean, Guide where o ur infan t Renzm aR is laid ! Myrrhfrom the fo refi, o r go ld from the mine II. p Co ld o n His cradle the dew—drops are lhining ; tra . Vainly we ofi- ‘ er eachample o blatio n, Low lies His head withthe beats o f the Rail ; Vainly withgifts wo uld His favo r fecu re ; tr”. Angels ado re Him, in llumber reclining, fRiche r by far is the heart ’ s adoratio n ; f Maker, and Monarch, an d Savio ur o f all ! Dearer to GOD are the prayers of the po o r. HALLELUJAH ! SONG OF SWEETNESS . Alleluia, dulcc carmen. s unt anbefore aeptnagrs ima. I. III f HA L L EL UJAH ! fo ng o f fweetnefs, Hallelujah we defe rve no t Strain o fjo y that never dies ! Always here to lift o n high ; Hallelujah is the cho rus, Our tranfg refiio ns check the utt ' rance, Dear to cho irs abo ve the flties l As we Hallelujah cry Hark! from all the blefiin Heaven Haltes the ho ur fo r deeply mo urning Evermo re the anthem flies ! Sins that heavy o n us he. II. IV. Salem Mo ther ! oh, how gladly mf Thee, in this o u r ado ratio n, Tho u do ft Hallelujah ling! Blefi' é d Trinity, we pray Halleluj ah is the ho mage, Grant u s in the realms o f g o ry Which Thy happy children bring ! Vir n o f Thi ne Eafier ay p Dro o ping ex iles by her waters, crer. There to fi ng to Thee with rapture Tears from us do th Babel wring. f Hallelujah’ s fweetell: lay. SONGS OF PRAISE THE ANGELS SANG. S eptuageaima, f SONOS o f praile the angels fang, p And can man alo ne be dumb, Heaven with hallelujahs rang, Till that glo rio u s kingdom come ? When J BHOVAH ’ S wo rk begu n, f No the Church delights to raile When He fpake , and it was do ne Pfalms and hymns, and fong s o f praile. So ngs o f praile awo ke the mom, mf Saints below, with heart and vo ice, When the PR I N CE o f Ps Ac s was bo rn ; Still in fo ngs o f praile rejo ice So ngs o f praile aro l ' e, when He Learnin g here, by faith and love, Captive led captivity. So ngs 0 praile to ling abo ve. III. Heaven and earth mu ll pals away f Bo rne u n their latell: breath, So ngs o f praife lhall crown that day ; So ngs o fg raife fhall co nquer death GOD will make new heavens and earth Then, amidlt . eterna ljo y, So ng s o f p raile fhall hail their birth . So ngs o f praile theIr powers emplo y. I SING TH ’ ALMIGHTY POWER OF GOD . g eptnages inta, f I SINO th’ Almighty pow ’ r o f Go d, That made the mo un tain s rife, That fpread the flowing feas abro ad, And built the lofty lkies. mf I ling the wifdom that o rdained The fun to rule the day ; The mo o n lhines full at His command, An d all the liars o bey. II f I ling the go o dn el ' s Of the LORD, That filled the earthwithfo o d ; He fo rmed the creatu res withHis wo rd, And then prono un ced them good. p LORD, how Thy wo nders are difplayed, Where ’ er I turn my eye ! r. If I lurvey the gro un d I tread, Or gaz e upo n the lky, mf There ’ s no t a plan t o r flow’ r below, Bu t make s Thy glo ries known And clo uds arife and tempelis blow, By o rder from Thy thro ne. p Thy creatures, n um’ ro us as they be, Are fubjeét to Thy care trey. There ’ s n o t a place where we can 5 °C: But GOD is prefen t there. IV. f In heaven He lhin es withbeams of love, Withwrathin hell beneath; T is on His earthI lland o r move, And ’ tis His air I breathe. mf His hand Is my perpe tual guard He keeps me withHis eye . fWhy lho uld I then forge t the LORD, Who ' Is for ever nigh? THE LORD, HE GAVE THE WORD ! No . 8 6. f TImLORD, He gave the Word! Inf The Vo id q uick heard the And Matter liraIght from no thi Fafiriveted in dead repo fe, Till rings a vo ice aro und f light beams afar ! Sun, moo n, and flat ! LO ! in the rear See M III f The LORD, He gave the Word! The fo und is heard within : p So ft Red s the SAVIOUR to the heart, TO calm and cure the bleeding fmart, And blo t away its i n : The Lord exto l to endlefs days ! f The LORD, He gave the Wo rd ! mf Lo ud role the reachers ’ cry ! The heathen tremb e at the to ne, And Satan lhudders o n his thro ne ; The powers o f darknefs fly ! f Eachido l (loops All evil dro ops ; NO foes remain ; The LORD do threign ; The world is His from mount to plain. GOOD LORD ! WHO HAST THE WEIGHTY WOES . S n agss inta, or General. No . 8 7 . I . IV. p GOOD LOR D, Who halt the weighty woes Vo uchfafe us patience, lo ving LOR D, Of alling trial bo rne, To cafe this mo rtal ltrife ; crer. Regar Thy fervants ’ bitter thro es, Oh ! u tter fo rth Thy fo vereig n wo rd, While wreltling with their cruel fo es, That Cherubim may lheathe the fwo rd, p Dej ected, walled, wo rn. Which gu ards the Tree o f Life. II. V. Remember that o nce happy fpo t, mf Grant us to eat its go lden fruits, Within who le tainted ale And drink the living ltream, The ferpent, jealo us at t eir lo t, That walhes by its ho ly ro o ts, Co ntrived to fix a lal ’ tin blo t As high it lifts its healIng lho o ts, On man and woman rail. To greet the heavenly beam. III. Thus lo ft, O woman ’ s Ho ly Seed, f May we, o ur race o f trial run, When comes the Tempter nig h, Safe landed o n the lho re, Co nfo u nd his co u nfel, thwart his deed, Thy glo rio us triumph now beg un, Lell: we, his fallen victims , bleed, An Eden lo ll, an Eden wo n, And ’ neath his ranco u r die. p Find reft fo r evermo re ! LO ! STEALS APACE THE WELCOME TIDE. E n tempus acceptabi1c. QBninqnagss inta. I. m mf With z eal purfue the path that leads p t’de’ To dwellings co ld and rude, When Mercy ’ s gate will g o pen ’ wide Where the po o r, where fo rro w cc 3 T , o catch the mo umer s lhower. And CHR I ST is faint fo r fo o d. II Then ufe with ever fo ftened z el ’ t Thy wo rds, thy fo o d, thy flee Check mirth, and with a keener realt Thy daily vigil keep. III. p Let grief, Imbo fomed from the heart, 1 ) On tears, that gu ihing fall, Feed fadly, yet, defpite the fmart, Appro ach the JUDGE o f all. VII. f TH R EE- ONE, to Thee hig h praife we give ; Thee widely we pro claim ; Grant we thro u gh taintlefs fall: may live, True warrio rs fo r Thy Name. V. Here, liretching fo rth a lavilhhand, Let lo ve her wealth o utpo ur ; Co nfig n it to a heavenly land, Left deathlho uld feiz e the flo re. VI. LOR D, con fecrate us all to Thee, With newly kindled lo ve, That purer tho ughts, where ’ er we be, May flame to heav ’ n abo ve. GRACIOUS SPIRIT, HOLY GHOST. No . 9 0. p G R AcIo u s SP IR IT ! HOLY GH OST ! pp Lo ve is kind, and fu fl ' ers lo ng, Taught by Thee, we co vet mo ll: Lo ve is meek, and thinks no wro n g, era . Of Thy gifts at Penteco fl cm . Lo ve, than deathitfelf mo re fl ro ng : p Ho ly, heav ’ nly Lo ve. 1 ) Therefo re give us Lo ve. II. V p F aith, that mo u ntains co uld remo ve, p Prophecy will fade away, To ngues o f earth, o r Heav ’ n above, Melting in the light o f day ; era . Knowledge, all things, empty pro ve ares. Lo ve will ever with us fl ay 1 ) Witho u t heav ’ nly Lo ve. 1 ) Therefo re give u s Lo ve. III. VI. p Tho ugh I as a martyr bleed, p Faith will vanilhinto light ; Give my go o ds the po o r to feed, Hope be emptied in delight crea All is vain if Lo ve I need eras. Love in H eav ’ n will lhine mo re bright 1 ) Therefo re give me Lo ve. 1 ) Therefo re give us Love. mf Faith, and Hope, and Lo ve we fee, Jo ining hand in hand, agree era . Bu t the g reatefl: Of the three , f And the befl, is Lo ve. Transposed a note lower, this Mclady may be sung in Unison. THE SOLEMN TIME OF HOLY FAST. 1 ) TH E fo lemn time o f ho ly fall ppThen let us knee! in deepefl wo e To mo u rning fadly calls To fl ay the wrath o f GO D ! Lo ! weeps the prielt ! with tearful cries Who , kno wing all o ur gu ilty deeds, Refo u nd the temple walls. Uplifts H is threat ’ ning ro d. In vain afcend the to nes o f grief, GOD ’ S angered ear to feek , Unlels the language o f the fo ul An inward fo rrow fpeak . In vain the fprink led alhes fall, trey. BleltTH R EE in O NE ! GreatONE in THREE! The ro be is rent in vain , Grant u s, Thy fufl ’ ring race, Unlefs the bro ken heart is to rn To reap fro m thefe, o u r lowly falls , With wo u nds o f k eenefl pain. f Undying fru its o f grace. V. pO righteo us Judge o ur Father, Friend! To punilhment be flow ; Vo uchfafe us time to mend o ur lives ; Repentant hearts bellow. MY GOD , MY GOD, MY LIG HT, MY LOVE. itsnt, or General. NO. 9 3 . I. mf MY GOD, my GOD, my Light, my Lo ve, My GOD , my GO D, my Light, my Lo ve , Mine all in all to me, Oh whither art Tho u go ne ? Wilt Tho u a gracio u s FATH ER pro ve Either be near unto me here, To fo u ls that hang o n Thee ? Or lift me to Thy Thro ne. II. V. My GOD, my GOD, my Light, my Lo ve, My GOD, my GOD, my Light, my Lo ve , F o r Thee I thirfl alo ne ; Canll: Tho u that fo u l fo rfak e, The fweetelt wate rs o n the earth That fo llows Thee with reltlels , cries, My fo ul acco unts as no ne. And lo ngs to o vertake ? III. VI. 1 2My GOD, my GOD, my Light, my Love, mf My GOD, my GOD, my Light, my Lo ve , Mine o nly, o nly Friend, Come, come, with me abide ; I feck, I lo ng, I lo o k fo r Thee Rej o ice me with Thy prefence, LOR D ; Why wilt Tho u no t attend ? know no jo y belide. VII. 1 ) My GOD, my GOD, my Light, my Lo ve, Hear Tho u my mo urn fu l cry eres. The GOD o f Lo ve hears from abo ve H e will no t fee me die. COME , LET Us To T H E LORD OUR GOD . No . I. mp COMB, let us to the LOR D o ur GOD With eo ntrite hearts return ; Ou r GOD is gracio us, no r will leave The defo late to mo urn. II. V. H is vo ice commands the tempel ’ t fo rth, 1 ) As dew u po n the tender herb, And ltills the flo rmy wave ; Dilfuling fragrance ro und ; And tho u gh H is arm be fl ro ng to fmite, As fhow ’ rs that u fher in the fpring, ’Tis alfo ltro ng to fave. And cheer the thirlty gro und 0 VI. mf The night o f fo rro w lo nghath reigned ; f So lhall H is prefence blefs o u r fo uls, The dawn lhall brin g us light ; And lbed a jo yful light ; F o r GOD appears , and we lhall rife That hallowed mo rn lhall chafe away With g ladnefs in H is light. The fo rro ws o f the night. IV. Our hearts, if GOD we feck to know, Shall know H im and rejo ice ; His coming like the mom lhall be, Like mo rning fo ngs H is vo ice. IN THE HOUR OF TRIAL. l ent, or General. I . p IN the ho u r o f trial, JESUS, pray fo r me, erer. Left by bafe denial I depart from Thee ; 1) When Tho u feefl me waver, With a look recall, ares. No r fo r fear o r favo r Sufl ’ er me to fall. II. nIf With fo rbidden pleafures Wo u ld this vain wo rld charm; Or its so rdid treafures Spread to wo rk me harm p Bring to my remembrance Sad Gethfemane, Or, in darker femblance, Cro fs - crowned Calvary. III. mf Sho uld Thy me rcy fend me So rrow, to il, and woe ; Or lho uld pain attend me On my path below Grant that I may never Fail Thy hand to fee ; Grant that I may ever Call my care o n Thee. IV. p When my lall: ho ur cometh, Fraught with ll rife and pain ; When my du ll returneth To the dull ag ain ; On Thy tru th relying, Thro u gh that mo rtal pp JESUS , take me dyin g To eternal life . WHEN OUR HEADS ARE BOWED WITH WOE. No . 9 7 I. p WH E N o ur heads are bo wed withwo e, pp Tho u hall bowed the dying head When o u r bitter tears o ’ erflow, Tho u the blo o d o f life hall lhed ; When we mo urn the lo ll, the dear, Tho u hall filled a mo rtal bier t rey. Gracio us SO N o f Mary, hear erer. Gracio us SON o f Mary, hear II . V. p Thou o ur thro bbing flelhhall wo rn ; 1 ) When the heart is fad within, Thou o ur mo rtal griefs hall bo rne ; With the tho u ght Of all its lin ; Tho u hall lbed the human tear When the fpirit lhrink s with fear, erer. Gracio us SON o f Mary, hear ! eres. Gracio u s SON o f Mary, hear ! III. p When the fu llen death- bell to lls Fo r o ur o wn departed fo uls When o ur final do o m is near, Gracio us SON o f Mary, hear ! VI. p Tho u the lhame, the grief hall known, | Tho u gh the fins were no t Thine Own : Tho u hall deigned their lo ad to bear Gracio us SON o f Mary, hear ! O LORD, TURN NOT THY FACE FROM ME. No . 9 8 . p 0 LORD, turn n o t Thy face from me, Who lie in woeful llate, mercy - gate ; A gate whichOpen s wide to tho le That do lame n t their fin ; era . Shut no t that gate againll me, LORD, But let me en ter in. III inf Go od LORD, I me rcy, mercy alk , This is the to tal fum; Fo r mercy, LORD, is all my fuit LORD, le t Thy mercy come ! fTo FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, The GOD,Whom we ado re, Be glo ry, as it was, is n ow, And lhall be evermore. p And call me no t to liri£l account, How I have fOjo urn ed here ; Fo r then my guilty confcience knows How vile I lhall appear. 80 come I to Thy mercy - gate, Where mercy do thabo und, Imploring pardon fo r my fin . To heal my deadly wound. p 0 WI LT Tho u p a g l I o n, LOR D, A finner fuc Altho gg hThyy bo o k his crimes reco rd fucha crimfo n dye ? IV. p SO deep are they en g raved! p 0 Tho u Phylician blefl, So terrible their ear ! Make clean my The righteo us fcarcely lhall be faved, And me, by And where lhall I appear ? Reflo re, and keep me f I know no t how to praile mercy and Thy love Thy fervant to upraife, I lhall learn above. III mf My fo ul, make all things known To H im, Who all things fees That lo the LAMB may yet ato ne F o r thine iniquities. LORD, WHEN WE BEND BEFORE THY THRON E . No . I O t I . III. mp LOR D, when we bendbefo re Thy thro ne, erer. When we difclo fe o u r wants in praYe r 4 And o u r co nfeflio ns po u r, May we o u r WIlls refig n ; Teach us to feel the fins we own, And no t a tho ught o u r bo lom lha re, And hate what we deplo re. Which is no t who lly Thine. IV. p Our bro ken fpirits, pitying, fee, Let faitheach meek petitio n fill, And penitence impart ; And waft it to the lk ies ; Then let a kindling glance from Thee And teach o u r hearts ’ tis go o dnefs (till, Beam hope upo n the heart. That grants it o r denies. V fWhen o ur refpo nfive to ngu es efl ' ay Their gratefu l hymns to raile, Grant that o u r fo u ls may jo in the lay, And mo unt to Thee in pra THE R E IS A FOUNTAIN, FILLED WITH BLOOD. l ent, or NO. 1 0 2 . I. "if TH ER E is a Fo u ntain, filled withblo o d, p 0 LAME o f GOD Thy precio us Blo o d Drawn fro m EMMANU EL ’ S veins ; Shall never lo fe its power, And fin ners , plunged beneath that flo o d, Till all the ranfomed Chu rch o f GOD Lo fe all their guilty llains . Be faved, to fin no mo re. The dying thief rejo iced to fee mf E ’ er fince, by faith, I faw the llream That Fo u ntain in his day ; Thy flo wing wo u nds fupply, And there may I, as well as he, Redeeming lo ve has been my theme, Walhall my fins away. And lhall be till I die. V. f Then in a no bler, fweeter fo ng, I ’ llfing Thy power to fave, dim. When this po o r, lifping, llammering to ngue p Lies file nt in the grave. JESUS, CAST LOOK ON ME . l ent, or General. NO. 1 03 . I. p JESUS, call a lo o k o n me ; p Make me like a little child, Give me fweet fimplicity Of my llrengthand wifdom fpo iled, Make me po o r, and keep me low, Seeing o nly in Thy light, Seeking o nly Thee to kno w Walkin g o nly in Thy might ; Weanéd from my lo rdly felf Weanéd from the miler ’ s pelf Weaned from the s Weaned from the lull o f e. VI. All that feeds my buly pride, mf In this po llure let me live, Call it evermo re afide ; And ho fannas daily give dint. Bid my will to Thine fu ' bmit In this tempe r let me die, Lay me humbly at Thy feet. f And ho fannas ever cry l V. pp Leaning o n Thy lo ving breall, Where a weary fo ul may rell ; Feeling well the peace o f GOD, Flowing from Thy precio us blood. GOD, MY FATHER, HEAR PRAY. l ent, or General. No , 1 0 I. mf GOD, my FATHER, hear me pray, Walhmy crimfon guilt away ; Wre tched, helplefs, lo ll, u ndo ne, Hear me for Thy blefi' é d SON. p LORD, unn umbered fins are ( f er. But eternal love is Thin e. II. N p GOD, my SAVIOUR, loo k o n me ; f Blefl ' éd, glo rio us Trinity ! All my guilt I call o n The ! Ho ly, everlalling THREE ! Give my tro ubled fpirit peace ; p Hear, O hear my earnefl prayer, Bid my fears an d fo rrows ceafe. And my fo ul for heaven prepare. p LORD, unnumbe red fins are mine, LOR D, unn umbe red fins are mine, erer. But e ternal love is Thine. erer. Bu t e ternal lo ve is Thine . III ref GOD my Comforter, my Light, Strengthen me withho ly might, Make Thy dwellin g in my heart ; Faith, and jo y, an d hope impart. p LORD, unnumbered fin s are mine, erer. But e ternal love is Thin e. SAVIOUR, WHEN IN DUST To THEE. p SAVIOUR, when in du ll to Thee p By the threatenings o f defpair ; Low we be nd th’ ado ring knee ; By Thine agony o f prayer ; When repen tan t to the lkies By the cro fs, the n ail, the thorn, Scarce we lift our weepin g eyes ; Piercing fpear, and to rturing leora ; pera , Oh! by all Thy pain s an d woe, By the gloom that filled the lkies; Sufl ' ered o nce fo r man below, O ’ er the dreadful Sacrifice ; Bending from Thy Thron e o n high, Lilien to o ur humble cry ; pp Hear o ur folemn Litany ! pp Hear o ur fo lemn Litany ! II. IV. p By Thy helplefs infan t years, p By Thy deep expiring groan ; By Thy life o f want and tears, By the fad l ' epulchral llo ne By Thy days Of fo re dillrefs By the vault, whole dark abode In the lavage wildern efs Held in vain the rifing Go d; By the dread myllerio us ho ur, erer. Oh! from earthto heaven rellored, Of th’ infulting Tempter ’ s power ; Mighty re- afcended Lo rd, Turn, oh! turn a favo uring eye ; Liften, lillen to the cry pp Hear o ur folemn Litany ! pp Of o ur fo lemn Litany ! H EAR ME, 0 GOD ! NO. I O 7 l I. p HRAR me, O GOD ! p Who mo re can crave A bro ken heart Than Tho u hall: do ne, Is my bell part ; That Ufe llill Thy rod, That I may prove Firll made o f no ught, Therein Thy Withallfinee bo ught ? q ‘ If Thou hadll no t f Sin, death, and hell, Been flern to me, His glo rio us Name But left me free, g uise o vercame ; I had fo rgo t Yet I re bel, Myfelf and Thee, And flight the fame, III vanity. And quenchHis flame. Fo r fin ’ s so fweet, p But I ’ ll come in As minds ill bent Befo re my lo fs Rarely repent, Me farther to fs, Until they mee t erer. As lure to win Their punilhment Thro ughthat blefl: Tree, Withbofoms ren t. That lhelters me. IN THE HOUR OF MY DISTRESS . i snt, or General. N0 . l o g I. p IN the ho ur o f my dillrefs, When temptatio ns me o pprefs, And when I my fins co nfefs , pp Sweet SP IR IT, comfo rt me. II. p Whe n I lie within my bed, Sick in heart, and fick in head, And with do u bts difco mfo rted, pp Sweet SPI R IT, comfo rt me . III. p When the ho u fe do th fighand weep, And the wo rld is dro wned in fleep, Yet mine eyes the watch do keep, pp Sweet SPIR IT, co mfo rt me. IV. 0 When the Judgment is revealed, And that Opened which was fealed, When to Thee I have appealed, pp Sweet SPIR IT, co mfo rt me. HEAL ME , 0 MY SAVIOUR, HEAL. l I O . p H EA L me, O my SAVIOUR , heal mf Tho u the true Phyfician art Heal me as I fupplian t kneel Tho u , O C H R IST, can ll health impart, Heal me, and my pardo n feal. Binding up the bleeding heart. p Frelhthe wo unds that fin hath made Other co mfo rters are go ne Hear the prayers I o ft have prayed, Tho u canll heal, and Tho u alo ne in mercy fend me aid. Tho u fo r all my fin ato ne . p H eal me, then, my SAVIOU R , heal Heal me as I fu p pliant kneel erer. To Thy mercy appeal. ART THOU WEARY ? ART THOU LANGUID ? amt, or General, Kd' l ' o v re ( i n eépa ro v. N00 I I I o p ART tho u weary ? art tho u lang uid ? p If I find H im, if I fo llow, erer. Art tho u fo re dill rell ? erer. What H is guerdo n here ? mf Come to Me, ” faith One, “ and coming, p Many a fo rro w, many a labo r, p Be at rell Many a tear. ” II. V. p Hath H e marks to lead me to H im, p If I llill ho ld clo fely to H im, erer. If H e be my Gu ide ? erer. What hath He at lall p “ In H is feet and hands are wo u nd- prints , mf So rrow vanq uilhed, labo r en ded, And H is fide. ” Jo rdan pall . ” III. VI. p Is there diadem, as Mo narch, p If I alk H im to receive me, erer. That H is brow ado rns ? erer. Will H e lay me nay ? mf Yea, a crown, in ve ry fu rety, nsf No t till earth, and no t till heaven p Bu t o f tho rns. Pals away. ” VII p Finding, fo llowing, keeping, llrugg ling, eren ls He fure to blefs ? mf Angels , Martyrs, Pro phets, Vi rgins , f Anfwer, Yes. ’ THE KINGLY BANNERS ONWARD STREAM . mansion 5 nn ’ 0ap. IV. mf TH E kingly banners o nward llream, inf The tree lo fair, lo bright, lo blell , And lhines the Cro fs with myllic beam, In ro yal purple richly drell , Where man ’ s Creato r, bo rn to fave, Is cho fen from a precIo u s fee d, H is mo rtal flelhfo r mo rtals gave. To bear tho le lae red Limbs that bleed II. V. p There wo u nded fo re do th H e appear, p Thy Cro fs , dear LOR D, o ur o nly lla) , Deep llrick en by the po inted fpear, We hail o n this Thy Pallio n Day Outpo u ring water mixed with blo o d, In ho ly hearts Thy grace increafe, That He might walhus in the flo o d. And finners from their guilt releafe. III erer. Fulfilled is that which Pro phets lu ng ! f Eternal TH R EE, great GOD mo ll high, The Cro fs , whereon the SAV IOU R hu ng, Le t all that breathe Thy praifes cry ! The mark fo r fco rn, the bed o f pain, Whom Thy myllerio us Cro fs hathwo fIs nowathro ne,whence CH R IST dOthreign. Rule Tho u while co u ntlefs ages ru n. FROM THE DEEPS OF GRIEF AND FEAR. ! as sion I p FROM the deeps o f grief and fear, LOR D , to Thee my fo ul repairs From Thy heav ’ n bowdo wn Thine ear ; Let Thy me rcy meet my prayers . rrer. Oh! if Tho u mark ’ ll what ’ s do ne amils, What fo u l lo pure can fee Thy blifs ? H mf Bu t with Thee fweet mercy llands, Sealing pardo ns , wo rking Wait, my fo u l, wait o n H is hands ; Wait, mine eye ; Oh! wait mine car em‘ . If He H is ey e, o r to ngue affo rds , Watch all His lo o ks, catch all H is wo rds . p As a watchman waits fo r day, Lo o ks fo r light, and lo o ks again ; When the night gro ws Old and gray, Fo r relief he calls amain fSo lo o k, lo wait, lo lo ng, mine eyes , To fee my LOR D, my Su n, arife ! p Wait y e faints, wait o n o ur LOR D ; Fro m H is to ngu e fweetmercyflo ws ; Wait u po n H is Cro fs, H is Wo rd ; On that tree Redemptio n grows fHe will redeem H is Israel From fin and wrath, and death and hell. WHEN AT THY FOOTSTOOL, LORD, I BEND. { asaionfinnhan, or General. NO. I I 5 . I. p WH E N at Thy fo o tllo o l, LOR D, I bend, m think upo n Thy ho ly Wo rd, And plead with Thee fo r mercy there, And every plighted promife there ; Think o f the finner ’ s dying Friend, How prayer lho uld evermo re be heard, And fo r H is fake receive my prayer. And how Thy glo ry is, to fpare. 0 think no t o f my lhame and guilt, p 0 think no t o f my do u bts and fears, My tho ufand llains o f deepefl: dye My llriving s with Thy grace divine ; Think o f the blo o d which J ESUS fpilt, Bu t think o n J ESU ’ s wo es and tears, And let that blo o d my pardo n buy. And let H is merits {lan d fo r mine. Think, LOR D, how I am lllll Thy Own, mhine eye, Thine car, they are no t dull ; The trembling creature Of Thy hand ; Thine arm can never lho rtened be ; hink how my heart to fin is pro ne, Beho ld me here , my heart is full hnd what temptatio ns ro u nd me lland. Beho ld and fpare, and fuccour me ! RIDE ON ! RIDE ON IN MAJESTY ! 5 11113 8 2, or General. f RI D E o n ride o n in majelly f Ride o n ! ride o n in majelly ! Hark all the tribes Ho lan na cry ! dim. The winged fq uadro ns o f the lk y Thine humble beall purfues his ro ad, Lo o k down withfad and wo ndering With palms and fcattered garments eyes, llrowed. To fee th’ appro aching Sacrifice. f Ride o n ! ride o n in majelly ! f Ride o n ! ride o n in majelly dimln lowly pomp ride o n to die ! dim. Thy lall and fiercell llrife is nigh, erenO CH R IST, Thy triumphs now begin erer. The FATH ER, o n H is fapphire thro ne . f O ’ er captive death and co nquered fin. E x peéls H is Own ano inted SON. V. f Ride o n ride o n in majelly dim. In lowly pomp ride o n to die Bow Thy meek Head to mo rtal pain ! fl " Then take, 0 GOD, Thy po wer and reign ! ROCK OF AGES, CLEFT FOR ME . i9am S nn ’ oap, or I. III p R OC K o f Ages , cle ft fo r me, p No thing in my hand I bri ng ; Let me hide my fe lf in Thee ; Simply to Thy Cro fs I cling ; Let the water and the blo o d, Naked, come to Thee fo r drefs ; From Thy riven fide which flowed, H élplefs , lo o k to Thee fo r Grace Be o f fin the do u ble cu re, Fo u l, I to the Fo untain fly ; Cleanfe me fro m its guilt and power. Walhme, SAVIOU R , o r I die. mf No t the labo u rs o f my hands Can fu lfil Thy law ’ s demands ; Co u ld my z eal no relpite know, Co uld my tears fo r ever flo w, All fo r fin co uld no t ato ne ; fTho u mull fave, and Tho u alo ne. IV. p While I draw this flee ting breath, When my ey ellring s break in death, When I lo ar thro ugh traéls u nknown, See Thee o n Thy j udgment- thro ne ; k o f Ages, cle ft fo r me, Le t me hide myfelf in Thee ! WHO COMES FROM EDOM, WITH H IS ROBES . mum before E aster. No . I I 9 . I. IV. mfWHO comes from Edom, with His ro bes F o r Thou the wineprefs o nce didll tread, From Bo z rah crimfo n grained ? Wei hed down by bitter thro es ; fIt is the LOR D, Who uits the fight ; The ca lo us peo ple law the llrife, His ro bes with bl are llained. And left Thee to Thy wo es . II. V. mf F o r us, 0 C H R IST, that war was waged ; Our llo n heart 0 take away, Fo r us that Blo o d was f ilt ; A t lhed, Fo r us Thy vell was purp e dyed, To wee fo r Thee, Who wept fo r us, While walhing o u t o u r gu ilt. To b ccd, fince Tho u hall bled. III. VI. pMay we in Thine amictio n mo urn, nsf Grant us the blifs o f Thy redeemed, As Tho u hall mo urned in ours ! To lean upo n Thy breall ; May we attend Thee in the pangs The Ang el o f Thy Prefence fend, Of Thy fo rfak en ho urs ! p And take us to Thy tell. o MOURN, THOU RIGID STONE ! w rhnrshan before E aster. I 2 I af O MOURN, thou rigid llo ne, p Tho le pangs that love hathbo rne, Ye rocks, let tears arife, In anguilhwill I weep O lights cele ll ial, mo an, My fins lo grievo us mo urn, Ye winds, break fo rthin fighs ! The canll: o f woe lb dee p J im. Beho ld earth’ s GLORY finking fall : The mercy Of that woe and lo ve p For love o f man He breathes His lall ! My foul to love and woe lhall move. ref 0 Sacrifice fublime Inf Go, Sion, go andfize, To lo ve ’ s sefifllefs power ! From ho no red Jell ' e bo rn, p He dies ! Oh, cruel c rime ! Thy King shaled fo r thee, Dark fight ! Oh. bitter ho ur ! And crowned withcruel thorn ! What mo rtal co uld co nceive the tho ught ? p Thy Bridegroom wail withflowing eyes, Forfinners GOD to deathis brought ! pp Now llain beneaththe darkened lkies. V. inf What fo rce o f love there glows In Jesu s as He dies How fo re the llrefs o f woes, As fufl " ring all He lies ! p Then mo urn , unlefs thy heart is flo ne erer. Return His lo ve withall thine own. ACCORDING TO THY GRACIOUS WORD. tthnrs ' s ap before 35 am“ , or Holy Communion. I 2 2 I. IV. mf ACCOR DI NG to Thy gracio us wo rd, p When to the Cro fs I turn mine eyes , In meek humility, And rell o n CalvaI ; y, This will I do , my dying LOR D, 0 Lamb o f GOD, my acrifice ! p I will remember Thee. I mull remember Thee. V. mf Thy Bo dy, bro ken fo r my fake, mf Remember Thee, and all Thy pains, My Bread fro m Heaven lhall be ; And all Thy lo ve to me ; Thy tellamental cup I take, f Yes, while a breath, a pu lfe remains, p And thu s remember Thee. Will I remember Thee. III. VI. p Gethfemane can I fo rget, p And when the le failing lips grow dumb, Or there Thy co nfliél fee, And mind and memo ry flee, Thine ago ny and blo o dy fweat, When Tho u lhalt in ThyKingdomcome pp And no t remember Thee ? pp Go o d LOR D, remember me ! SWEET THE MOMENTS, RICH IN BLESSING . Goshai rman. NO. I 2 3 , I. III. mp SWEET the moments, rich in blefling, mp Truly blefi' éd is this llatio n ; Which be fo re the Cro fs I fpend Low befo re the Cro fs to lie Life, and health, and peace po ll ' efiing, When I fee Divine compaflio n From the finner ’ s dying Friend. Flo ating in H is languid eye . IV. mf Here I ’ ll fit, fo r ever viewing Here it is I find my heavén, Mercy ’ s llreams in llreams o f blo o d ; While u po n the Lamb I gaz e ; Precio u s drops , my fo ul bedewing, Lo ving much fo r mu ch fo rgiven , Plead and claim my peace with GOD. Ever t elling o n H is grace. V. p Lo ve and grief my heart dividing, With my tears H is feet I ’ ll bathe ; Co nllant llill , in faith abiding, Life derivmg from His death. THE CROSS , UPRAISED ON CALVARY ’ S HEIGH T. G oshf rihay. NO. 1 2 5 . I p THE Cro fs, upraifcd on Calv ’ ry ’ s height, The dead REDEEMER ’ S bier, From whichthe fun withdrew his light, And hid him as in fear, ere} . No mo re, 0 Lo an, lhall darkly frown, fBut ever lhine in mercy down. II . IV. p The Marys, ro un d that laered Woo d, mf We love Thee, LORD, o ur fins forfake ; DilI ' o lved in bitter grief, We plead Thy Blefl ’ éd Death; Dejeéled, bro ken - hearted, llo od, Thy wand to Thy bofom take, Their fufl " ring pall relief ; Breathe o ’ er them living breath; We n ow wo uld knee! in fo rrow there ; erer. Fo r Tho u hall wo n them fwee t releafe, DO Tho u eachkneeling finner fpare. fThy Cro ll! is pardon, light, and peace. V. p Then loathe thyfelf, difown thy deeds, erer. As if difcarded dro fs, Uproo t the bell like wo rthlefs weeds, Vaun t no thing fave the Gro fs ; fIt llo od thy lls fl ' , thy llar o n high pp Low lay thee by the Cro fs, and die. We cling to that ato ning Tree, Whence we had gone allray, We rell o ur carnell hop es o n Thee, 0 call us no t away Thy precio us Blo od, o f namelefs price, Hathflowed o ur co llly Sacrifice. MY GOD, I LOVE THEE, YET MY LOVE. 0 Dear, eg o amo Te. 05 001! I. IV. nf MY GOD, I love Thee, yet my love mf Then why lho uld I no t lo ve Thee well ? Springs no t fro m hope o f blifiabo ve, Thy wo ndro us lo ve no li can tell No r fince, who lo ve Thee no t, Thine ire It fills the earth, it fills t e lk ies , D o thpu nilhwith eternalfire. It melts the heart, it never dies . V. p Tho u JE SU, Tho u hall o n the Tree ’Tis no t fo r fake o f heav ’ nly jo y, In all my gu ilt embracéd me, No r fearing Tho u lho u ldll me dellro y, F o r me hall bo rne the nails, the fpear, No t drawn by any ho ped reward, Unmeafured leora, the burning tear. That I wo uld love Thee, gracio us LOR D III Tho u hall endured unnumbered woes, p But ’ tis that Tho u firll lo vedll me, The fweat o f blo o d, the tho rns, the throes, That I with all my fo ul lo ve Thee, Y ea, death itfelf, and all fo r me, ere: .And will lo ve Thee, lo ve Thee alo ne, That I, a firmer, might be free. f Who art my King, my GOD, my o wn . WHEN I SURVEY THE WONDR OUS CROSS. G oshj ribap, or General. NO. I 2 7 1 I. III. pWH E N I lurvey the wo ndro us Cro fs, p Beho ld His head, H is hands, H is feet! On which the PR I N CE o f GLOR Y died, love and fo rrowmingled do wn! My richell gain I co unt bu t lo fs , Did e ’ er luch love and fo rro w meet, And po ur co ntempt o n all my pride. Or tho rns compo le lo richa cro wn l II. IV. mf Fo rbid it, LOR D, that I lho uld bo ail, erer. Were all the realm o f nature mine, Save in the death o f CH R IST, my GOD That were a prefent far to o final! All tho le vain things, that Charmme mo ll, Lo ve lo amaz mg, lo divine, I facrifice them to H is blo o d . Demands my foul, my life, my all. BY TH -IL KEEPING as s is nz tihr. pBr the Cro fs, fad vigil keeping, Stood the mo urnful Mo ther weeping, Where he r So n in to rture hung erer. LO ! her fo ul His anguilhlharing, Bitter lo ad Of fo rrow bearing, By the fwo rd is pierced and wrung. II. p Oh! how fad and fo re dillrefséd Now was lhe, that Mo the r blefsed Of the fo le - bego tten One ! erer. How lhe mo urnéd, how lhe grievéd, How withtrembling lhe perce ived Crulhed withwoe, her glo rious Son ! V mf Fountain Of divine afl ' eél io n, May I feel her deep dejeélio n, Withhe r grie fs in fad acco rd ! Le t my heart, withardo r glowing, WithThy love be ever flo wing, Clo fely knit to Thee , my LORD ! III. mf Who, withJ s su ’ s Mother gaz ing On His paflio n, lo amaz ing, Bo rn o f wo man, wo uld no t weep ? p Who , o n JRSU ’ s Mo the r thinking, Fro m tho le ho rro rs never lhrinking, Wo uld no t lhare her fo rrow deep? IV. p Fo r His peo ple ’ s fins smiéled, She beheld Him bo und, co nviéled, Now withtho rns and fco urges rent; ppSaw Him as He lingered dying, All fo rlo rn, in anguilhcrying. Till His p rIt fo rthHe fent. O ’ E RWH ELMED BENEATH A LOAD OF GRIE F. E as swns nhr. N0 I 3 0 p O’ERWHRLMRD beneatha load o f grief, Sun, moon, and liars wuhdraw their light ; Withcruel fco rn afl ' ailed, See llartled nature pale ! Our dear REDRRMRR o n the Gro fs, Then, ranfomed linners, lhate the woe ; In bitter pain is nailed. Yo ur SAVIOUR ’ s deathbewail. So re wounded, from His hands and feet In mourning lis ud beneaththe Cro fs Outflo ws a fo unt o f blo od ! Ano int thole feet lo fair ; His face, His limbs, His bresll, are fleeped O bathe them witha flood o f tears, In that mo ll laered flood. And wipe them withyo ur hair. II. He weeps, He prays, He gro ans, He dies ! His Mo ther ’ s llricken heart A ruthlefs fwo rd hathdeeply pierced, Withago niz ing fmart. The graves are Opened, rocks are rent The land, the ocean ihake ; The temple ’ s veil is to rn in twain All hear the cry, and quake. IV. mf Tho u, Sacrifice o f deathlefs love, Hall walhed the finner white, And by Thy life- imparting blood, Made us the fo ns o f light. Then, JESU, be o ur peace and Our life, o ur precio us priz e Our lamp to lead us o n the path, Our cro wn above the lkies. WE SING THE PRAISE OF HIM WHO DIED. Q asaions ti ' ar, or General No . I 3 I I III. mf WE fing the praile o f H imWho died, f The Cro fs, it takes o ur Of H im Who died u po n the Cro fs ; It ho lds the fainting b rIt up ; The finner ’ s hope let men deride ; It cheers with hope the g loo my day, Fo r this we co unt the wo rld bu t lo fs. And fweetens every bItter cu p. II. IV. Inferibed upo n the Cro fs , we fee It makes the coward f irit brave, The lhining letters , GOD is lo ve And nerves the feeb e arm fo r fight ; H e bears o ur fins upo n the Tree It takes its terro r from the grave, H e brings us mercy from above. And gilds the bed o f death with light. V p The balm o f life, the cu re o f wo e, The meafure and the pledge o f lo ve The finner ’ s refiIg e here below, The angels ’ theme in heaven above. JESU, MEEK AND LOWLY. Easswns tihr, or N I 3 3 p JESU, meek and lo wly, p LOR D, Thy wo u nds are llreaming, SAVIOUR, pure and ho ly, Bright with mercy beaming, On Thy lo ve relying, Blo o d fo r finners flowing, Hear me humbly crying. Pardo n free bellowing. mf Prince o f life and power, Fo u ntain rich in blefiing, My falvatio n ’ s to wer, CHR IST ’ S dear lo ve ex prefling, On the Cro fs I view Thee, Tho u my aching fadnefs Calling finners to Thee. Turnell into g ladnelS. There beho ld me g az ing p LOR D, in mercy gu ide me, At the fight amaz rng ! Be Tho u e ’ er befide me, dim. Falling down befo re Thee, erer. In Thy ways dirca me, Helplefs I ado re Thee. ’Neath Thy wings pro teél me. NOT ALL THE BLOOD OF BEASTS . vas s isnaisr, I. III. Inf NOT all the blo o d o f bealls , p My faith wo uld lay her hand On J ewilhaltars llain, On that dear Head Of Thine, Co uld g ive the guilty co nfcience peace, While, like a penitent, I lland, Or walhaway the (lain . And there co nfefs my fin. II. IV. f But CH RIST, the heavenly LAMB, My fo u l lo o ks back to fee Takes all o ur fins away ; The burdens Tho u didll bear, Afacrifice o f no bler name, When hanging o n the curléd Tree, And richer blo o d than they . And ho pes her gu ilt was there. f Believing, we rejo ice To fee the curle remove We blefs the LAME with cheerful vo ice, And fing H is bleeding lo ve. I. III. p HAR K ! the vo ice o f lo ve and mercy mf Finilhed all the typ es and lhadows So unds alo ud from Calvary Of the ceremomal law; See ! it rends the ro cks in fu nder, Finilhed all that GOD had promifed ; Shakes the earth, and veils the lky Death and hell no mo re lhall awe f “ It is finilhed f “ It is finilhed p Hear the dying SAVIOUR cry. Saints, fromhence yo ur comfo rtdraw. II. IV. f “ It is finilhed Oh ! whatjo ance f Tune yo ur harps anew, ye Seraphs ! Do thele wo ndro us wo rds rd ; Jo in the triumph to pro claim ! Heavenly blefling s, witho u t meafure, All o n earth, and all in heavén, Flow to us from CH R IST the LOR D Jo in to praile the SAVIOUR ’ S name “ It is finilhed f Hallelujah! Saints , the dying wo rds reco rd. Glo ry to the bleeding Lamb ' FOR EVER HERE SHALL Eass isnz ti ' sr. p FOR ever here my rell lhall be, Clo fe by Thy bleeding fide ; This all my hope, and all my plea Fo r me the SAvIOUR died. II. pp My dying SAVIOUR, and my GOD, Tho u Fo unt fo r g u ilt and fin, Me ever fprink le withThy blo o d, And cleanfe, and keep me clean. III. 0 walhme, make me thus Thine Own ; O walhme ! mine Tho u art ; 0 walhme ! no t my feet alo ne, My hands, my head, my heart. IV. mf Th ’ ato nement o f Thy blo o d apply, Till faith to fight impro ve ; f Till ho pe in fu ll fru itio n die, And all my fo ul be lo ve. ALL IS O ’ ER THE PAIN, TH E SORROW. G arnerwhen. NO ° I 3 3 III. p AL L is o ’ er ; the pain, the fo rro w, mf Fierce and deadly was the anguilh, Human tau nts, and fiendilhfpite ; Which o n yo nder Cro fs He bo re ; mf Death lhall be defpo iled to - mo rrow H ow did fo ul and bo dy lauguilh, Of the prey he ps to - night ; Till the to il Of death was o ’ er ! p Yet o nce mo re to eal his do om, f Bu t that to il , lo fierce and dread, CH R IST mull lIeep within the tomb. Bruifed and cru lhed the ferpent ’ s head . II. IV. p Clo fe and llill the cell that ho lds Him, pp All night lo ng, with plain vo icin g, While in brief repo fe H e lies ; Chant H is re n iem lo ft and lo w; Deep the llumber that enfo lds Him, rrer. Lo ftier ll rains O lo ud rejo icin Ve iled awhile from mo rtal eyes From to - mo rrow ’ s har s lha I flow Slumber luchas needs mull be f Death and hell at leng are flain, CH RIST hath d u phed, CH R IST do th reign n WEEPING AS THEY GO THEIR WAY . G unter Ghtn. NO . I 3 p WEEPI NG as they g o their way, p All is o ver ! fo ught the fight ! Their dear LOR D in earthto lay, fo r a night ; Late at even : who are they ? mf J o y comes withthe mo rning light. Thele are they, who watched to fee pp Leave we, deep H is grave within, Where He hung in ago ny, Shame, and do u bt, and every fin , Dying o n th’ accurfed Tree. Wo uld we rife His crown to win. pp All is o ver ! in the tomb mf Glo ry to the LORDWho gave Sle eps H e, as in Death ’ s dark womb, H is pu re Bo dy to the grave, TIll the dawn o f Ealler come. All from fin and death to fave. EASTER- DAY IS HERE , AND WE . E aster I. IV. f EASTER - DAY Is here, and we mf Death and Hell are defo late To o u r J ESUS bo w the knee Shattered is the braz en ate ; Baller- day with jo y is come f Bro ken are the bo nds O death , To the tenants o f the tomb . F o r o u r J ESUS triumpheth. II. V. J ESU S lives, He lives fo r aye f Come, y e faints, with o ne acco rd, Death ’ s dark lhado ws melt away ; Jo in the triumph o f the LOR D ; Hell hath tried the LOR D to ho ld ; Bruifé d Is the Serpent ’ s head ; Hell defeated we behold. JESUS lives, and Death Is dead. III. VI. mf Death, and Hell, and lhades o f night, f Death is dead, fo r J ESUS lives ; at ho ld the LOR D o f light ; Gift o f life to all H e gives r eat CAPTA I N triumphs well, J ESUS died that death might die ; hbu rll the bars o f Hell. J ESUS Wins the viélo ry. AGAIN THE LORD OF LIFE AND LIGHT. E as ter E ar) . I. fAGA I N the LOR D o f Life and Light The po w ’ rS o f dark nefs leagued in vain Awakes the kindling ray, To bind H is fo u l in death Unfeals the eyelids o f the mom, H e lho o k their kingdom when He fell And po urs increafing day. With H is expiring breath . p Oh ! what a nig ht was that, which wrapt pAnd llill fo r errin g, gu ilty man The heathen wo rld in glo o m A B ROTH E R ’ S pity flows ; f Oh! what a Sun, which bro ke this day, And lllll H is bleeding he art is to uched Triump hant from the tomb ! With mem’ ry o f o ur wo es. Ten tho ufand diff ' ring lips lhall jo in f To Thee, my SAVIOUR , and my King, To hail this welco me mo rn, Glad homage let me give, Which fcatters blelling s from its wings And lland prepared like Thee to die, To natio ns yet u nbo rn. With Thee that I may live ! THE BANQUET OF TH E LAMB IS LAID. Ad re far A nr ' da er. E aster may. g g P mf TH E Banquet o f the Lamb is laid p The LOR D is now o ur Palchal Fcall, F o r us, in ro bes o f white arrayed ; Ou r Palchal Lamb, fro m death re leafed, The Red Sea pall, then let u s fing Sincerity ’ s unleavened Bread TOCH RIST, o ur great andglo rio u s King! F o r fo u ls, to Sin and Satan dead . II. V. p His lo ve divine, with mercy rife, fTrue Viélim fro m the flat ry lk ies , Vo u chfafes His blo o d, the cup o f life ; Beneath Thy feet Hell vanqu ilhed lies ! Our lo ving Priell fo r us hathgiven The chains o f death are bu rll in twain, His precio us Bo dy, fo o d fro m Heaven. The priz e o f Life is wo n again . III. VI. erer. Where blo o d is o n the lin tels po u red AS Hell is now in ru in laid, The Angel dro ps his deadly fwo rd H is banners JESU hath difplayed, Flies fundered o cean, while the fo e Unveiling, with ex ting uilhed ray, Is fwallowed in the depths below. The Prince o f Dark nefs to the day. VII. p That Tho u may ’ ll be o u r E allerjo y, To fail u s neve r, ne ’ e r to clo y, erer. O free u s , now this blefl ’ é d Mo rn, Fro m death o f fin, to life new- bo rne ANGELS , R OLL THE ROCK AWAY. (Easter may. I fANG ELS, ro ll the ro ck away ! fSho u t, ye Seraphs ! Angels, Death, yield u p the mig hty Prey! Yo ur eternal fo ng o f praife ! See ! the SAVIOU R quits the to mb, Let the earth' s remo tefl: bo und Glowing with immo rtal blo o m. Echo to the blififu l fo und ! fHallelujah ! (p) Hallelujah ! f Halleluj ah (p) Halleluj ah! f C H R IST the LOR D is riPn to - day ! f CH R IsT the LOR D is rif ’ n to - day III. f Ho ly FATH ER, ho ly SON, Ho ly SPI R IT, TH R EE I N ONE , Glo ry, as o f Old, to Thee, No w and evermo re lhall be ! fHalleluj ah ! (p) Hallelujah ! f C H R IST the LOR D is ril ’ n to - day ! CHRIST THE LORD IS RISEN TO - DAY. Guam may. I. IV. fCH R IST the LOR D is rif ’ n to - day mf Lives again o ur glo rious King ; So ns o f men and angels fay : Where, 0 Death, is now thy fling ? R aife yo ur jo ys and triumphs high, Once He died, o ur fo uls to fave Sing, ye heavens, and ea rth reply. Where, thy victo ry, O grave ? f Lo ve ’ s redeeming wo rk is do ne, f Hail the LOR D o f earth and heaven ! Fo ught the fight, the battle wo n Praife to Thee by bo th be given LO ! o ur Sun ’ s eclipfe is o ’ er Thee we greet triumphant now! LO ! He fets in blo o d no mo re. Hail, the Refurreétio n Tho u III. VI. f Vain the fio ne, the watch, the (cal f King o f Glo ry! So ul o f Blifs C H R IST hath burll: the gates Of hell E verlafiing life is this ; Death in vain fo rbids His rife, Thee to know, Thy po w’ r to pro ve ; CH R IST hath opened Paradife. Thus to ling, and thus to lo ve THE HAPPY MORN IS COME. wastermay. I. f THR happy mom is come ; mf LO ! fin ners now can dare The SAVIOUR leaves the grave ; To GOD to venture n ear ; His glo rio u s wo rk is do ne ; Now ju liice mull declare Almighty n ow to fave NO caul ' e remain s fo r fear I Captivity is captive led, f Captivity is captive led, Since jssvs liveththat was dead. Since jasus live ththat was dead. 11. IV. fWhat fo e o n us lhall lay f Since CHRIST the ranfom paid, The charge o ffin and guilt ? The glo rio us wo rk is done ; All fin is do ne away, On Him o ur help is laid ; Since His richblo od was fpilt The viéto ry is wo n f Captivity is captive led, j Captivity is captive led, Since jaws liveththat was dead. Since jesus liveththat was dead. V. f All hail ! triumphan t LORD ! The Refurreétio n Tho u ! We blefs Thy facred Wo rd ; Befo re Thy thro ne we bow Captivity is captive led, Sin ce Jesu s liveththat was de ad. YE CHOIRS OF NEW JERUSALEM. G ' izara: new fem/b lew. NO. Wesley -tale. 1 4 9 ' I. p YB cho irs o f new J erufalem, Yo ur lweetefipraifes brin g) , With e g ladfome mind, and (O rjoy, This feafio f Eafier fing . II. V. Fo r CHR IST, the victo r Lio n, fiands p We warrio rs, while we lau d the King, Abo ve the Drago n flain ; Bow humbly in His fight, With ringing vo ice H e wakes fromdeath And crave from H im celeltial rank The llaves that owned its reign. Within His Palace bright. III. VI. c curl ' éd Hell ’ s devo uring depths f TO FATH ER , SON, and HOLY GH OST, “ . efig n their wrelted prey The GODWhomwe ado re, chfo rth the fq u adro ns, dil ' enthralled ; Thro u gh ages, pafiing mo rtal thought, heir SAVIOU R leads the way. Be glo ry evermo re. IV f In fplendo r do es He triumph now The glo ry all His Own ; H e makes the mighty u niverl ' e One realm, o ne chu rch, o ne thro ne. COME , SEE THE PLACE , WHERE JESUS LAY. Q ueue -title. No . I 5 0. I. III. mOMI -z, fee the place, where JESUS lay, p Tho fe, who H is image here partake, F o r H e hath left H is glo omy bed Tho ugh wo rms in dull their flelh What Angel ro lled the llo ne away ? co nfume, What Spirit bro ught H im from the Shallfiecp in 12 3 08 , and awake dead ? TO life eternal from the tomb . II. f By His o mnipo tence H e ro lls ; By H is Own Spirit lives again, To cru lhfo r ever all H is fo es , TO taife fo r ever ruined men. V f Hear it, ye dead Of every clime, Befo re the feco nd death begins ; Come fo rth to this new life in time, This refu rreélio n fro m yo u r fins ! IV. Dead, while they live, are Adam’ s race, By nature, fince their father ’ s fall ; Bu t lo ! the me grace Pro claim the g o l - hope to all. HE IS RISEN HE IS RISEN G astetz tiile. NO . 1 5 I . f H E is rifen ! He is rifen Tell it with a jo yful vo ice ! H e has bu rll H is three days ’ prifo n , Let the who le wide earth rejo ice Death is co nquered, man is free, CH R IST has wo n the victo ry . II. IV. Come, y e fad and fearfu l - hearted, f H e is rifen H e is rifen ! Smiling, glad, with radiant bro w H e has o pened Heaven ’ s gate ; Lent ’ s lo ng lhadows have departed, We are free from death ’ s dark prifo n , All H is wo es are o ver now Rifen to a ho lier llate ; the pallio n that H e bo re, 0 " While a brighter Ealler beam and pain, can vex no mo re. On o ur lo nging eyes lhall llream. III. mf Come, with high and ho ly hymning, Chant o ur LOR D ’ S triumphant lay ; No t o ne dark fome clo ud is dimming Yo nder glo rio us mo rning ray, fBreaking o ’ er the pu rple E all Brighter far o u r E all er feall . TH E STRIFE IS O ' ER, THE BATTLE DONE ! Finita jamfunt prwIia. G asters tulr. I 5 3 mf THs llrife is o ’ er, the battle do ne ! 1 ) The three fad days are quickly fped ; era . The viélo ry o f life is wo n ; trer. He rifes glo rio u s from the dead The lo ng o f triumphhas begu n, All glo ry to o ur rifen Head ! fHalleluj ah! fHallelujah! IV. p The pow ’ rs o f Deathhave do ne their worll, mf He clo fed the yawning gates o f hell, trer. But CHRIST their legio ns hathdifperfed ; The bars from heav ' n ’ s highpo rtals fell Le t lho ut o f ho ly jo y o u tburll, ( rel . Le t hymn s o f praife His triumphs tell ! fHalleluj ah! fHallelujah V p LORD ! by the llripe s whichwo un ded Thee, From Death’ s dread lling Thy (ervants free, ( I ' l l . That we may live, an d fing to Thee, fHalleluj ah! jESUS LIVES ! NO LONGER NOW. 7414: [ahI mit 11m: autlz it}: E states—s ills,” General. I. III. fJESUS lives ! no lo nger no w mf J ESUS lives ! fo r us H e died Can thy terro rs, D eath, appal us ; Then, alo n e to JESUS living, J ESUS lives by this we kno w Pure in heart may we abide, Thou, O Grave, canll no t enthral us. Glo ry to o u r SAVIOUR giving. f Hallelujah f Hallelujah ! II. IV. f J ESUS lives ! hencefo rth is death mf J ESUS lives o ur hearts know well But the gate o f life immo rtal No ught from us H is love lhall sever This lhall calm o ur trembling breath, fLife, no r death, no r po w ’ rs o f hell, When we pafs its glo omy po rtal. Tear us from H is keeping ever. f Hallelujah! f Hallelujah ! V. fJ ESUS lives to Him the thro ne Over all the wo rld is given May we g o where He is go ne, Rell and reign with H im in heaven ! f H allelujah LORD, IN THY NAME THY SER VAN ' I ‘ S PLEA D . R ogatloll B ays, or Harvest. N0 I 5 5 I. IV. f LOR D , in Thy name Thy f ervants plead, f Thine to o by right, and o ur ’ s by g race , And Tho u hall fwo rn to hear The wo ndro us growth unfeen, The harvell Thine, and Thine the feed, The hopes that fo o the, the fears that brace , The frelhand fading year. The lo ve that lhines ferene. H. V. p Ou r ho pe, when Au tumn winds blew wild, 1 ) So grant the pre cio u s things bro u ght fo rth We tru l ’ ted, LOR D, with Thee By fun and mo o n belo w, And llill, now Spring has o n u s fmiled, That Thee in Thy new heaven and e arth We wait o n Thy decree. We never may fo rego . III. creS. The fo rmer and the latter rain, f To FATH ER , SON, and HOL Y GH OST , The Summer fun and air, The GOD Who m we ado re, The reen ear, and the go lden g rain, Be glo ry , as it was , is now, A! Thine , are o ur ’ s by prayer. And fhall be e vermo re . SON OF MAN, TO THEE WE CRY. allegation D ans, or General. mf SON o f Man, to Thee we cry By the wo ndro us myllery Of Thy dwelling here o n earth, By Thy pure and ho ly birth, eras. LOR D, Thy p refence let us fee l Tho u o ur Light and SAVIOUR be ! II 1 ) Lamb o f GOD, to Thee we cry By Thy bitter ago ny, By Thy pangs to us u nknown, By Thy Spirit ’ s parting gro an, r. LOR D, Thy prefence let us fee ! Tho u o ur Light and SAVIOU R be ! III. mf Prince o f life, to Thee we cry By Thy glo rio us Majelly, f By Thy triumph o ’ er the grave, By Thy pow ’ r to help and fave , LOR D, Thy prefence let u s fee l Tho u o ur Light and SAVIOUR be IV. f LOR D o f glo ry, GOD mo fl high, Man exalted to the lk y, With Thy lo ve o u r bo fom fill ; Help us to perfo rm Thy will, Then lhall we Thy glo ry fee, Heaven o ur home, and we withThee. THE SACRED DAY HATH BEAMED. Optatus votis omnium. asrms innstihc. mf TH E facred day hath beamed, mf O g ladnefs ! that a Child, That day o f dear defires, Of earthly Virgin ’ s womb, When CH R IST, o u r GOD, o ur Hope, upro fe Sho uld fulfer lhame, and fco urg e , and Cro fs, To meet the Heav ’ nly cho irs. And then a thro ne refume ! II. VI. f The LOR D o n high afcends, f To o u r REDEEMER ’ S Name Once mo re to take H is feat : All thanks and praife be given, Celellial Pow ’ rs rejo icing fly, That He hath bo rne o u r mo rtal lhape H is glad return to greet. To tread the co u rts o f Heaven. VII. The mighty battle gained, mf Let Angels deign with u s The wo rld ’ s great prince undo ne, A commo n jo y to lharc, Bz fo re H is Father He prefents That while H is prefence they beho ld, The mo rtal palm He wo n. We llill are fo und H is care . IV. VIII. Up bo rne abo ve the clouds, p May we, while waiting CH R IST, Sweet hope He lheds o n all To heav ’ nly wo rks arife , He flin the gates o f Eden back, And ever live fuchfaintly lives, S u t fall by Adam’ s fall. That we may reach the lk ies ! HAIL THE DAY THAT SEES HIM RISE. asses smns tille. I. IV. f HAI L the day that fees Him rife ! 1 ) Still fo r them He intercedes ; R avilhed fro m ou r wilhfu l eyes ! H is prevailin death He pleads ; C H R IST, awhile to mo rtals given, Near H imfel prepares their place , Re- afcends His native Heaven. SAVIOU R o f the human race. II. There the glo rio us triumph waits Ever upward let us move, fl Lift yo u r heads , eternal gates ! Wafted o n the wings o f lo ve ; Wide u nfo ld the radiant fcene ; Lo o king when o ur LOR D lhall come, Take the KI NG o f Glo ry in ! ” Lo nging, panting after home. III. mf Him though highell Heaven receives, f There we lhall withThee remain Still He lo ves the earth He leaves ; Partners o f Thy endlefs reign ; Tho u gh returning to H is thro ne, There Thy face u nclo uded fee, Still He calls mankind H is Own. Find o u r heaven o f heavens in Thee. OUR LORD IS RISEN FROM TH E DEAD. asrmsionauw. or General. I. f OUR LOR D is rifen from the dead, mf Who is the King o f Glo ry . P Who ? The SAVIOUR is go ne u p o n high, f The LOR D, that all H is foes o ’ ercame, The pow ’ rs o f hell are captive led, The wo rld, fin, death, and hell o ’ erthrew, Drag ged to the po rtals o f the lky. And JESUS i s the Co nqu ’ ro r ’ s name . ” II. V. mf There His triumphant chario t waits , mf Lo ! H is triumphant chario t waits , And angels chant the fo lemn lay And angels chant the fo lemn lay f Lift u p yo u r heads, ye heavenly gates ! f Lift u p yo u} heads , ye heaven lygates ! Ye everlafling do o rs, give way Ye everlalling do o rs, give way 1 ” III. M n o fe all yo ur bars o f mall ' y light, mf Who is the King o f Glo ry ? Who ? I wide u nfo ld th’ etherial fcene f The LOR D o f glo rio us po w ’ r po lfeli ’ ed, lms these manfio ns as H is right ; The K I NG o f faints, and angels to o , ive the King o f Glo ry in GOD o ver all fo r ever blefl. ” THOU ART GONE UP ON HIGH. as cens ionstitle, or General. THOU art go ne up o n high To manfio ns in the lkies, And roun d Thy thro ne un ceafing ly The fo ngs o f praile arife . p But we are ling ’ ting here, Withfin and care o pprell ' ed ; LORD ! fend Thy promifed Comfo rter, And lead us to Thy rell ! III fTho u art gone up o n high; But Tho u lhalt come again, Withall the bright o nes o f the lhy Attendant in Thy train. p 0 by Thy laving power So make us live an d die, That we may (land, in that dread ho ur, fAt Thy right hand o n high! A - men. fTho u art go n e nap on high p But Tho u di firll come down, Throughearth’ s mo ll bitter mifery TO pafs un to Thy crown ; lief And girt withgriefs ‘ and fears Our o nward co urfe mull be ; But o nly le t that patho f tears tree. Lead us at Iall to Thee ! REJOICE ! TH E LORD IS KING. antenalollz tmt, or General. [ Ramses the LORD is Kin mf He fits at GOD ’ S right hand, Yo ur LORD and KING a ore ! Till all His foes fubmit, Give than ks, ye mo rtals ! fing ! And how to His command, And triumphevermore ! And fall beneathHis feet I Lift up your heart, lift up your vo ice ; fLift up yo ur heart, lift up yo ur voice ; Rej oice, again I lay, rejo ice ! Rejoice, again I fay, rejoice ! II. IV. [ JESUS the SAVIOUR reign s, ssf He all His foes lhall quell, The GOD o f truthan d love Shall all o ur fin s dellro y, When He had purged o ur llains, And every bo fom fwell He too k His feat above Withpure feraphic joy Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; fLift up yo ur heart, lift upyo ur voice Rejoice, again I fay, rejo ice ! Rejoice, again I lay, rejOIce ! V. fRejo ice in glo rio us ho Jesus the Judge lhalI e come, And take His fervan ts up To their eternal home f Lift up yo ur heart, lift up yo ur vo ice ; Rejoice, again I lay, rejoice ! THY GLORIOUS WORK, 0 CHRIST, IS DONE. ascensions tm, or General. No . 1 65 . I. IV. f THY glo rious wo rk, 0 CHRIST, is do ne ! p 0 Friell , and Pleader, Fo unt o f Peace, The battle waged withdeathis wo n ! That blood, whichbro ught us hlell releafe, Tho u e rll didll leave Thy llarry thro ne, Whichgulbed from o ut Thine heart o f love, But heaven demands Thee now its own ! Tho u liv ’ ll to o ffer the re above. II. Withclo uds of fplendo r now arrayed, tree. ’Tis thence Thy Church, Thy fpo tlel ' s Bride, Tho u loo k ’ ll o n earthbelow Thee laid ; Is ever no urilhed, beautified Now llarted from their dillant po lls, Thy members, thence withlife infpired, Attend their King unnumbered ho lls ! Are withThy hidden SPIRIT fired. All ' elnbled heav ' n in wonder waits ! srf Great Head ! where ’ er Tho u do ll precede, Fly ope the everlalling gates ! Thy Body thither do ll Tho u lead GOD- man, amid the pealing lky, p Oh! may we neve r fwerve no r llray, Thou tak ’ ll the FATHER ’ s feat o n high! But walk where Thou hall marked the way. VII. f To Thee, O jaw, praife be giv ’ n, Returned in triumphinto heav ’ n ! The FATHER, SPIRIT, we ado re Till time lhall ecafe, fo r evermo re ! H ARK ! TEN THOUSAND HARPS AND VOICES . a s rens lonz tl ’ tlr. or General. No _ 1 66. I. fHARK ! ten tho ufand harps and voices fKing of glory, reign fo r ever ! So und the no te o f praife abo ve ; Thine an everlalling crown ! jESUS reigns, and heaven rejo ices ; No thing from Thy love fhall fever jesus reigns, the GOD of love ! Tho le whom Thou hall made Thine Own. See, He fits o n yo nder thro ne ; Happy o bjeéls o f Thy grace, JESUS rules the wo rld alo ne ! Dellined to beho ld Thy face ! II. mf Come, ye fain ts, unite yo ur praifes Withthe angels ro und the thro ne ; Soon, we ho pe, o ur LORD will raife us Whither He Himfelf is go ne Mee t it is that we lho uld ling, Glo ry ! glo ry to o ur King ! IV. srf SAVIOUR, hallen Thy appearing Bring, oh! bring the glo rious day, When, the awful fummo ns hearing, Heaven and earthlhall pals away ! Then withgo lden harps we ’ ll fing, fGlory ! glory to our King ! SEE ! THE CONCLU ’ ROR MOUNTS IN TRIUMPH fl atmsionz titlt, or No . I f SE E the Co nqu ’ ro r mo unts in triumph! Se e the King in ro y al s tate, Riding o n the clo uds , His chario t, To His heav ' n ly palace gate ! 9 Hark the cho irs o f angel vo ices ores . J o yful Hallelujahs smg, f And the po rtals highare lifted To receive their he av ’ nly King ! 11. mf Who is this that comes in glo ry, Withthe trump o f J ubilee f LORD o f battles , GOD o f armies , fl He has gained the victo ry ! 9 He, Who o n the Cros s did s ufl ' er, ores . He , Who from the grave aro s e , f He has vanqu ished s in and Satan, He by deathhas spo iled His fo es . III. 1 » While He rais ed His hands in bles s ing He was p arted from His frie nds ores. While the lr e ager eye s beho ld Him, f He II o n the clo u ds as ce nds ; mf He , W o walk e d withGOD, and ple as ed Him, Pre aching tru thand do om to come , 1 He , o u r E no ch, is trans lated To His everlasting home. rnf Now o ur heav ’ nly Aaro n e nters WithHis blo o d Within the veil ; f J o shua now is come to Can aan, An d the kings be fo re Him qu ail ; p Now He plan ts the tribes o f Is rael In the ir promis ed res ting - place ; ores . Now o ur gre at E lijaho flem Do uble po rtio n o f H is grace. V. mf Tho u has t raised o ur human nature In the clo uds to GOD ’ s right hand ; f The re we s it in he av ’ nly places , There withThee in glo ry s tand ! 9 J E SUS re ig ns , ado red by angels ; ores . Man wrthGOD is o n the thro ne f Mighty LORD , in Thine As ce ns io n We by faithb i ho ld o ur own . VI . jLift us up from earthto heaven ; Give u s wmgs o f faithand lo ve ; Gales o f holy aspiratio n, Wafting us to re alms above ; pThat withhe arts and minds u plifted, cres . We withCHRIST o ur LORD may dwell, 1 Whe re He s its e nthro n e d in glo ry. fl ' In His heav ’ nly citade l. BLEST SOURCE OF MERCY, TRUTH, AND LOVE. ’ NO. 1 69, mf BLEST Source o f mercy, truth, and love, 0 lhed Thine influence from abo ve ; And {till from to ag e co nvey The wo nders O this facred day. II. fIn every clime, by every to ngue, Be GOD ’ S furpafiing glo ry fu ng Let all the liftening earth be taught The wo nders by o ur SAVIOUR wro ught. III p Unfailing Comfo rt, heavenly Guide , Still o ’ er Thy ho ly Chu rch prefidc ; Still let mankind Thy blcfiing s pro ve, Blcft So urce o f mercy, truth, and love. IV f O ho ly FATH ER, ho ly SON, And HOLY Three in One, Thy grace devo u tly we implo re ; Thy Name be praifed fo r evermo re ' COME l HOLY SPIRIT, COME l w bllmmfi' flt, or General. I. III. p COMB ! HOLY SPIR IT, come ! mf Revive o u r dro o pin faith Let Thy bri g ht beams arife ; Our do ubts and ears remo ve rm. Difpel the dark ne s from o u r minds, And kindle in o ur breafis the flame And o pe o ur clo uded eyes . Of never- dying lo ve. II. Cheer o ur defpo nding hearts , ’Tis Thine to cleanfe the heart, Tho u heavenly Paraclete ! To fanétif y the fo ul, Jim. Give us to lie with humble ho pe To po u r frefh ' fe in every part, At o ur Redeemer ’ s feet. And new- create the who le. V. ( res. Then dwell within o ur hearts Our minds fro m bo ndage free f Then we fhall know, and praife, and lo ve The FATHER , SON, and Thee l COME, HOLY SPIRIT, HEAVENLY DOVE. Whitmmtflle, or General. I mf COMa, Ho ly SPIRIT, heavenly Do ve, In vain we tune o u r fo rmal fo ng s, With all Thy quick ’ po wers , In vain we ltrive to rife And light a flame Of facre lo ve Ho fannas lang uifho n o ur to ngu es, In thefe co ld hearts o f o urs. And o ur devo tio n dies . II. IV. Loo k, how we g ro vel here below, ‘ p Dear LOR D, and [ball we ever lie Allured to trifling to ys ; At this o o r dying rate ? Our fo uls can neither fly, no r g o , Our love If: faint, fO co ld to Thee, To reach eternal jo ys. And Thine to us fo great ! V. f Come, HOLY SPIR IT, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quick ’ ning powers ! Come, lhed abro ad a SAVIOUR ’ S love, And that lhall qu icken o urs. COME , HOLY GHOST, OUR SOULS INSPIRE. whitsM h”or Gene'd Veni, Creator Spiritus. No . I 73 . p COME, HOLY GH OST, o ur fo uls infpire, And lig hten with cele flial fire ; the Anointing SPIR IT art, Who do ft Thy fevenfo ld gifts impart. II. mf Thy blefséd unétio n from abo ve, IS comfo rt, life, andfire o f lo ve Enable with perpetual light The du lnefs of o ur blinded fight. 1 ) FATH ER, SON, and HOLY SPIR IT ! p Ano int and cheer o ur fo iléd face With the abun dance o f Thy g race Keep far o ur fo es, give peace at home Where Tho u art guide no Mcan come. IV. mf Teachus to kno w the FATH ER, SON, And Thee, o f Bo th, to be bu t One ; That, thro u gh the ages all alo ng, This may be o ur e ndlefs fo ng CREATOR SPIRIT ! BY WH OSE AID. Veni w , Creator Spiritus. arran twe, or General. p CREATOR irit l by Whofe aid p Refine and urge o ur earthly arts ; The war! ’ S fo un dation s firfl were laid, But oh! e and fire our carts ! Como, vifit eve ry pio us mind ‘ ; Our frailties help, an d vice comm ! Come, pour Thy jo ys on human kind; Submit the fenfe s to the fo ul ; From fin and fo u ow fer. us fl ee, And when rebellio us they are grown, And make Thy temples worthy Thee Then lay Thy hand, an d hold them down. II. IV. mf O Source o f uncreated light Ii { Immo ra l ho nours, endlefs fame, The FATHER ’ S promifed Paracle te ! “ Attend th’Almighty FATHER ’ S Name ! Thrice holy Fo un t ! Thrice holy Fire ! The SAVIOUR - SON be glo rified, Our hearts withheavenly Io ve in fpirc ; Who fo r lo ft man ’ s redemption died 0 come ! Thy facred unaion bring, An d e qual adoration be, To fanaify us while we fing. Eternal Paraclete, to Thee ! OUR BLEST REDEEMER, ERE HE BREATHED. W hitsuntm, or General. No . I 75 . III. 1 ) OUR blelt REDEEMER , ere He breathed PAnd His that 8 °nfl ¢ V°i¢° we hear, H is tender lafl: farewell, AS (Off: as breath Of even, A Guide, a Comfo rter bequeathed That Checks each fault, that calms each With us to dwell. And fpeak s o f heaven. II. 03]He came fweet influence to impart, And every virtue we po fl ' efs, A gracio u s, willing Gu eft, And every viét ’ ry wo n, While He can find o ne humble heart And every tho ught o f ho linefs, Wherein to f elt. Are H is alo ne. V. mf Tho u Source o f purity and grace, Our weak nefs, pitying fee ; 0 make o u r hearts Thy dwelling- place, And meet fo r Thee ! COME , MILD AND HOLY DOVE. watts untm, or General. I . mo aIE, mild andho ly D ove, Defcend within o ur break Do Tho u, in ns, mak e n a in ' l ‘hee If o ur o wn weak nefs maltes u s fall, Fo r ever dwell and raft. Tho u mak ’ l ’c o ur weak nefs ftand. p 0 come, read o ’ e r o urheads ares. We ’ll love The then, dear In R D ! But Tho u 1mmg ive that love ; We ’ ll humbly beg it o f Thy g race ; we may fing. But Tho u o ur prayers muit mo ve. mo Thee, Who g ivefl: life, f Oh]hear Thine Own Self fpeak ; Our better life o f grace ; F o r Tho u in us do ll: pray : Who givefl: breath, andfirength, Tho u tefl: quicker than we alk ; To ru n and win the race. y grace k nows no delay . ROUND THE LORD IN GLORY SEATED. q OUND the Lo aD in glory H eaven is fiill wirh Cheru bim and S eraphim Filled His temple, and repeated Ho ly, holy, ho ly, ” ling Ing, Eachto each th’ alternate hymn LOR D o f ho fls, the LOR D mo lt H igh! ” II . f “ LOR D, Thy glo ry fills the heaven, mf With His s eraphtrain befiore H im, Earth Is withits fulncfs fl o rcd; With H is ho ly church below, Unto Thee be glory given, Thus co nspire we to ado re H im, Holy, ho ly, ho ly LORD . Bid we thus our anthem flow f LOR D, Thy glo ry fills the heaven, Earth IS with its fulnefs ltored ; Unto Thee be glo ry given, H o ly, holy, ho ly LORD ! WE GIVE IMMORTAL PRAISE. infinity, or General. NO. I 7 9 . I. f WE give immo rtal praife To GOD the FATH ER ’ S lo ve, Fo r all o ur comfo rts here, And better ho pes above ; p He fent His Own eternal So n To die fo r fins that man had do ne. II. f To GOD the So n belo ngs Immo rtal glory to o , Who bo ught us with His blo o d From everlafling woe ; And nowH e lives, and now He reigns , And fees the fruit o f all H is pams. III. f To GOD the SpIrIt ’ s Name Immo rtal wo rfhip give, Who fe new- creating power Makes dying fiuners live H is wo rk completes the great And fills the fo ul with jo y divine. IV. f Almighty GOD, to The Be endlefS ho no urs do ne ; The u ndivided TH R EE, The ag reat my fterio us ONE ! here re o n fails with all her powers, There faithprevails, and lo ve adores. THREE IN ONE, AND ONE IN THREE. No . 1 8 1 . f THR EE in ONE, and ONE in TH R EE, Ru ler o f the earth and s ea, H ear us, while we lift to Thee Ho ly chan t and pfalm. II. mj b Li ht o f IIghts ! with mo rning ibine ; Li t o n uS Thy light divine benig n Breathe o n u s her balm. III. Inf Light o f lights ! when falls the eve n, Let it clo fe o n fin fo rgive n dim Eo ld m aa the peace o f heaven ; pp Shed a holy calm. IV. f THR EE in ONE, and O NE in T HREE, D H ope to bcar the pahn . O GOD OF LIFE , WHOSE POWE R BENIGN. No . 1 8 2 . I. p 0 GOD of l ife,Who fe power b enign mf O HOLY GHOST, Whofe g uardian a n : er. Do th o ’ er the wo rld in mercy ibine, Do th us fo r heavenlyjo ys prepare, f Accept o ur praife, fo r we are Thine. May we in Thy communio n lhare. mf O FATH ER, uncreated LOR D, p Protea us, FATH ER, here b elow ; Be Tho u in every land ado red ; Thy mercy, J ESU, may we know ; On every fo u l Thy love be po ured. O HOLY GH OST, Thy power beftow. VI . p 0 SON o f GOD, for finnera flain, [ O Ho ly, Blefl ' éd Trinity ! We bidSThee, Lo amt ' e dy ing pain With faith we finners bo w to Thee Forus did endlefs life reg ain. In us, 0 GOD, ex alted be '! HOLY HOLY, Holy, Holy! LORD GOD Almighty l Ho ly ! tho ughthe darknefs hide Thee, era . Early in the morning o ur fong lhall rife to Thee, eye of fm man Thy g lo ry may p Holy, Holy, Ho ly merciful and n igh e Ferio ns, Blefsed Trinity p Tho u art holy ; there is none befide Thee, P eét in power, in love, and purity. II . p Holy, Ho ly, Holy ! all the Sain ts adore Thee, Calling down their go lden crowns around the p Holy, Ho ly, Ho ly ! LORD GOD Almighty ! glafl ' y fea ; All Thy works lhall praife Thy Name in earth, m e mIerubim and Seraphim falling down before Thee, p Ho ly, Ho ly, Ho ly ! merciful and mighty ! chwait, and art, and evermore ibalt be. erer. GOD in Three Ferions, blefaed Trinity ! GREAT GOD , WHO IN THY . LIGHT DOST REST 0 Lace Qua Tua later. No . I 8 5 I. 111. f GREAT GOD, Who in Thy light do fl: reit! The FATH ER who lly in the SON ; Great TR IN ITY, fo r ever bleflz ! The Se ts and FATH ER who lly One ; We Thee avo w, in Thee believe, With SON and FATH ER eve r fo und, To Thee withperfect heart we cleave. The HOLY GHOST withBo th is bo und. II. IV ay ‘Thrice ho ly FATH ER, Thee we blefs ! The SON and SPIR IT we pro claim True GOD, O SON, we Tin e co nfefs ! In Subfltance with the SIR E the fime, Tho u, SPIRIT, Chain of heavenly lo ve, The THREE ONE Verity mo lt High; Dali link the laered Pair abo ve. The THREE ONE Lo ve in clo feft tie . f Then give the FATH ER endIEfs praife To SON and SPIR IT glo ry raife The living GOD,Who bears the fway, While cou ntlefs ages wear away ! LAMB OF GOD, WHOSE DYING LOVE. £ 019 Grommuniou. No . 1 8 6. I. p LAME o f GOD, Who fe dying lo ve, Now Tby Sain ts recall to mind, Hear us, blefs us from abo ve ; Let us all Thy mercy find. II. Let Thy Blo o d, to us app lied, E very finncr ’ s pardo n cal All In Thee be fanétified ; Every fo ul Thy comfo rt feel. ”By Thine ago ny o f pain, By Thy precio us Blo o d, Cle anfe o u r hearts fro Take o ur lo ad o f guilt away. IV. cz ar. Burfl: o ur bo nds , and fet us S ee Bid o ur fears and fo rrows ecafe ; dim. LOR D , remember Calvary ! SAVIOUR, bid us g o in peace. O GOD, UNSEEN, YET EVER ' NEAR. holy c ommunion. p 0 GOD, unfeen, yet ever near, Thy Prcfence may we feel And, thus infpired by ho ly fear, Befo re Thine altar kneel ! II. IV. mf Here may Thy faithfu l p eople know crer. Thus may we all Thy wo rds o bey, The bleflin g s o f Thy o ve, F o r we, 0 GOD, are Thine, The llreams t at thro ’ the defert flow, And g o rejo icing o n o ur way, The manna from above. Renewed with fireng thdivine. V. f To FATH ER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, The GOD Whom we ado re, Be glo ry, as it was, is now, And fhall be evermo re. III. 1 ) We come, o bedient to Thy Wo rd, To feaft o n heavenly fo o d , Ou r meat, the Bo dy o f the LOR D, Ou r drink, H is precio us Blo o d. JESU, To THY TABLE LED . communion. No . I 8 9. I. p JESU, to Thy Table led, 1) When we tafie the myflic Wine, ares. Now let every heart be fed Of Thy Blo o d o u tpo ured the fig n , dim. With the true and living Bread. tree. Fill o ur hearts withlo ve divine 1 ) While in penitence we kneel, p Draw u s to Thy wou nded Side, crer. Thy fweet prefence let us feel ; crer. Whence there flowed the healing tid e ; dim. All Thy wo ndro us love re veal. dim. There o ur fins and fo rrows hide ! p While o n Thy dear Cro iS we gaz e, p Lead us by Thy piercéd Hand, Mo u rning o ’ er o ur finful ways, ares. Till aro u nd Thy thro ne we hand, Turn o ur fadnefs into preife. f In the bright and better land ! BY CHRIST REDEEMED, IN CHRIST RESTORED. £ o maturat ion. N0 1 9 ° mf BY CH RISTredeemed, in CH RISTrefto red, 1 ) His fearfu l dro ps o f ago ny, We keep the memo ry ado red, H is life - bloo d fhed fo r u s we fee ; And fhow the death o f o ur dear LOR D, crer. The Wine fhall tell the myflzery, p Until He come. p Until He come. II. mf H is Bo dy, bro ken in o u r Read, 1) And thus that dark betrayal - night, Is here in this memo ria! Bread ; With the laft Advent we unite ; And fo o ur feeble lo ve is fed, crer. The fhamc, the glo ry, by this rite, p Until He come . 1) Until H e come. m blefl ' éd hope ! with this elate, eras. Let no t o ur hearts be defo late ; f Bu t, ftro ng in faith, in patience wait, 1) Until He come. THEE WE ADORE, O HIDDEN SAVIOUR, THEE. £ l communion. No . I 9 I A men . I . p THEE we ado re, 0 hidden SAVIOUR, Thee, p 0 Fo un t o f g o odne fs JESU, LORD and GOD ! Who in Thy Sacramen t art pleafed to be Cleanfe us unclean withThy mo lt cleanling B lo o d ! Bo thflelhand fpirit in Thy prefence fail, Increafe o ur faithand lo ve, that we may kn o w Yet here Thy prefence we devoutly hail. The hope and peace, whichfrom Thy prefen c e fl o w. II. blelt memorial o f o ur dying LORD, p 0 CHRIST, Whom n ow beneatha veil . we fee , .o living Bread to men do thhere afl ' o rd! May what we thirfl: for fo o n o ur portio n be s ay o ur fo uls for ever feed o n Thee, To gaz e on Thee unveiled, an d fee Thy face , ITho u, O CHRIST, fo r ever precious be ! The vifion o f Thy glory and Thy grace ! WAKE, MY TONGUE, THE MYST ’ RY TELLING. Pang e, lingua, gloriq/i. holy ctommunion. No . I 9 3 . f WA R E, my to ng ue, the J ESU ’ S glo rio us Bo dy H ymn the Blo o d, all price ex celling, Which the Univerfal King, Ifi' ue o f a ro yal womb, Shed to fave a wo rld from do om. II. Inf Glv ’ n fo r us, His birth pro ceeding From a Virgin pu re as fnow, He, a life with finners leading, Came the feed o f Tru th to fow ; This, H is ling ’ ring co urfe o f wo es, Bringing to a wo ndro us clo fc. V pp Low befo re the myfl 'ic wo nder, Let us reverence the fight ; crer. Ancient figures fall afunder, Yielding to the later Rite f Faith l thy needed help we feek ! Aid u s where the fenfe is weak! tellin At the final Su 1 g p ’Mid the Twila: thla ’ t g mo urnful n ig ht, With the Law’ s beheflzs complying, Jo ining in the Pafchal Rite, ares. H e, to feed His favo ured band, Gives H imfelf with H is Own hand. IV. B read the Wo rd Incarnate telleth By a wo rd His Fleihto veil ; Wine to be H is Blo o d com eth, Tho u gh to ould inf Faith fuflicethto impart Strength to every guilelefs heart. MY GOD, AND IS THY TABLE SPREAD ? £ 019 c ommunion. I p M Y GOD, and is Thy Table fpread ' ! mf Why are its dainties all in vain And do es Th cu p with lo ve o ’ erflow? Befo re u nwilling hearts difplay ed Be all Thy chi] ren thither led, Was no t fo r y o u the Victim fl ain ? And let them all its fweetnefi: know. Are yo u fo rbid the children ’ s bread ? II. IV. f Hail ! facred F call, which JESUS makes 0 let Thy Table ho noured be, Rich ban quet o f H is flelhand blo o d! And fu rnifhed wellwith jo yfii l guefts ! Thrice happ y he, who here partakes And may each fo ul falvatio n fee, That facred tiream, that heavenly foo d! That here its facred pledges tafies. V. f Praife GOD, fromWhom all bleiiings flow, below, Praife H im abo ve, angelic host, Praife FATH ER , SON, and HOLY GHOST. LORD JESUS, GOD OF GRACE AND LOVE. may c ommunion. I III p LOR D J ESUS, GOD o f grace and lo ve, p I come, LOR D J ESUS, at Thy call ; Revealed o n Calvary, Thy faving help I need ; Tho u calleft from Thy thro ne abo ve, Co nviaed, at Thy Cro fs I fall, This day remember Me. ” And there my ranfom read. II. mf I come, Lo rd J ESUS, to fulfil Thy lafl: divine command 0 ! may I ever do Thy will, And own Thy g uiding hand ! V p ares. Oh ! when I take Th l y p o f lo ve, Which Tho u Thy elf LOR D J ESUS, plead my c 1 : Remember me in heaven IV mf I come, LOR D J ESUS, to Thy feafi, Unwo rthy tho u ghI be ; By Thy redeeming pow ’ r releafed, I reaz all hopes o n Thee. LORD, WHEN BEFORE THY THRONE WE MEET. £ o c ommunion. NO. 1 9 7 mf LOR D, when befo reThy thro ne we meet, p Thy Bo dy, fo r o ur ranfo m given , Thy g o o dnefs to ado re, Thy Blo o d, in mercy fhed : From heaven, th’ eternal mercy feat, With this immo rtal fo o d fro m heaven, On us Thy blefiing po ur, LOR D, let o u r fo u ls be fed ares. And make o u r inmo l ’c fo uls to be cres . And as we ro und Thine Altar kneel, A habitatio n meet fo r Thee . Help us Thy quickening grace to feel. III . mf Be Thou, O Ho ly SPIR IT, nigh Accept the humble prayer, The co ntrite fo ul ’ s repentant figh, The finner ’ s heartfelt tear ; erer. An d let o u r ado ratio n rife As fragrant incenfe to the lk ies. ’GAINST WHAT FOEMEN ART THOU RUSHING ? c ontu sion Of 5 L lflaul. Qua: in bofier, Saule, midi: NO. 1 9 8 . f ’GAINST what foemen art tho u rulhing ? Saul, what h'enzy go ads thy min d? Why to flaughter harmlefs vittima Halt tho u in thy rage defigned i CHRIST the Su fl ’ rer, fSoon th’ Aven ger tho u lhalt find. II fCHRIST appro ache s, whelms him, blinds him, Hurls him helplefs to the gro und Low befo re his heaven ly Matter, All fubmiflive is he fo und f So on His herald thunders ro und. V. fPraife the FATHER, Who all m atures Mo ulded fi-om His heavenly lhrine Praife the SON,Who hathredeemed us By His death, o n highto lbine p era . Praife the SPIRIT, Nurfing us withBreathdivine. fHe, who o nce withfearful threar ’ n ings Fe tters fo rged, n ow filled withdread, Foe no mo re to his REDEEMER, By the han d is gen tly led Wo lf o f rapin e, p Now a lamb, his fury dead. IV. rsf How, 0 Lo an, are hearts o f marble So ftened by Thy po ten t Grace ! He, who by Thy people ’ s bloo dlhed, Wo uld Thy blefl ' é d Name efl iace, So o n iball blaz e it, By his life, from race to race. o SION, OPE THY TEMPLE GATES . vitrification. I. IV. f O SION, ope thy Temple gates ; See ro und H im ho ly o nes appear, The Viétim- Priefl: to enter waits Mo re ho ly now that GOD is near Let lifelefiz lhadows fade away They reap the lo ng expected priz e Befo re the tru th ’ s enlight ’ ning ray ! Of yearning faith, and gaz ing eyes . II V No mo re lhall flo cks and herds be flain : p Mu te Mo ther o f the filent Wo rd! Their blo o d no mo re lhallfieep the fane ; From thee no living fo und is heard ; To win fo r us the FATH ER ’ S grace, Y et ftil! by thee is GOD co nfefi' ed, He by the altar takes H is place. In fearching tho ughts that fill thy bres il. III. VI. mf Full co nscio us o f her Char e divine, f O laud the FATH ER, laud the SON, The Virgin carries to the rine And laud the SPIR IT, TH R EE in ONE The LOR D lhe bo re, and do ves fhe brings , To Thee, bleft Trinity, we raife An o ff ’ ring to the KING o f kings. Devo ted hearts with ceafelefs praife. HAIL ! HIGHLY FAVOURED, BLESSED MAID ! annunrtatwu. No . 2 01 , p HAIL! highly fivo ured, faf So, LORD, when Thou doll: lhow Thy face, On thee the richell grace is laid ! ” And o fl ’ er Hear Ga briel ex claim May erer. A So n from Heavén lhalt thou bear, era . Beho ld the fervan t of the Lord ! Great David ’ s ho no urs fhall He wear, Make go od to us Thy precio us word, f Lo ! Jasus is His Name. ” f And feal us for the priae. ’ II. mf As Mary hands withwififul eyes, In calm bu t earnell: hope lhe cries “ His gracio us will be do ne I The fhadow o f the Higheit foars, The Ho ly Gho lt Himfelf o utpours, f And GOD and Man are one ! IV. p Blefl: SAVIOUR, fix Thyfelf within ; 0 banilheachufurping fin , And walhaway its liain ; era . Make every heart a maiden lhrine ; Then fill it withThy light divine, f And there fo r ever reign . THRONED ABOVE THE STARRY SPHERE. g a mu t. No . 2 0 2 . fTHRONED abo ve the narty fphere, Ro bed in daz z ling whitenefs, LORD o f life, to us a pear ! Rife , eternal Brig tnefs ! Now Thy glo rio us beam difplay O’ er a world benighted ! Ne ’ er fhall lhine Thy gracio us ray Only to be (lighted. II 9 One there was forfo o k the light, Radian t (till above him Heedlefs o f the coming night, Lofito tho fe who lo ve him. m3 . Ye t his fi'ailty they can bear, While they mourn his weaknefs ; Sorrow witha bro ther lhare, Win him back withmeeknefs. mf Waking up from faithlefs fleep, Spurning guilty coldnefs, Sped the Sain t s cro fa the deep, Armed withho ly boldnefs. f Lo ud he fo un ds Thy faving Name Heathen ho lts ado re it ! Highhe lifts Thy Cro fs o f lban e Egypt bows befo re it ! mf Shine Upo n o ur darkfome way, Star o f Grace amaz ing! On Thy living, guidin g ray Keep us ever gaz ing ( f er. Kindle, LORD, the fire o f love ; Then we ne ’ er lball grieve Thee warmed from Hear/n above, can ever leave Thee ? THE FATHER SHEW US, GRACIOUS LORD. 5 5 . fibilip ans g ames. I f “ TH E FATH ER fhew us, gracio us LOR D, Abando n no t o ur finful race And we co ntented rei ’ t To dark nefs here alo ne, mf TOO bo ld the prayer, to o raih the wo rd ; Bu t grant u s Thine enlight ’ ning grace, ’Twas Philip ’ s hafty vo ice was heard, That we may view the FATH ER ’ S face From his to o ardent breaflz. Reflected in Thine Own. II. V. p To gain that g limpfe, tho ’ ne ’ er fo fain t, f Tho u art the Way, the Truth, the Life ; To mo rtal were to die To us the FATH ER give ; Oh how co uld finner, how co uld faint, To Him co nduct us thro ’ the ftrife, Or how co uld angel, free from taint, To Him, Who fiands, with mercy rife, Endure that dazz ling eye That we may fee and live. III. mf Yet, LOR D, we co u ld the FATH ER Co u ld fee H im beaming bright, If we wo u ld o nly lo o k to Thee, r ' et the g lo o my fpirit free m mifts that clo ud its fight. VI. 1) SO bring us all, releafed from care, To tread the heavenly flo o r, ares. With Thy Own martyred bro ther there , And blefséd Philip, fainted pair, f To fee Thee evermo re. LO l FR OM THE DESERT HOMES . fit. s can the B aptist. Nunc fair tandem. mf LO l from the defert homes, Ye haughty mo un tain s, bow Where he hathhid fo long, Yo ur lky - afpirin g heads ; The new Elias comes, e valleys, hiding low, In ficrnefiwifdom ltrong ; The vo ice that cries Of Cam from high, And j udgment n igh, Fo r evermo re From op ’ n ing lkies. He comes to reign. fYo ur Go o e ’ en n ow do th{lan d Within he av ’ n ’ s op ’ ning doo r ; His fan is in His han d, And He will purge His flo o r ; The wheat He claims, An d withHim flows ; The chaff He throws To quenchlefs flames. V. inf o Gen ! withlove ’ s fiveet might Who do ll ano int, an d arm Cm usr ’ s fo ldiers fo r the fight, Withfpells that lhield from harm; fThrice blefséd Tunas, Heav ’ n ’ s en dlefs days Shall lin g Thy praife Eternally ! IV. p Let thy dread vo ice aro un d, Tho u harbin ger o f Light, On o ur dull ears (till fo und, Lell here we fleep in n ight, tr“ . Till Judgmen t come, And o n o ur path Shall burll the wrath, And deathlefs dam . IN WEAKNESS GREAT, AND STRONG IN HIDDEN MIGHT. s t. apart . I. IV. f IN weakn efs great, an d llro ng in hidden might, fA trully Shepherd fo r Thy lhcep he (lan ds, Thy Pe ter, Lo an, a liar o f living light, The keys o f heav ' nly pardo n in his hands ; p( f er. Tho ugho ft o bfcured, and o nce e clipfed, his rays p The cro fs o f pain he crimfons o ’ er withblo od, Ye t lhine again withpurer, brighter blaz e. rrer. Undy ing witnefs railing fro m the flo o d. II. V. arf To meet Thee, walking o ’ er the tro ubled waves, mf When ro un d us thre aten ing waves in wratharife, In z eal he plunged, but lo ll: the faiththat fave s ; 0h! may we fix o n Thee u nfwerving eyes ! The fio n y depths wo uld foo n have been his tomb, On Thee may all o ur clin ging hope s be flayed ; H adfiTho u no t pluckedhimfromthe watery doom. Thy loo k be mercy, and Thin e arm bring aid ! III. VI. 1 } The Co ck crew lo ud Thy warning in his ears ; p Grantwe mayloveThee withThyMartyr ’ s power, At Thy fad lo o k he po ure d remo rfeful tears In fo rrow melted fo r eachlinning ho ur ; By Satan lifted, pro lirate ’ neathhis blaft, Withhim, while guarded from his mo urnful fall, I On Thee, the Ro ck, he licod a ro ck at lalt. ( res. Co nfefs Thee Cam , and win Thee Loan of all. AS JAMES THE GRE AT, WITH GLOWING ZEAL. s t. g ames . N 2 07 mf AS jame s the Great, withglowing z eal, Unheeding fmile o r frown, Relin qu ilhed all his earthly we al, To win a brighter crown So , LORD, we halie, the wo rld difdaincd, To follow Thee withfaithunfeigned, p And draw Thy mercy down. II. uf Sho uld we fo r Thee to wrathbe moved, Diliurbe d by wild un re ll, Tho ughthin king then Tho u mo lt wert loved, That then we fcrved Thee be ll ; “h! let Thy Spirit drop its balm, quell the ito rm, an d lhed a calm ' ) n o ur unruly break . mf Thy cup in fervo ur James would drin k, An d drain its fo rrows From Thy dark lo t he (co rn ed to Tho ugh ' It were e ’ en to die a n . That he might ran k o n Thy right hand, And there befo re the angels (lan d, f Thy favo ured fain t o n 8 high. IV. mf We from the Cro fs fec k no re treat, But, gu ided by Thy grace, We crave to fit beneathThy fee t Right ro yal is the place ! fSo we may ever be Thine Own, Where ’ er we view Thee hands a throne ; p Our He av ’ n is in Thy face. LO ! SEA AND LAND THEIR GIFTS OUTPOUR. g t. martinis . N O. 2 0 f Lo l fea and land their gifts o u tpo ur, A tribute from their richell llo re, To lie at Levi ’ s fee t ; p But Tho u, in palling, gracio us LORD, Didll l ' ee his dange r, fpeak Thy wo rd ; That wo rd fo r him how mee t ! f “ Come, fo llow Me ! ” ”If To fo llow Thee He quits his wealthy feat. II. mf But we are llill in fe tters held, By wo rldly charms an d lucre fpelled, Our hearts all dead and co ld; Unyielding to the crie s o f grace, Withwills to o weak to fee k Thy face, Fall bo und in Satan ’ s ho ld : f “ Come, fo llow Me ! ” p Ah! how are we To burli the chains o f gold ? III. f Ye t, ro u fed by Thine Almighty vo ice, Go o d LORD, we rife, an d we rejo ice We fling the dro l ’ s away ; No diamo nd fparkle s in the light, No ught ever lhines fo fair an d bright, As Thy celeltial ray Come, fo llow Me ! ” We fly to Thee, 0 living Star o f day ! IV. rf Tho u hadll no t where to lay Thin e head, When Matthew, by Thy mercy led, So ught The to be his Guelt; But we, 0 LORD, o f Thee have n eed, On Thy richbo un ty we mull feed, And lean upo n Thy breali p (f er. “ Then, fo llow Me ! ” We cling to Thee, Our Riche s, and o ur Rell ! THEY COME , GOD ' S MESSENGERS OF LOVE. i t. mama. No . 2 I O . I. IV. mf TH EY come , Go D ’ s mell ' en g ers o f lo ve, 1 1 Blelt J s s u , Tho u ,Who fe gro ans and tears They come fro m realms 0 peace abo ve, Have fanétified frail natu re ’ s fears, From ho mes o f neve r- fading light, To earth in bitter fo rro w weighed, From blilsful manlio ns ever bright. Tho u didll no t l ' co rn Thine angels ’ aid. II. They come to watch aro und us here, To fo o the o u r fo rro w, calm o ur fe ar ; Ye heavenly gu ides , fpeed no t away GOD willeth y o u with u s to Ray. B ut chiefly at its jo u rney ’ s end, f To GOD the FATH ER, GOD the SON, ’Tis yo u r ’ s the fpirit to befriend, And GOD the Se rr, TH R EE in O Na, And whifper to the willing heart, From all abo ve, and all below, 0 Chrillian fo u l, in peace depart. ” Let jo yfu l praife unceafing flo w. V. An angel - guard to us fu pply, When o n the bed o f death we lie ; And by Thine Own Almighty pow ’ r O lhield us in the lall: dread ho ur. WITH ME IS LUKE, ALONE OF ALL. l ak e. NO . 2 I 1 . I p W1 'r11 me is Luk e, alo ne o f all So fadly mo urned the aged Paul ; Frail Demas , his in Chrifiian lo ve, dim. Is dead to him and things abo ve. II V mf The wo rld had lhewn its fpecio us face, p LOR D, make u s l ’ teadfall as Thy Saint, And lured him from the heave nly race ; That we may to il, and never faint, era . He lo ves it, and witho ut a thro e That we may (land, and never fall, dim. Can leave a martyr to his woe. Upheld by Thee, the Help o f all. III. VI. f Bu t Luk e his to ils and travels lharcs, mf Thy chang elefs lo ve, we pray, ixn part ; Companio n clear o f all his cares ; O nu rfe in u s a lo yal heart ; 0 Lo ve li hting up his tender bro w ares. That we, fufiained by grace fro m h ' 11, He co uId no t leave tlm F o r Thee may live, in Thee may d l gie. IV mf Beho ld him co nfiant, faithful (land, With healing lip, and healing hand, His fulf ’ ring bro ther fain to tend, Evang elil ’ t, Phy lician, Friend. WHO ARE THESE, LIKE STARS APPEARING ? Wer find die var Golfer l rane. all s aints, or General. No , 2 1 3 , I . rnf Wno are thefe, like fiars appearing, mf Thefe are they, who have co n tended The fe, before Go D ’ s thro ne who fin d ? Fo r their Savro va ’ s ho n o ur long, Eacha go lden crown is wearing Wreltling o n till life was ended, Who are all this glo rio us band ? Fo llowing n o t the linful thro ng fAlleluia ! hark ! they ling, fThe fe, who well the fight fullained, Prailing loud their heavenly King. Triumphthro ughthe Lam have gained II. IV. enf Who are thefe o f daz z lin g brightnel ' s, p Thefe are they, who fe hearts were riven, Thefe, in GOD ’ s own tru tharrayed, So re withwoe and anguilhtried, Clad in ro bes o f puteli whitenefs, Who in prayer full oft have ltriven Ro bes, who fe lu llte ne ’ er lhall fade, Withthe GOD they glo rified : Ne ’ er be to uched by Time ’ s rude hand ? erer. Now the ir pain and co nfiiél o ’ er, f Whence come all this glo rio us ban d? GOD has bid them weep no more. mf Thefe, like prielis, have watched an d waited, OE ’ ring u to CHRxs 'r their will, So ul and bo dy co n fecrated, Day and n ight to ferve Him lilli fNow, in Go D ’ s mo lt ho ly place, Blell: they lian d before His Face. WHAT ARE THESE IN BRIGHT ARRAY ? all S aints, or General. nzf Wna 'r are thefe in bright array, This innumerable thro ng, Ro un d the altar night and day, Hymning o ne triumphan t fo ng ? f “ Wo rthy 1s the Lamb, o nce flain , Blelling, ho no ur, glo ry, power, Wifdom, riche s to o btain , New dominio n every ho ur. ” III. inf Hun ger, thirit, dil ' eal ' c un known , On immo rtal fruits they feed Them the Lamb amidll the Thro ne Shall to living fo un tain s lead : fJ oy and gladnel ' s ban ilhlighs, Pe rfe ét love difpels all fear, And fo r ever from the ir eye s J un. G OD lhall wipe away the tear. II. p Thefe thro ughfiery trials trod ; The fe from great affliction came Now befo re the thro ne o f GOD, Sealed withHis Almighty n ame, Clad in raimen t pure an d white, Vifio r- palms in every hand, Thro ughtheir dear REDEEMER ’ s might, Mo re than co n quero rs they llan d. 0 HAPPY SAINTS , WHO DWELL IN LIGHT. all. S aints, or General. NO. 2 1 5 . I . p 0 H APPY faints, who dwell in light, ”if And now they range the heavenly And walla with J esu s, clo thed in plains, white, And ling theirhymns in melting (trains ; era . Safe landed o n that peaceful lho re, erer. And now their fo u ls begin to pro ve Where pilgrims meet to part no mo re. The heights and depths o f Jes u ’ s lo ve. 11. f Releafed from fin, and to il, and grief, f He cheers them with eternal fmile ; Death was their gate to endlefs life ; They ling ho fannas all the while, An 0 ned cage, to let them fly, erer. Or, o verwhelmed with rapture fweet, And u ild their happy nefi: o n high. dint. Sink down ado ring at His feet. V. p Ah LOR D with tardy lie s I creep, And (ometimes ling, and ometimes weep et lirip me o f this ho ufe o f clay, And I will ~ ling as lo ud as they . THE SON OF GOD GOES FORTH TO WAR. apostles , N0 2 1 7 ~ of Ta x SON o f GOD go es fo rthto war, A Kingly crown to gain ; His blo o d- red banner llreams afar Who fo llows in His train ? pWho belt can drin k His cup o f woe, Triumphan t o ver pain, Who patien t bears His Cro fs below, era . He follows in His min . A n o ble army, men an d bo ys, The matro n an d the maid, Aro und the Savxova ’ s thro ne rejo ice, In ro bes o f light arrayed. They climbe d the lleep afcen t o f heaven, Thro ughperil, to il, and pain p 0 GOD ! to u s may grace be given, To fo llow in their train ! f A glorio us ban d, the cho fen few, On whom the e m came ; Twelve valian t fain ts, their ho e they knew, An d mo cked the cro fs an d ame. They met the tyran t ’ s brandilhed lleel, The lio n ’ s go ry man e They bowed their necks the deathto feel Who fo llows m their train ? HOW BRIGHT THESE GLORIOUS SPIRITS SHINE ! ailflfitltfi, 35th, or General. N0. 2 I 8 . I. IV. nf How bright thefe glo rio us fpirits lhine ! His prefen ce fills eachheart withjo y, Whence all their bright array ? Tun es every mo u thto ling ! How came they to the blifsful feats By day, by night, the facred co urts Of everlalling day ? Withglad ho fann as ring. II. f LO ! thefe are they from fufi’ rings great, ntf Thirll, hunger, n ow are felt no more, Who came to realms o f light, An d in the blo o d o f Cmu s 'r have walhed Tho fe ro bes, whichlhine fO bright. III Withpalms triumphal now they ilaud Before the thro ne o n high, And ferve the GOD they lo ve, amidlt The glo ries o f the lky . VII p ’Mo ng pallures green He ’ ll lead His flo ck, Where livin g llreams appear ; And GOD the LORD from every eye Shall wipe o ff every tear. GOD lhin es their Sun, who l ' e cheering beams Difi’ufe eternal day. VI. The LAMB, Whichdwells amidli the tlu ' one, Shall o ’ er them liill prelide, Impart His no urilhmen t divin e, And all their fo o tl ' teps guide. DISPOSER SUPREME. nestles, 8 m, or I . nef Drsro saR Supreme, And Judge o f the earth, Who cho o fel! for Thine, The weak and the poor; To frail earthen vell ' els, And things o f no worth, En truliing Thy riches, Whichaye lhall e ndure. II. p Tho fe vell ' els foo n fail, Tho ughfull o f Thy light ; They at Thy decree Are bro ke n an d go ne ; hen brightly appeareth The arm o f Thy might, As thro ughthe clo uds breaking The lightn ing s have lho ne. III. enf Like clo uds are they bo rne To do Thy great will, And l ' wift as the win ds Abo ut the world go ; All full o f Thy Prefence, While earthliethltill, They thunder, they lighten, The waters o ’ erfiow. IV. fTheir fo und goe thfo rth, Cnats 'r Jesu s the LORD ! Then Satan do thfear ; His citadels fall ; As when the dread trumpets Went fo rthat Thy word, And o n the gro und lie The Canaanites ’ wall. V f O lo ud be Thy trump, And (fitting the fo und, To ro ufe us, 0 LORD, From lin ’ s deadly fleep l May lights, whichTho u ndlell In darkn efs aro un d, The dull fo ul awaken Her vigils to keep ! VI . p All glo ry to Thee, Who , hidden from light, erer. Ye t fille ll withlo ve The vall Infin ite ; rnf And revealed to o ur aid As ONE and ye t Tal es, From far hathreclaimed as fThy glo ry to fee. LET OUR CHOIR NEW ANTHEMS RAISE. No . 2 2 I fLa 'r o ur cho ir new anthems raife, asf Never flinched they fi' om the flame, Wake the mom withgladnefs ; From the torture never ; GOD Himfelf to joy and praife Vain the foeman ' s lharpell aim, Turns the martyrs ’ fadnefs Satan ’ s lall endeavo r ; pThis, the day that wo n their crown, fFo r by faiththey fiw the land, erer. O n ’d Heav ’ n ’ s bright po rtal, Decked in all its glory, As ey laid the mortal down, Where trium1 1hant now they fin d fAnd put o n th' immortal. Withthe vitior ’ s l ' to ry. III. fUp and fo llow, Chrillian men Prefa thro ughtoil and fo rrow ! Spurn the n ight of fear, and then, Oh ‘ the glo rio us mo rrow ! Who will ven ture o n the llrife Who will lirlt begin it ? Who will feiz e the land o f life ? f Warrio rs, up and win it ! WHAT ARE THESE ARRAYED IN WHITE. apostles , 8513 , or General. 2 2 2 A men. mf WH AT are thefe arrayed in white, mf Therefo re they are ne x t the thro ne, Brighter than the no o n - day fun ? Serve thei r Maker day and night Fo remo ll: o f the fo ns o f light, Go d relides amo ng H is Own ; Neareft to th’ eternal thro ne ? Go d do th in His lhints delig ht. p Out o f great diltrefs they came, 1 : Them the Lamb lhall always feed, Walhed their ro bes by faith below, H e that o n the thro ne do th reign, In the blo o d o f C H R IST the LAMB ; To the living fo untains lead, Bloo d that walhes white as fnow1 Withthe tree o f life fultain. trer. He lhall all their fo rro ws chafe, All their wants at o nce remove, fWipe the tears from every face , Fill up every fo ul with lo ve . HAPPY SOUL, THY DAYS ARE ENDED. &t. , or Private use. I H APPY fo ul, thy days are ended, All thy mo u rning days belo w ; Go , by angel guards attended, To the light o f J es u s g o ! II. Waiting to receive thy fpirit, Lo ! the SAVIOUR ltands above ; Claims the pu rchafe o f His merit, Reaches fo rth the crown o f lo ve. III. p Struggle thro u gh thy latell pallio n To thy dear R EDEEMBR ’ s breal ’ t, ( res. To H is u tte rmo lt falvatio n, To His everlalling re lt ! IV. f Fo r the jo y He fets befo re thee Bear a mo mentary pain ; Die ! to live the life o f glo ry Sufl ' er ! with thy LOR D to reign ! H OW BEAUTEOUS ARE THEIR FEET. E m!)er maya, or Ordination. rnf How beauteo us are their fee t, Who Ran d o n Zio n ’ s hill ! Who bring falvatio n o n their to n gues, And wo rds o f peace reveal ! How charming is their vo ice ! How fwect the tidings are O Zio n, fee thy Savroua King! He re ign s and triumphs here ! III. fThe watchmen jo in their vo ice, And tuneful no tes emplo y ; J erufalem breaks fo rthin fo ngs, An d deferts learn the jo y. The LORD makes bare His Arm Thro ughall the earthabroad; Let eve ry n atio n n ow beho ld The ir Savxo tm and their GOD ! How happy are o ur ears, That hear this jo yful fo und, Whichkings an d prophe ts waited And fo ught, bu t never fo un d ! How blefséd are o ur eyes, That fee this heavenly light, Whichkings and pro phets lo ng delired, But died witho ut the light. POUR OUT THY SPIRIT FROM ON HIGH. a rb itration. sf POU R o u t Thy Spirit fro m o n high LOR D, Thine ali ' embled fervants blefs ; Thy grace and gifts to each fu pply, And clo the Thy priefis with righteo us nefs. II Within Thy temple whe n they ltand p To watch, and p ray, and never fain t, To teach the truth as tau ght byThee, By day and night ltriél: gu ard to keep, 0 LOR D , like liars in Thy right hand, To warn the fin ner, cheer the fain t, The Shepherds o f the Chu rches be To nu rfe Thylambs, andfeedThy lhecp. mf Then, when their wo rk is finilhed here, And they in ho pe their charge relig n, When Tho u , Chief Shepherd, lhalt appear, f May they, and we, and all be Thine ! III Withz eal and wifdom, faithimpart, With firmnefs , meek nels fro m abo ve, To bear Thy peo le o n their heart, And lo ve the Fo uls whom Tho u do ll lo ve I mf How beau tiful the feet that bring They feck, bu t o nly Tho u halt ik ill The g ladfome tidings here ! To bring lo ft wand ’ rers home ; What gracio us mell ' eng ers e ’ en no w They call, but ’ tis Thy lo ve compels , To o ur blelt eyes appear And then th’ invited co me. p Thy fervan ts fpeak ; Tho u o nly canl ' t mf LOR D, Tho u art with them o f a tru th, The hearing ear bellow ; Left we lho uld g o altray ; They fmite the ro ck, bu t Tho u alo ne The twelve bright banners g o befo re , Do ll bid the waters flow. And lhew us Canaan ’ s way. V. f Blefs we o u r GOD, Who grants us here To ling in Sio n ’ s ways Oh ! when, o n heaven ly Sio n ’ s hill, When l hall we li ng Thy praile ? IN TOKEN THAT THOU SHALT NOT FEAR. I. fIN to ken that tho u lhalt no t fear CH R IST crucified to own, We print the Cro fs u po n thee here, And ltamp thee H is alo ne. inf In to ken that tho u lhalt no t blu lh To glo ry in H is Name, We blaz o n here u po n thy fro nt H is glo ry and His lhame. V. Thus, o utwardly and vilibly, We feal thee fo r His Own And may the bro w, that wears H is Cro fs, Hereafter lharc H is crown III. In to ken that tho u lhalt no t flinch CHR ts 'r ’ s quarrel to main tain, But ’ neath His banner manfully Firm at thy po ll remain ; IV. fIn to ken that tho u to o lhalt tread The path H e travelled by, Endure the Cro fs, defpife the lhame, And lit thee down o n high ; JESU, NOW THY NEW - MADE SOLDIER. B aptism. No . 2 3 0. p J as u , now Thy new- made fo ldier F rom the Fo nt hath go ne his way tnf No w befo re him lies his trial In the life- lo do u btfu l fray ares. Ble ed SAVIOUR ! p Keep him thro u gh the weary day. II. IV. mf May he bravely fight Thy battle, 1 ) Oh , may all to who m pertaineth And thro ugh Thee fubdue the foe, This Thy fervant ’ s early care, Shun his wiles, efcape his malice, Mindful o f his heav ’ nly pro g refs, And repel his cruel blo w Wo rd and wo rk o f lhame fo rbear ! f Mighty Captain crer. Tho u that heareli, p Thy falvatio n may he kno w ! 1 1 Give them hearts and lips o f prayer. V enf Full o f ho pe his day is breaking May he never know the night ! Tho u, Who lhin ’ lt upo n his .mo rning, Be at eventide his light : f Sun o f Glo ry p Lo fe him never from Thy fight. mf Br1ght and clear Thy Gro fs is lhining On his pu re and ltainlefs bro w f Let it, ever there refplendent, Witnefs to his faithful vow fnf Dear R RDE EMER ! 1 ) Keep it alway s bright as now. O GOD, IN WHOSE ALL- SEARCHING EYE. Qtonfitmattou. No , 23 1 p 0 GOD, in Who le all - fearching eye Thy fervan ts fiand, to ratify The vow baptifmal by them made, When firfl Thy hand was o n them laid ; Blefs them, 0 holy FATHER, ble fa, Who Thee withhe art and vo ice co nfefs ; May they, acknowledged as Thine Own, Stand evermore befo re Thy throne ! III. 9 Come, ever blefséd Su m , come, And make Thy fervan ts ’ hearts Thy home ; May eacha living temple be, Hallowed fo r ever, Lo an, to Thee Inf Enrichthat temple ’ s ho ly lhrine Withfevenfo ld gifts o f grace divine f Withwifdom, light, an d kn owledge blefs, Strength, co unfel, fear, and godline fs. f Arm thele, Thy foldiers, mighty LORD, Withlhield o f faith, and Spirit ’ s Fo rthto the ' battle may they go , And bo ldly fight againlt the foe, Withbann er o f the Cro fs unfurled, And by it o vercome the world ; And fo at lalt receive from Thee The palm and crown of viaory . ONWARD, HOLY CHAMPION ! Gonfitmation, or General. No . 2 33 . 0 I. II. nxf ONWARD, holy Champio n mf Onward, holy Champion ! Run the Chrillian race, Lay all weight afide, Leave the world behind thee, All difiraéiing pleafure, Heav ’ nward fe t thy face All incumb ’ ring pride. 9 By the SP1Rrr ’ s un é ' tio n, p Shun the fubtle pitfalls, Knit withlirengthdivin e, Laid by Satan ’ s hate ; erer. Nurtured withThy Savxo u a ' s erer. Le t n o t pain s afliiét thee, Myltic bread and wine. Le t n0t jo ys elate. III. fOnward, ho ly Champio n Angels gaz ing down, Praife thy bo ld e ndeavo r, Show thy future crown . p Cu RIsT, thy dear RaDaau La, Guards His fervan t ’ s fo ul ; fAn d thy priz e awaits thee, At the heav ’ nly goal. GO FORWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIER. cronfirmation, or General. NO 2 3 4 fGO fo rward, Chrillian fo ldier, BeneathHis ban ner true ! The LORD Himfelf, thy Leader, Shall all thy foe s fubdue. 1 ) His lo ve fore tells thy trials ; He kn ows thine ho urly need; bread o f Heaven, Thy fainting fpirit feed. II. mf Go fo rward, Chriltian foldier l Fear no t the fecret foe ; Far mo re are o ’ er thee watching, Than human eyes can kn ow ! Truli o nly Cu RIsT, thy Captain ; Ceafe no t to watchand pray ; Heed no t the treach’ ro us voices, That lure thy fo ul altray. [ Go forward, Chriliian fo ldier ! o r dream o f peaceful relt, Till Satan ’ s b o lt is van quilhed, And Heav ’ n is all po ll ' e lt; Till CIIRIsT Himfelf lhall call thee To lay thine armo ur by, And wear, in endlefs glory, The crown o f viéto ry . IV. nef Go fo rward, Chriliian fo ldier ! Fcar no t the gath’ ring night ; fThe LORD has been thy lhelter, The LORD will be thy light : When mo rn his face reveale th, Thy dangers all are palt; J inx. Oh pray that faithand virtue May keep thee to the lafl. SOLDIERS OF CHRIST, ARISE ! Qtontirmatiou. or General. I. III. fSOL DI ER S o f CH R IST, arife ! Stand, then, in H is great mig ht, And pu t yo u r armo ur o n, With all H is ltreng the ndued ; Stro ng in the ltrcng thwhich GOD fupplies, But take , to arm y o u in the fight, Thro u gh H is eternal SON. The panoply o f GOD. II. IV. Stro ng in the LOR D o f ho lts, rnf That having all things do ne, And in H is mighty po wer ; And all yo ur co nfliéts pall ' ed, Who in the {treng tho f J Es u s tru lls Ye may o ’ e rcome, thro ugh CH R IST alone, Is mo re than co nquero r. And liand entire at lalt. V. f From ltre ng thto ltreng thg o o n, And wrel ’ tle, fight, and pray Tread all the powers o f dark nefs do wn, And win the we ll - fo ught day ! WHEN FAIREST EVE IN EDEN ROSE. Q uipmatrimony. NO 2 37 WHEN faircll Eve in Eden to fe From lleeping Adam’ s fide, trer. Tho u led ’ ll her, LORD, Thy precious g ift, To Adam fo r a bride . rnf So n ow Thy handmaid here bellow On this, Thy waiting fo n ; Unite them bo thin holy bo nds, A loving race to run . II. mf Make Tho u their home as Eden bright, Like Eden in her blo om; Let choice ll flow’ rs ado rn their path, And ro und them lhed perfume ! p Thy ChurchTho u tenderly hall lo ved, An d walhed her pure and fair ; tret. No llain, n o r wrin kle wo uldlt Thou trace. But fee all comely there. nef Thus, fondly knitted, ne ’ er may they Difcern the fau lty fpo t, p erer. Or elfe, withgen tle hand, let fall A Veil to hide the blo t. 1 » Highfanélity didll Tho u imprefs Upo n the marriage- rite ; erer. When Can a law the flowing ll reams Shine crimfo n in the light. inf Yet, tho ughthat n u ptial fes li was graced Withllo re o f my llic win e, Thou lllll can ll fill a fpo ufelefs heart, That kn ows no lo ve but Thine. p tree. Lo an, an t u s all, o r virgins pure, Or le lt withwe dded lo ve, [ To view the heav ’ nly Bridegroom’ s face In Paradife above. o DEATH, THOU ART NO MORE ! isut ial of themean. N0 2 3 8 . mf O D EATH , tho u art no mo re ! 1 : Then Chrillian, ceafe to weep, Tho u to o , 0 Death, art dead Shed now no ho pelefs tear Thy bo alted glo ry o ’ er, erer. A little while o f lleep, Thy power fled ! And mo rn is near ; II. 0 Death, tho u art no mo re, F o r CH RIST, the lo ft to fave, Hath opened wide the do o r, And left the grave ; III. VI. In dying, thee hath llain, p crer.Weep no t ! the gate o f life In living, life hath given, Hencefo rth is dreaded death, erer. And, rendi ng Hell in twain, The end o f life- lo n g llrife f Hath opened Heaven. Ou r dying breath. VII f Weep no t ! the Viét ’ ry ’ s won ! Away withdo ubts and fears ! dim. CH RIST, when o u r wo rk is do ne, pp Will dry o ur tears. V f The mo rn that knows no nig ht, In realms o f clo udlefs day, Where glo rio u s faints in light Their homag e pay. WHY DO WE MOURN DEPARTING FRIENDS . ssariul of the D ean. N0. 2 39 . III. p WH Y do we mo urn departing friends, p The graves o f all H is faints be blell ' ed, Or lhak e at Death ’ s alarms ? And fo ftened every bed ! ’Tis bu t the vo ice that Jesus fends, erer. Where lho uld the dying members reli, To call them to His arms . But with their dying Head ? p Why lho uld we tremble to co nvey mf He thence aro fe, afcending high, Their bo dies to the tomb ? And lhewed o ur feet the way ; erer. Fo r there the flel ' b o f Je s u s lay fUp to the LOR D o ur flelhlhall fly, And left a lo ng perfume. At o ur great rifing day. V. atf Then let the lalt lo ud trumpet fo und, And bid o ur kindred rife ; fAwake ! ye natio ns underg round! Ye faints, afcend the lin es ! FROM OUT THE DEEP, O LORD, ON THEE. f or those at S ea. NO 241 I. IV. 1 1 FROM o u t the doc , O LOR D, o n Thee 1 1When we repo fe In tranquil lleep, The trembling camen cry alo ud . nds are whil ' llmg highand(A tree. Tho u fittell So vereign o f the fea, think o f tho le who mo an and wed And ridefi: high above the clo ud . And cry fo r help when none is neat: II. f The rag ing waters 0 ’ er them ro ll, nd leaden mills efl ' ace the lk y ; The temmll awes their inmo l ' t fo ul pYet llo rm is mufic, Tho u but nigh . enf O LOR D, peae II the angry Wild ; 0 fmoo a t lhthe billow ’ s fwelling crell ; As fo ft the cradle ro cks the child, 8 0 g ently lull them all to tell . VII. f Fanned ever by Thy wings o f lo ve, On lando r fea, o n lhi o r lho re, J im. 0 g uide us all to Thee a ve, Our peaceful Haven evermo re. inf The night is dark, and fierce the fray ! Ho w dread the lo nenefs ’mid the W pBe with them, tho ugh they fail to 9 11 ! And fave them from a watery gm“ VI. mf When calm lhall glaz e the o cean face, Still teach them ever Thee to k now Thy tender mercy llill to trace, Still Thine in weal as well as was O THOU WHO BID ’ ST TH E OCEAN DEEP. No . 2 4 2 . f O THOU, Who bid ’ lt the o cean deep 1 ) 0 Sacred SPIR IT Who didll bro o d Its o wn po inted limits keep, Upo n the Chao s dark and rude ThomWEo do ll bind the relllefs wave, Who bad ’ li its angry tumu lt ceafe, E te rnal FATH ER , ltro ng to fave, And light diffused, and life, and peace ; p erer. O hear us , when we cry to Thee p ares. O hear us, when we cry to Thee F o r all In peril o n the fea ! Fo r all in peril o n the fea ! II. mf O SAVIOUR ! Who fe Almighty wo rd The winds and waves fubmillivc heard, Who walk edlt o n the fo aming deep, And calm amid Its rage did llcep p erer. O hear us , when we c ry to Thee ih ' peril o n the lea k IV. f O TR I NITY o f lo ve and po wer, Our brethren lhieldin dang er ’ s heur ; From ro ck and tempelt them defend To fafety ’ s harbo u r them attend ; f And eve r let there rife to Thee Glad hymns o f praife fro m land and fea ! THE LORD ASCENDS THE SACRED HILL. G eneral. The Tranfignratian. I. f THs LORD afcends the facred hill His favored few attend Him llill ”Lo ! there at dead o f night, enf He kneels to pray, (p) but, fun k in lleep, asf They fail the ho ly watchto keep, erer. f Till burlls a blaz e o f light ! II. V. elf His features like the lightning glow ! inf Tho ughLaw, and ' Prophe ts teachand warn, His raime nt glilleus white as fnow ! They leave the finne r llill fo rlo rn f Full glo rio us does He lhine ! p The Go fpel lhines to fave ! p The So n o f Man, to fo rrow do omed, nrf Tho u o nly, LORD, can ll help, fo rgive ; Thoughto rtured, pierced, an d dead, an d tombed, Thro ughThee alo ne the lo ll can live, tree. Shall live the Word Divine. erer. Triumphan t o ’ er the grave ! VI. nf Lo ! fummo ued from the fpirit - land, fMay we attain that vifiou hielt, WithHim Elias, Mo fes, llaud, That mo un t o f glo ry, feat o f rell ! p In unio n, Oh! how fair ! if That there, from ' blemilhfi'ee, erer. They ho ld withtheir refplenden t LORD rnf Our lo s may lhine all pure and bright, Sweet co nverfe, tuned in richacco rd! Our bo dies radiant as the light, A wyllie Three is there ! tree. f Transfigured, LORD, by Thee. IV. p A clo ud defcends, a clo ud o f fear ! f “ Behold My SON ! Hear Him they hear ppThe vo ice is from the Thro ne ! inf Shines forththe SON, the Light of day ! The Law, the Prophets fade away, tree. The CHaIsT remains alo ne. JERUSALEM, MY HAPPY HOME. G eneral . 1. IV. mf JER USA LEM, my happy home, Why lho u ld I lhrink from ain and wo e, Name ever dear to me Or feel at death difmay I ) When lhall my labo u rs have an end, I ’ve Canaan ’ s go o dly land in view, In jo y, and peace, and thee ? And realms o f endlefs day. II . V. When fhall thefe eyes thy heaven - bu ilt Apo ltles, Martyrs , Prophets, there walls, Aro u nd my SAVIOUR fland And pearly gates beho ld And so o n my friends in C HR I ST be lo w Thy bulwarks , with falvatio n liro ng, Will jo in the glo ri o us band . And lireets o f lhining go ld ? III. There happier bow ’ rs than Eden blo om, fJ erufalem, my happy home ! No r fin, no r fo rrow know My fo ul liill nts fo r thee Blelt feats ! thro ugh rude and llo rmy Then lhall my ho urs have an fcenes, When I thy jo ys lhall fee. I o nward prefs to yo u. o GOD OF HOSTS, TH E MIGHTY LORD. G eneral. PM” 84 ° No . 2 46. I . ref 0 GOD o f H o lls , the mighty LOR D, f F o r in Thy co urts o ne fing le day H o w lo vely is the place, ’Tis be tter to attend, Where Tho u , enthro ned in glo ry, lhew’ lt Than, LOR D, in any place befides The brightnefs o f Thy face ! A thou fand days to fpend. II. 1 1 My lo nging fo ul faints with defire mf Much rather in Go D ’ s ho ufe will I To view Thy blell abo de ; The meanelt o ffice take, My panting heart and flelhcry o u t Than in the wealthy tents o ffin For Thee, the living GOD. My pompo us dwelling mak e. III. mf O LOR D o f Ho lts, my K ING and GOD, f Fo r GOD, Who is o u r Sun and Shield, H ow highly blell are they, Will grace and glo ry give ; Who in Thy temple alwa s dwell, And no go o d thing will H e withho ld And there Thy praife dilplay ! From them that ju ltly live. GRACIOUS SPIRIT, DOVE DIVINE. G eneral. p GR ACIOUS SPIR IT, Do ve divine, Life and peace to me impart ; Let Thy li t within me lbine ; Seal falvatio n o n my heart ; All my ty fears remove ; Breathe Thyfelf within my breafi, Fill me o f heaven and lo ve. Earneft o f immo rtal refi. II. Speak Thy ard ’ ning g race to me ; Set the bu rdzned (inner free ; Lead me to the LAMB o f GOD ; Walhme in H is precio us blo od. V. mf Guard me ro und o n every Save me from felf righteo us pride Me with13 3 0 ’ s mind infpire ; Melt me withceleltialfire. IV Let me never from Thee (tray ; Keep me in the narro w way ; Fill my fo ul with jo y divine ; Keep me, LOR D, fo r ever Thine. AFFLICTION IS A STORMY DEEP. G eneral. No . 2 49 . I. III. mf AI FL ICTION is a {to r -my deep, p In glo o my watches of the night Where wave refo u nds to wave ; I ’ ll co u nt H is mercies o ’ er ; Tho ugh o ’ er my head the billows ro ll, frat. I ’ ll praife H im fo r ten tho ufand pail, I know the LOR D can fave. And humbly the fo r mo re. II. IV. Perhaps, befo re the mo rning dawns, mf Then, 0 my fo ul, why thus deprefl ' ed, He ’ ll reinfiate my p eace ; And whence this anx io us fear ? F o r He, Who bade t e rempelt roar, Let fo rmer favo urs fix thy trufi, Can bid the tempell: ceafe. And check the filing " tear. V I here will refi, and bu ildmy hopes , No r murmur at H is ro d f He ’ s mo re than all the wo rld to me, My health, my life, my GOD. AMID THE VARIOUS SCENES OF ILLS . G eneral. No . 2 5 0. III. mf AMI D the vario us fcenes o f ills, mf Tho ’ tw pefis drive thee fro mthe fho re, Each{tro ke fo me heavenly aim fu lfils And flo o ds defcend, and billows roar And canll tho u murmur at thy GOD, Tho ’ death appear in threat ’ ning fo rm, Who fe fo vereig n lo ve directs the ro d ? f With H im tho u canll: defy the fio rm. II 1 ) If Heaven amicts, wilt tho u repine ? p H e near thee, in the dark efilhade, Each heartfelt comfo rt may be thine ; Tho u nevermo re lhalt be afraid Comfo rts .that fhall o ’ er death prevail, era . F o r whe re thy loving LOR D is fo und, And j o urney with thee thro ’ the vale. A Paradife is blo oming ro und. V. mf O SAVIOU R , fmo o tho ur rug f g ed way, And lead us to the realms 0 day, To fo fter lk ies, and brighter p lains, Where everlafiing funlhine reigns. TH E LORD MY PASTURE SHALL PRE PARE . G eneral. No . 2 5 I . I. mf Tax Loan my pallare lball prepare, p Thoughin the paths of deathI tread, And feed me witha lhepherd ’ s care ; Withgloomy horro rs o verfpread, His prefence lball my wants fupply, My Readfafiheart lhall fear no ill, And guard me witha watchful eye ; f Fo r Tho u, 0 Loan, art withme (till ; My noo n- day walks He lhall attend, Thy And all my midnight hours II. IV. p When in the fultry glebe I faint, mf Thoughin a bare and rugged way, Or o n Throughdevio us, lonely wilds I (tray, Withfudden greens and herbage crowned, And lircan a lhall murmur all wound. LET US, WITH A GLADSOME MIND. G eneral. I. IV. mf Ls 'r us , with a g ladfome mind, p His Own peo ple He did blels, Praife the LOR D, fo r He is kind In the walteful wildernefs f F o r His mercies aye endure, f Fo r His me rcies ay e endure, Ever faithful, ever fure. Ever faithful, ever fure. II. mf Let us blaz e His Name abro ad, F o r o f g ods He is the GOD : f For His mere ure, Ever faithful, ever fure. VI. mf He, with all- commanding might, 1 ) He hath, with a piteo us eye, Filled the new- made earthwith light f F o r H is mercies ay e endure, f Fo r H is mercies aye end E ver faithfisl, ever fu re. Ever faithful, ever fure. V. mf All things living H e do th feed ; H is fu ll hand fuppliea their need f F o r H is mercies aye endure, Ever faithful, everfilre. THE SPACIOUS FIRMAMENT ON HIGH. G eneral. I . m n a fpacio uafirmamen t o n high, p So o n as the evening lhades prevail, Withall the blue e ther -u ! fiy, The mo on takes up the wo ndrous tale, And fpangled heav ’ n s, a lhin ing frame, And n ightly to the lifi’ ning earth Their great Original proclaim. Repeats the liory o f her birth Th’ unwearied fun, from day to day, rra . Whillt all the liars that ro un d her burn, Does his Cw m ’ s pow’ r difplay, And all the plane ts, in their turn, And publilhea to every land Confirm the tidings as they ro ll, The work o f an Almighty hand. III fAn d fpread the truthfrom po le to pole. pp What, tho ughin folemn filence all Move ro und the dark terrefirial ball What, tho ughno real vo ice or fo und Amidfitheir radian t orbs be found ; m In Reafo n ’ s ear they all rejo ice, And utter fo rtha glo rious vo ice, For ever linging as they lhine I The hand that made us is Divine. ” LOR D, SEE HOW SWELLING CROWDS ARISE. G eneral. No . 2 5 5 . arf Lo an, fee how fwelling crowds arife, arf My vo ice hathfo ught the Loan above To wreck me thick arra cd l He heard me in the liill, Hear how the thro n iafa ting cries And fen t an anfwer, winged withlove, His GOD denies ' m aid ! From yonder ho ly hill. f But, LoaD, my caltle Tho u wilt Rand, p I laid me down, and too k my rel! A lhield be fo re me fpread I raifed me up again M worlhip, Tho u hall len t Thine hand, Tho u wert a pillow for my break , iI ' o raife my drooping head. III A cordial fo r my pain. f I will not fear ten tho ufand foes, That marlhal haughty hands, And clo se me ro und in angered rows, To whelm me ’neaththeir hands. Up, Loan ! my GOD, reveal Thy face, And (mite the foemen down Thine is the fafety, and Thy Grace SHADOW OF MIGHTY ROCK. No . 25 7 . I. p SH ADOW o f a mighty ro ck, ing o ’ er a weary land mar. Hide me fro m the tempelt ’ s (ho ck, Let me in Thy lhelter (land ! II mf When Thy Prefence, O my GOD, Brighter is than eye can fee , Shadowo n the heavenward ro ad, Let me find my fhade in Thee. V f Till the race o f life be run, Till my fo u l in reii be laid, GOD o f go ds, Tho u art my Sun ; SON o f GOD, be Tho u my Shade l 111. When life ’ s paflio ns o ’ er me break, L ike a lto rm ag ain ft the wall, 1 ) Let me find, fo r mercy ’ s li ke, Shelter where Thy lhadows fall. IV. mf Out o f Thee are lhades o f death, Weary ways, and ho u rs unbleft; Shadow o f the Rock, beneath Thee alo ne are jo y and tell. MUCH IN SORROW, OFT IN WOE. G eneral. I. mf Mu cH in fo rrow, o ft in woe, Let yo ur dro o ping hearts be glad ; Onward, Chrifiians, o nward g o March, In heavenly armo u r clad ; Fight the fight, and, wo rn with llrife, Fight, no r think the battle lo ng Steep with tears the Bread o f Life. Viét ’ ry fo on lhall tune yo ur fo ng . H f Onward, Chrifiians , o nward g o ! Jo in the war, and face the fo e ; Faint no t ! much do th yet remain D reary is the lo ng eampaign. III VI. mf Shrink no t, Chrifiians ! will ye yield ? f Onward then to battle move ! Will ye quit the painfu lfield ? Mo re than co nqu ’ ro rs ye lhall prove ; Will y e flee in dange r ’ s ho ur ? Tho ugh o p fed by many a fo e, Know ye no t yo ur CAPTAIN ’ S power ? Chriltian fo diers, o nward g o V. Let no t fo rrow dim yo u r ey e, Soo n lhall every tear be dry ; Let no t woe yo ur co uf fe impede Great yo ur ll rength, if great yo u r need. H OSANNA . T0 THE LIVING LORD. G eneral. fHOSANNA to the living LORD ! p 0 San ova, withpro teaing care Ho fanna to th’ incarnate Wo rd ! Re turn to this Thy ho ufe o f prayer, To Cum , Creator, Savrova, King, Afi' embled in Thy facred Name, Let earth, let He aven, Ho fan na ling, Where we Thy parting promife claim. f Ho fann a in the highelt ! f Ho fann a in the highelt ! II. IV. f “ Ho fan na, ” LORD, Thine an gels cry ; p But, chiefeft, in o ur clean féd brealt, Ho fann a, ” LORD, Thy faints reply ; Eternal, bid Thy Spirit reli ; Abo ve, be neathus, and aro und, An d make our feere t fo ul to be The dead and living fwell the fo und. A Temple pure, an d worthy Thee. f Hofan na in the higheli ! fHo fan na in the highefil V. ppSo , in the lall and. dreadful day, When earthand Heaven fhall melt away, Thy flo ck, redeemed from fIn ful ftain, Shall fwell the fo und o f praife again. f Ho fanna in the highe li ! DEATHLESS PRINCIPLE , ARISE ! G eneral. No . 2 6 2 . I IV mf D EATH L Ess principle, arife ! p Is thy earthly ho ufe difirefi, So ar, tho u native o f the lk ies Willing to retain her g uef ’c Pearl o f price, by JESUS bo ught, ares. ’Tis no t tho u, but lhe, mu lt the To His g lo rio us lik enefs wro ught ! Fly, celeliial tenant, fiy V. f Lo , H e becko ns fro m o n high ! f Burfl: thy lhack les , drop thy clay, Fearlefs to H is Prefence fiy ! Swee tly breathe thy felf away Thine the merit o f H is Blo o d ; Singing , to thy cro wn remo ve, Thine the righteo usnefs o f GOD. Swift o f wing, and fired withlo ve. III. mf Angels, joyful to attend, Ho vering ro u nd thy pillow, bend ; Wait to catch the fig nal given, And efco rt thee qu ick to Heaven VI. p Saints , in glo ry perfect made , Wait thy palTage thro ugh the Swiftly to their wilhbe given f Kindle higherjo y in Heaven l THINE FOR EVER ! GOD OF LOVE. G eneral. NO. 2 63 . I. III. mf TH I N E fo r ever ! GOD o f lo ve, f Thine fo r ever ! Oh, how blelt Hear us from Thy thro ne abo ve ; They who find in Thee their reft! Thine fo r ever may we be, SAVIOUR , Gu ardian, heavenly F riend, Here, and in eternity ! O defend us to the end. II. IV. Thine fo r ever ! LOR D o f life, 1 ) Thine fo r ever ! SAVIOUR , keep Shield u s thro u gh o u r earthly firife ; Thefe, Thy frail and trembling lheep; Tho u, the Life, the Truth, the Way, Safe alo ne beneath Thy care, Guide us to the realms o f day. Let us all Thy g o o dnefs lbare. V f Thine fo r ever ! Tho u o ur Guide, All o u r wants by Thee fupplied, All o u r fins by Thee fo rgiven, Lead us, LOR D, from earth to heaven . MY LIFE ’ S A SHADE, DAYS . G eneral, or E a ter. 1 ) MY life ’ s a fhade, my days Apace to deathdecline ; My LOR D is life , He ’ ll taife My du ll again, e ’ en mine ! p eras . Sweet truth to me I iball arife, f And with thefe eyes My SAVIOUR fee. II g rave lhall keep all that fweet day, I wak e from mywfleep, And leave my o f clay. Sweet truth, 8rc. ref What means m tremblia heart, To be thus y o f deatfi; y life and I ne ’ er part, Tho ugh I refign my breath Sweet truth, 8 m. ref My LOR D H is angels lhall Their go lden trumpets fo und, At who fe mo lt welcome call My grave fhall be u nbo u nd. Sweet tru th to me ! I lball arile, And with thefe eyes My SAVIOUR fee. IV. p I faid fo metimes with tears, Ah me ! I ’m lo th to die ! LOR D , filence Tho u thefe fears My life ’ s withThee o n high. Sweet truth, Ore. YE BOUNDLESS REALMS OF J OY. G eneral. I f Y E bo u ndlefs realms o fjo y, Ex alt o ur MAKER ’ S fame, H is prailhyo u r fo ng emplo y Abo ve the {tarry frame Yo ur vo ices reife, Ye cheru bim And feraphim, To ling H is praife. II p Tho u moo n, that rul ’ lt the night, And fu n, that g u id ’ lt the day, Ye litt ’ ring liars o f light, ‘ I g o H im yo ur homage p f His praife declare, Ye heavens above, And clo u ds that move In liqu id air. III. inf United z eal be lhewn H is wo ndro us fame to raife, Who fe glo rio us Name alo ne Deferves o ur endlefs praife. Earth ’ s u tmo lt ends IV p H is cho fen {hints to g race, H e fe ts them 11 o n high, And favo u rs Ifrae ’ s race, Who {till to Him are nigh. f 0 therefo re taife Yo ur gratefu l vo ice, And {till rejo ice The LOR D to praise. O PRAISE YE THE LORD. G MM I. Pfalm 149 . f O rams ye the Loan, Let them His great Name Prepare y o ur glad vo ice, Extol in the dance ; His praife In the great Withtimbrel and harp All ' embly to ling His praifes ex prefs In o ur great Creator Who always takes pleafure Let Ifrael rejo ice, His fain ts to advance, And children o f Sio n And withHis falvatio n Be glad in their King. III The humble to blefs. f By angels In heaven Of every degree, And faints upon earth, All praife be addrelt To GOD ' In Three Perfons, One GOD ever bleli As it has been, now is, And always fhall be. No . 2 67 . JESU, LOVER OF MY SOUL. G eneral. p J aw, Lo ver o f my fo ul, Le t me to Thy bo fom fiy, ( I ' l l . While the nearer waters ro ll, While the rempelt ltill is high! p Hide me, O my SAVIOUR, hide, rrrr. Till the llo rm o f life is pail, f Safe in to the haven guide ; l ist. 0 receive my fo ul atMt! III inf Plen teous grace withThee is found, Grace to co ver all my fIn ; Let the healing llreams abo und Make, and keep me pure within ! ( f a . Thou o f Life the Fo un tain art, Freely le t me take o f Thee f Sprin Tho u up within my heart ! Ril s e to all eternity ! No . 269 II . mf Other refu ge have I n o ne Hangs my helplefs fo ul on Thee dim. Le ave, ah! leave me n o t alone, Still fuppo rt and comfo rt me ! f All my trult o n Thee is flayed, All my help from Thee I Cove r my defencelefs head Withthe lhadow of Thy wing ! 0 KING OF EARTH, AND AIR, AND SEA. G eneral. I. IV. mf 0 K I NG o f earth, and air, and fea ' Thybo u nteo us hand with fo o d can blefs The hun gry ravens cry to Thee The bleak and lo nely wildernefs To Thee the fcaly tribes , that fweep AndTho u hall tau ght u s,LOR D, to pray The bo fom o f the bo undlefs deep F o r daily bread fro m day to day . II. V. To Thee the lio ns ro aring call, p And oh! when thro ugh the wilds we roam, The commo n FATH ER , go o d to all ! That part u s from o u r heavenly ho me ; Then g rantThy fervants, LOR D ,we pray, When lo ll In danger, want, and wo e, Our daily bread from day to day. Ou r faithlels tears begin to flow, m. 0 The filhes may fo r fo o d c omplain eras. Do Tho u Thy g racio u s comfo rt give, The ravens fpread their wings in vain By which alo ne the fo u l may live The ro aring lio ns lack and pine And rantThy fervan ts , LOR D,we pray, Bu t , GOD, Tho u carell lllll fo r Thine ! The read o f life from day to day. f GOD is gm e u p wirhmen - y fisu nd ; GO D rt ign s m hi g haho ve me hn ds ; p ail ' es to tln hravmly King ! ”l l . GOD fpreads the buckle: Oi s grace. LORD, AS TO THY DEAR CROSS FLEE. G eneral, or Passion- tide. N0 2 7 3 I . III. p LOR D, as to Thy dear Gro fs we flee, mf Let grace o u r felfilhnefs expel, And plead to be fo rgiven, Ou r earthlinefs refine, So let Thy life o u r pattern be, And k indnefs in o u r bo foms dwell, And fo rm o ur fo uls fo r heaven. As free and true as Thine. II. IV. Help u s, thro ugh go o d repo rt and ill, Ifjo y lball at Thy bidding fly, Our daily cro fs to bear, And grief ’ s dark day come o n, Like Thee, to do o u r FATH ER ’ s will, We in o u r tu rn wo uld mee kly cry, Our brethren ’ s griefs to lharc. FATH ER, Thy will be do ne. V. p Kept peacefu l in the midfl o f llrife, Fo rgiving and fo rgiven, era . 0 may we lead the pilgrim’ s life, And fo llo w Thee to heaven. HARK, MY SOUL ! IT IS TH E LORD. G eneral. I. wf H A R K , my fo ul ! it is the LOR D, SAVIOUR, hear H is wo rd J ES US s, and fpeaks to thee p Say, po o r finner, lo v ’ fl tho u Me I delivered thee when bo u nd, And, when bleeding, healed thy wo und, S ou ght thee wandering, fet thee right, Tu rned thy dark nelS into lig ht. Can a woman ’ s tender care Ceafe to guard the child lhe bare ? mf Mine is an u nchanging lo ve, Higher than the heights abo ve, Deeper than the depths beneath, Free and faithfu l, liro ng as death. mf LOR D, it is my chief co mplaint, That my lo ve is weak and faint ; Y es, lhe may fo rge tfu l be ; crer. Yet I lo ve Thee and ado re ! Yet Will I remember thee. Oh! fo r grace to lo ve Thee mo re V. fTho u lhalt fee My glo ry fo o n, When the wo rk o f grace is do ne ; Partner o f My thro ne lhalt be p Say, po o r firme r, lo v ’ ll tho u Me NO CHANGE OF TIMES SHALL EVER SHOCK. G eneral. No . 2 75 . III. f NO change o f times lhall ever lho ck mf To Thee I will addrefs my prayer, My firm afl ’ eélio n, LOR D, to Thee, To Whom all praife we ju illy owe ; F o r Tho u hall always been my rock , So fhall I, by Thy watchful care, A fo rtreliI and defence to me. Be guarded from my treach’ ro us foe. II. IV. Tho u my Deliv ’ rer art, my GOD, p By flo ods o f wicked men dillreli ' ed, My trull is in Thy mighty power ; With fess o ffo rro w compall ' ed ro und; Tho u art my lhield from fo es abroad, With dire infernal pangs o pprelfed, At home my fafeg uard and my tower. In death ’ s u nwieldy fetters bo und ; To heaven I made my mo u rnful prayer, To GOD addrell ' ed my humble mo an, crer. Who g racio ully inclined H is ear, f And heard me from H is lo fty thro ne. WHEN GATHERING CLOUDS AROUND I VIEW. G eneral. NO 2 7 7 p WH EN g ath’ ring clo uds aro un d I view, p If wo unded love my bo fom fwell, An d days are dark and frien ds are few, De ceive d by tho fe I priz ed to o well ; ”a . On Him I lean, Who , n o t in vain, He lhall His pitying aid be llow, Experien ced every human pain Who felt o n earthseverer woe ; fHe fees my wan ts, allays my fe ars, dim. At o nce be trayed, den ied, o r fled, And co u n ts and treafures up my tears. By tho fe who lhared His daily bread. II . IV. mf If aught lho uld tempt my fo ul to llray p v exing tho ughts within me rIfe, From heaven ly wifdom’ s n arrow way ; An d, fo re difmayed, my fpIrIt dies ; To fly the go o d I wo uld purfue, rra . Still He, Who o nce vo uchfafed to bear Or do the fIn I wo uld n o t do ; An an g u ilhbo rd ’ ring o n defpair, f Still He, Who felt temptation ’ s pow’ r, Shall fweetly fo o the, lhall gen tly dry, Shall guard me in that dang ’ rou s ho ur. The thro bbing heart, the llreaming ey e. V . 1 ) An d 0 when I have fafely pail Thro u ghevery co nfiiél bu t the lall ; era . Still, llill u n changin g, watchbelide My pain ful bed, fo r Tho u hafidied ! mf Then po in t to realms o f clo udlefs day, p And wipe the latell tear away ! A S PANTS THE HART FOR COOLING STREAMS . G eneral. No . 2 7 3 . I. IV. p AS pan ts the hart fo r co o ling llreams, p My heart is pierced, as with a fwo rd, When heated in the chase ; Whilll thus my fo es u pbraid ; crer. So lo ngs my fo ul, O GOD, fo r Thee, Vain bo aller ! where is now Thy GOD And Thy refrelhing grace. And where H is promifed aid ? II. V. mf F o r Thee, my GOD, the living GOD, mf GOD o f my llreng th, how lo ng lhall I, My thirl ' ly fo u l do th pine Like o ne fo rgo tten, mo urn ? Oh, when lhall I beho ld Thy face, Fo rlo rn, fo rfak en, and ex po fed Tho u Majell - y divine ! To my o ppreffo rs ’ fco rn ? III VI. 1 ) Why relllefs , why call down, my fo u l? p Why relllefs , why call down, my fo ul ? mar. Trull GOD, Who will emplo y trey. Hope ilill, and tho u lhalt li ng H is aid fo r thee, and chang e thyfighs The praife o f H im, Who is thy GOD, To thankful hymns o f jo y. Thy health ’ s eternal Spring . LORD OF MERCY AND OF MIGHT ! G eneral. mf LOR D o f mercy and o f might ! mf Mighty Mo narch ! SAVIOUR mild! Of mankind the Life and Light dim. Humbled to a mo rtal Child, era . Maker, Teacher Infinite ! Captive, beaten, bo und , reviled, p JESUS hear and fave ! p JESUS hear and fave ! II. mf Who , when lin ’ s tremendo us do om f Thro ned abo ve celellial things, Gave creatio n to the tomb, Bo rne alo ft o n Angels ’ wings, Didll no t fco rn the Virgin ’ s womb, LOR D o f lo rds, and KI NG o f kings , p JESUS ! hear and fave ! p JESUS ! hear and fave ! fWho lhalt yet return from high, Ro bed in mi ht and majelly, Hear u s h p us when we cry, p JESUS ! hear and lave ! LORD OF THE WORLDS ABOVE. G eneral. Pfal’” 84 ° I Inf LOR D o f the wo rlds abo ve, How pleafant and ho w fair The dwellings o f Thy love, Thy earthly temples are ! p era . To Thine abo de My heart afpires With warm defires f To fee my G ' OD. III mf They g o from llrengthto llreng ' th Thro ugh this dark vale o f tears, Till each arrives at length ; Til! each in heaven appears glo rio us feat, When GOD, o ur King, Shall thither bring f Our willing feet ! II ref 0 happy fo uls that pray Whe re GOD appo ints to hear ! 0 happy men that pay Their co nllant fervice there ! They praife Thee llill And happy they, That lo ve the way f To Sio n ’ s hill. WHY, MY SOUL , THUS TREMBLING EVER ? 6 81 8135 1. Warum/01Wit}: mirb denn g ramen. NO. 2 8 2 . pWHY , my fo ul, thu s trembling ever ? rrrr. Have n o fear ; CHRIST is n ear ; f No ught from Him can fever. Heav ’ n is thin e, an d CHRI ST lhall own 9 a w. Faithful be Un til He Shall withtriumphcro wn thee. II. p Pain ful cro fs if He lho uld fend me, Shall I fain t Withcomplain t, Leli the n e f lho uld e nd me ? rrrr. He hathbo rne the Cro fs befo re me So o n n o pain Shall remain, Only peace be o ’ er me. III . mf Hopeful, cheerful, an d undaun ted, They appear, 0 in CHRIST are plan ted Deathitfelf cann o t appal them They rejo ice When the vo ice Of their LORD do thcall them. [ Deathcan no t dellro y fo r ever From o ur fears, Care s an d tears, So o n lhall it de liver. Doo rs o f grie f an d glo om it clo fe s, While the fo ul, Free and whole, Withthe fain ts repo fes. V. p LORD, my Shepherd, take me to Thee ! ( rat. I am Thin e, Tho u art min e, Eve n ere I kn ew Thee. I am Thine, fo r Tho u hall bought me p Lo ll I llo o d, ( rat. Bu t Thy blo o d Free falvatio n bro ught me. VI. fTho u art mine, and, fo r my guiding, Be Thy bright Shining light In my heart abiding! p SAVIOUR dear ! le t me, attainmg (f ar. To Thy fide, There abide, f WithThee ever reigning ! LORD OF POWER, LORD OF MIGHT. p LOR D o f power, LOR D o f mi ht, GOD and FATH ER o f us a! LOR D o f day, and LOR D o f night, Lillen to o ur fo lemn call ! f Lilien, whilll to Thee we raife So ngs o f prayer and fo ngs o f praife. II. mf Light, and lo ve, and life are Thine, Great CR EATOR o f all Fill o ur fo uls with li ht Give us with o ur aily fo o d, ” silings fro m Thy heavenly flo re, “ ling s rich fo r evermo re. Graft within o u r heart o f hearts Lo ve undy ing fo r Thy Bid us, e re the day departs , Spread afar o ur MAK ER ’ s fame ; Yo ung and o ld to gether blefs, Clo the o ur fo uls with righteo ufnefs . IV. p F ull o f years , and lid! o f peace, May o u r life o n earth be blell ! When o ur trials here lhall ceafe, And at lall we fink to tell , Fo untain o f eternal Love, dim. Call us to o ur home above ! PRAISE TH E LORD ! Y E HEAVENS, ADORE H IM ! G eneral, or Septuagerima. N0. 2 8 5 . I f PR AISE the LOR D ! . ye heavens, ado re H im ! Praise H im, Angels, in the height ! Sun and mo o n, rejo ice befo re H im ! Praife H im, all ye flars and light II. Praife the LOR D , fo r H e hath fpo k e n ! Wo rlds H is mighty vo ice o beyed ; Laws, which never fhall be bro ken, F o r their gu idance H e hath made. III. Praife the LOR D fo r He is g lo rio us ; Never lball H is pro mife fail G0!) hath made H is faints viélo rio us Sin and death lhall no t prevail. IV. f Praife the GOD o f o u r falvatio n H o lls o n highH is po w ’ r pro claim! Heaven , and earth , and all creatio n, Lau d and mag n ify H is Name PRAISE , MY SOUL , THE KING OF HEAVEN. G eneral. 174 1” l °3 No . 2 8 6. mf PRAISE, my fo ul, the KING o f heaven To His l ' eet thy tribute bring! Ranfomed, healed, rello red, fo rgiven, Who like me His praife lho uld ling ? f Praife Him, praife Him! Praife the eve rlalling KING! II. IV mf Praife Him fo r His grace and favo ur mf Angels, help us to ado re Him! To o ur fathe rs in dillrefs ! Ye beho ld Him face to face ; Praife HIm, the fame as e ve r, rrrr. Sun and mo o n , bow do wn befo re Him Slo w to chide, and fwrft to blefs ! Dwe lle rs all in time and fpace. f Praife Him, praife Him! f Praife Him, praife Him! Glo rio us in His laIthfulnefs l Praife withus the GOD o f G race ! III. p Father- like He tends and fpares us We ll o ur feeble frame He kno ws ; In His hands He gen tly bears us, Refcues us from all o ur foes. f Praife Him, praife Him! Widely as His mercy flows. TO BLESS THY CHOSEN RACE. G eneral. I. IV. p TO blefs Thy cho fen race , f 0 let them lho ut and .fing In mercy, LOR D, incline, With jo y and pio u s mirth, And caufe the bri htnefs o f Thy face Fo rTho u, the righte o us JUDG E andKING, On all Thy Tints to ibine. Shalt go vern all the earth . II. V. mf That fo Thy wo ndro u s way mf Then lhall the teeming g ro und May thro u gh the wo rld be kno wn, A large increafe difclo fe Whilll dillant lands their tribu te pay, And we with plenty lhall be cro wned, And Thy falvatio n own . Which GOD, o u r GOD, bello ws. III. L e t dill ” rin g natio ns jo in f Then GOD u po n o u r land J ebrate Thy fame ; Shall co nfiant blefiing s lhowcr, s rld, O L O R D, combine And all the wo rld in awe lhall lland Thy glo rio us Name. Of H is refill lefs power. WHEN WE OUR WEARIED LIMBS TO REST. G eneral. No . 2 3 9 . I. IV. 1) WH E N we o ur wearied limbs to rell , 1 ) H ow lhall we tune o u r vo ice to ling, Sat down b pro ud Eu phrates ’ llream, Or to u ch o u r harps with lltilfu l han ds ? We wept, wit do leful tho u hrs oppreft, Shall hymns o fjo y to GOD, o ur King , And Sio n was o ur mo urn 1 theme. Be fu ng by llaves in fo reign lands II. V. Ou r harps, that when with jo y we fu ng, 0 Salem ! o u r o nce happy feat, Were wo nt their tu nefu l parts to bear, When I o f thee fo rge tful pro ve, With filent firings neg leéled hu ng Let then my trembling hand fo rget On willow- trees that withered there . The fpeak ingfiri ngs with art to mo ve . III. VI. mf Meanwhile o u r fo es , who all co nfpired mf If I to mentio n thee fo rbear, To triump h in o u r llavifhwro ngs, E ternal filence feiz e my to ngue Sweet mufic in o ur grief re q uired dim. Or if I fing o ne chee rfu l air, Co me, ling u s o ne o f Sio n ’ s fo ngs. Till thy deliv ’ rance is my fo ng . NAME OF OUR TR IUMPHANT SAVIOUR. G eneral, or Cirrumcrfian. GIoriq/i 34 1114 107 13 I. f NAME o f o u r triumphant SAVIOUR , 1 ) When this Name alo ud is preachéd, Lo ud we hail its glo ry bright ! Mufic falls u po n the ears ; Which in GOD the FATH ER ’ S bo fom When it humbly is entreated, Lay fo r ages hid from fight ; Sweet as ho ney it appears ; No w H is ho ly Church pro claims it, J o y attends its co ntem ‘p latio n ; Graced with gifts o f heav ’ nly light. Dark ne fs fro m the o u l it clears . II. 1 ) Name o f fweetnefs, Name o fjo yance, Name that palfethto ngue to tell JESUS is the blefl ' éd title ! This the Name that pleafethwell ! Guilt and punilhment it cance ls Name o f lo ve, that faves from hell III. mf Name it is fo r lowly homage ; Glo rio us Name, o n high co nfell ; Name fo r ceafelefs meditatio n In this vale o f dark u nrell ; Wo rthy Name fo r deep devo tio n Thro ugh the manfio ns o f the blell . V f This great Name, to ’ Heav ’ n ex alted, Rules by right fupreme o n high ; Wo ndro us Name, that fills withterrtr Pow ’ rs o f evil, fo rced to fly ! Name vo uchfafed fo r o ur Salvatio n, Bro ught by GOD ’ S fweet mercy nigh. VI. p J ESU, this Thy Name, fo facred, On o u r knees will we ado re ; crer. Plant it in o ur inmo ll bo fom, Firmly ro o t it, we implo re f SO that, jo ined withho lls o f Heaven, We may praife Thee e vermo re. FAR FROM THE WORLD, 0 LORD, I FLEE . G eneral, or Lent. No . 2 9 1 . I. p FAR from the wo rld, 0 LOR D, I flee, p There, like the nightingale, lhe po urs From llrife and tumult far ; H er fo litary lays From fcenes , where Satan wages llill No r s iks a Witnefs o f her fo n g , His mo ll fucccfsful war. No r thirlls fo r human prai e . V. The calm retreat, the filent lhade, mf Great Au tho r, Gu ardian o f my life, With prayer and praife agree, Sweet So urce o f light Divine, And feem by Thy fweet bo u nty made And, all harmo nio u s names in o ne, F o r tho fe who fo llow Thee. My SAVIOU R , Tho u art mine. VI. mf There, if Thy SPIRIT to uch the fo u l, f What thank s I owe Thee, and what lo ve, And grace he r mean abo de, A bo u ndlefs , endle fs llo re, l ith what delight, and peace , and lo ve, Shall e cho thro u gh the realms abo ve, " she co mmu nes with her GOD ! Whe n time lhall be 110 mo re. JESU, MEEK AND GENTLE . G eneral. I. p JE SU, meek and tle, SON o f GOD mo high, Pitying, lo ving SAVIOU R , H ear Thy children ’ s cry. 1 ) Pardo n our o fl ' ences, Lo o fe o ur captive chains, Inf Break down every ido l, Which o ur fo ul detains. No . 2 9 3 . III. ho ly frwdom, Fill o ur hearts withlo ve ; p Draw us , Ho ly JES US ! To the realms abo ve. inf Lead us o n Our jo urney, Be Thyfelf the Way, crer. Thro u gh terre llrial dark nefs, To celeflial day. V. p JESU, meek and {I chigh entle, SON o f GOD mo Pitying, lo vin ig SAVIOUR , Hear Thy chdren ’ s cry. MY GOD , MY LIFE , TO THEE I CALL. G eneral, or Lent. I. mf MY GOD, my Life, to Thee I call, Afiified at Thy feet I fall ; When rifing water- flo o ds prevail, Leave no t my trembling heart to fail. II. 1) Friend o f the friendlefs and the faint, Where lho u ld I lo dg e my deep complaint ? Where bu t with Thee, Who fe o pen do o r Invites the helplefs and the po o r ? III. Did ever mo umer plead with Thee, And Tho u refufe that mo u rner ’ s plea Do es no t the wo rd llill fixed remain , That no ne fhall feck Thy face in vain ? IV. mf Tho u gh po o r I am, defpifed, fo rgo t, Yet GOD, my GOD, fo rgets me no t f And he is fafe, and mu ll fucceed, Fo r whom the LOR D vo uchfafes to plead . MY GOD AND FATHER, WHILE I STRAY. G eneral. Verjer 3 . 4, 5 , 6. I. mf MY GOD and FATH ER, while I llray mf Tho ughTho u hall called me to refign Far from my home, o n life ’ s ro ughway, What mo ll I priz ed, it ne ’ er was mine ; 0 teachme from my heart to fay, I have but yielded what was Thine ; p Thy will be do ne. ” p “ Thy will be do ne. ” II. V. mf Thoughdark my path, and fad my lo t, p Should grief, o r ficknefs, m ile away Let me be llill, and murmur no t, My life in premature decay, Or breathe the pra e r divin ely taught, ( f er. My FATHER, llill I llrive to fay, p Thy will do ne. ” p “ Thy will be do ne. ” III. VI. p What tho ughin lo nely g rief I figh mf Let bu t my fain ting heart be blell Fo r friends beloved, n o lo nger nigh; WithThy fwee t SPIRIT for its Guell, erer. Submiflive ilill wo uld I reply, My GOD, to Thee I leave the rell ; P Thy will be do ne. ” p Thy will be do ne. ” VII . p Renew my will from day to day Blend it withThine, and take away All that n ow makes it hard to fay, t rey. Thv will be do ne. ” GREAT GOD, WHOSE SCEPTRE RULES THE EAR T H . G eneral. No . 2 9 7 . mf GREAT GOD, Who fe fceptre rules the earth, B iliil Thy fear within my heart, That being wrapt withho ly mirth, I may pro claim how goo d Tho u art f Ope wide my lips, that I may fing Full praifes to my GOD, my KING. II p Great GOD, Thy garde n is defaced ; The weeds thrive there, the flowers decay; 0 call to mind Thy promife pail, Rello re Tho u them, cu t thefe away Till then le t n o t the weeds have power To llarvc, o r flin t the po ore ll flower. 0 Tho u, that fitt ’ ll in heave n, and fee ’ ll My deeds witho u t, my tho ughts within, Be Tho u my Prince, be Tho u my Friell, Comman d my fo ul, an d cure my fin How bitte r my aflliflio n s be, I care n o t, fo I rife to Thee . fl rf In all ex tremes, LORD, Tho u art llill The mo unt whereto my hopes do flee ; 0 make my fo ul detell all ill, Becau se fo muchabho rred by Thee ; LORD, let Thy gracio us trials lhew That I am jull, o r make me fo . IV. p 0 Fo un t o f light and living breath, Whofe mercies never fail n o r fade, Fill me withlife that hathn o death, Fill me withlight that hathn o lbede ; Appo in t the remn an t o f my days To fee Thy power, and fing Thy praife. C LOTHED WITH STATE , AND GIRT WITH MIGHT. G eneral. NO. 2 9 8 . I. f CLOTH E D with flare, and girt with might, mf Rivers , yea, tho u gh rivers ro ar, Mo narch - like JEHOVA H reigns, Ro arin g tho ugh fes - billo ws rife, H e Who earth ’ s fo undatio n pight, Vex the deep, and break the lho re, Fight at firfl, and y et fullains ; erer. Stro ng e r art Tho u , LOR D o f lk ies He Who fe llable thro ne difdains f Firm and true Thy promife lies , Mo tio n ’ s lho ck , and age ’ s flight No w and ilill, as hereto fo re ; He Who , e ndlefs , One remains , Ho ly wo rlhip never dies One, the fame in chang elefs plight. III Thy ho ufe where we ado re. O LORD, HOW EXCELLENT THY NAME ! G eneral. PM” 3 ° I. III. f O LOR D, ho w excellent Thy Name ! p When I beho ld Thy heavens abo ve, It fo u nds alo ud from po le to po le ! The mo o n and flare with beaming face, Thy glo ry fo ars above this frame ; LOR D, what is man, to meet Thy lo ve ? The heavens beneath it humbly ro ll. The fo n o f man, to win Thy grace ? IV. Lo ! lifping babes a vo ice betray, mf To him a ilario n Thou do ll deign, A vo ice that fpeak s with pow ’ r divine Than Angel ho lls but lower do wn , It fiills the fo eman in the fray ; That he at lall o n high may reign, Th ’ aveng er yields to Thee and Thine ! And wear a never- fading crown . V f The world do th him its lo rd pro claim, Bird, beall and filh, o n fea and lho re f Then, LOR D, how ex cellent Thy Name ! We laud and lo ve It evermo re ! WAKE ! THE WATCHMENS ’ VOICE IS SOUNDING. G eneral. No . 3 0 2 . fWARE ! the watchmen ’ s vo ice is fo unding! It comes from towered heights rebo unding! Wake up ! J erufalem, arise ! Ho urs o f midnight, o ’ er thee falling, Withtrumpe t - to ne are lo udly calling Where llay thy virgins, watchful, wife ? The Bridegro om comes awake ! Stand up ! yo ur lanterns take ! f Hallelujah! Make ready for the nuptial rite, Fo r ye mull meet Him, decked withlight. III. f Hear Thy praifes, LORD, afcending From to ngues o f men and angels, blending Withharp and cymbal ’ s thrilling to ne ! By Thy pearly gates in won der We fiand, and fwell the vo ice o f thunder, Whichpeals from ho lls around Thy throne ! p No eye hathtraced thole bo unds ! No ear hathcaught thofe fo unds ! Joys unuttered ! f Yet we the lillening heavens will rend Withhallelujahs, ne ’ er to end! mio n hears the watchmen finging ; Her heart withdeep delight is fpringing ; She ll arts from llumber, fweet and foft Comes her LORD from heaven in fplendor, All llro ng in tru th, withmercy tender : Her llar in radiance mo un ts alo ft ! erer. Defcend, Tho u deathlefs Crown ! Great SON o f GOD, come down ! fHark! Ho fann as ! We fo llow towards the halls ofjoy, To fup in blifs without allo y. BRIEF LIFE IS HERE OUR PORTION. G eneral. Hie breve vivitur. I. p BR IEF life is here o ur o rtio n, p And now we watch and llrugg le , Brief fo rro w, ibo rt ived care ; And now we live in hope, eres. The life that k nows no ending, And Sio n, in her ang uilh, The tearlefs life is there. With Babylo n mull cope. II. f 0 happy retributio n f But He, Whom now we trull in , Sho rt to il, eternal refl ; Shall then be feen and known, F o r mo rtals, and fo r finners, And they, who kno w and fee H im, A manfio n with the blell ! Shall have Him fo r their own . III. VI. mf And now We fiht the battle eres. Then all the halls o f Sio n But then lha I wear the crown F o r aye fhall be complete, Of fu ll, and everlalling, And, in the land o f Beauty, And pafiio nlefs renown. All thing s in beauty meet. JERUSALEM THE GOLDEN. General. ref JERUSALEM the go lden, f There is the throne of David; Withmilk an d honey blell, And there, from care releafed, Beneaththy co n templatio n The fo ng of them that triumph, Sin k heart and vo ice opprell ' ed. The lho ut o f them that feall . I know no t, Oh! I know n o t, And they, who withtheir Leader, What focial joys are there ; Have co nquered in the fight, What radian cy o f glory, For ever an d fo r ever What light beyond compare. Are clad in robes of white. II. f They fiand, tho fe halls of Sio n, All j ubilant withlo ng, And bright withmany an angel, And all the martyr thro ng. The Prince is ever in them; The daylight is ferene ; The paliures o f the blefséd Are decked in glorious lheen IV. p 0 fweet and blefséd coun try ! Am I to fee thy face ? 0 fweet and blefséd country! Am I to win that g race ? erer. Yea, LORD ! Thy light and fucco ur Shall guide me to its lho re, f Where I will ling Thy praifes In blifs for evermore ! YE SAINTS AND SERVANTS OF THE LORD. G eneral. Pfalm l 13 No . 3 06. I. f YB faints and fervan ts of the LORD, mf Tho ugh’ tis beneathHis ilate to view, The t n umphs of HIS Name reco rd; In highell heaven what angels do, HIS facred Name fo r ever blefs ; Ye t He to earthvo uchfafes His care Wher e ’ er the cIrclIng fu . n difplays He takes the needy from his cell, HIs tiling b eams or fe tung rays, Advancing him in co urts to dwell, Due praife to His g reat Name addrefs ! Companio n to the greatell there. II. GOD throughthe wo rld ex tends His fway ; The regio ns o f e ternal day But lhadows o f His g lory are ; WithHim, Who fe maje l ly excels, IV. f To FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, The GOD Whom heaven ’ s triumphan t ho ll, And fufl ’ ring fain ts o n earthado re, Be glo ry as in ages pail, As now it is, and fo lhall lall, When Time itfelf lhall be no more. NOW ALL' GIVE THANKS TO GOD. G eneral . Nun darker alle Gott. fNow all give than ks to GOD, Withheart, an d hands, and vo ice s ! Who glo rio us things hathdone, In whichthe wo rld rejo ices l 1 ! Sin ce firll a mo ther ’ s care Watched o ’ er o ur infan t hours, (res. His matchlefs lo ve o n us Unwearied blelling lhow ’ rs. III. f Praife GOD, the FATHER, SON, An d SPIRIT, ever Ho ly ! To Heav ’ n ’ s immo rtal thro ne Uplift yo ur praife, ye lowly ! The great THREE- ONE ado re Ex alt His mighty Name ! Who was, is now, lhall be Etern ally the fame ! everlalling GOD, As life is gen tly flowing. The blifs o f jo y and peace Is evermo re bellowing p Oh! may He by His grace Withceafelefs care ful ain All, whom He hathredeemed From wan t, and woe, and p ain. MY SPIRIT LONGS FOR THEE. General. N0. 3 09 . I. p MY fpirit lo ngs fo r Thee WIthin my tro ubled breall, Tho ugh I unwo rthy be Of fo Divine a Guell. II erer. Of fo Divine a Guell Unwo rthy tho ugh I be, p Yet has my heart no rell, UnlelS it come from Thee. III erer. Unlefs it come from Thee, In vain I lo o k aro und ; p In all that I can fee N0 tell is to be fo und. IV. mf No rell is to be fo und But in Thy blefséd love ; Oh! let my wilhbe cro wned, And fend it fromabo ve . OUR GOD STANDS FIRM, A ROCK AND TOWER. G eneral. No . 3 1 0. f OUR GOD llands firm, a ro ck and tow’ r, A ready help in everyho ur, When do ubt or paIn dillrefl ' es ! For our malignan t Foe Unfwerving aims his blow; arms the while, Dark pow’ r and darker guile His hidden craft is matchlefs. f Then, Lo rd, stife l lift up Thim arm! Withmighty fucco ur lla us ! Oh! turn afide the deadly m, When Satan wo uld betray us ; era . That refcued by Thy hand, In triumphwe may lland, And round Thy fo o tllool crowd, In jo y to ling alo ud I Highpraife to our Redeemer! of Our firength ' is weaknefs ' in the fight Our co urage foo n defefiio n : t comes a Warrio r, clad in might, A Prince o f Go n ’ s cleélion l Who is this wondrous Chief, That brings this glad relief3 f The field o f battle boalts Ca n s -r Jesu s, Lo an of Hofis, Still conq ’ ring and to conquer ! G eneral. p To Go o o n highbe thanks and praife For mercy ceafmg never, Whereby no foe a hand can raife, No r harm can reachus ever ! rm . Withjo y to Him o ur hearts afcend, The So urce o f peace, that knows no end, 1 » A peace that no ne can fever ! II. mf The ho no urs, paid Thy ho ly Name, To hear Tho u ever deignefi! Tho u, Go n the FA11 ! an, {till the fame, Un ihaken ever reignefi! Unmeafured (lands Thy glorio us might ! Thy tho ughts, Thy deeds o utllrip the light ! p Our heaven Tho u, Lo an, remaineli l mo ao jasu Caars ' r, the only So n Of Go o , the King fupernal ! The life offinners lo ll, undo ne, The deathof Itrifes infernal ! Immo rtal Lamb, o f heavenly race, Our need fupply, o u tpo ur Thy grace On all, in lo ve eternal ! IV. p 0 Ho ly Sm rr, Gift fupreme ! Sweet Comfo rter, all- curing ! Tho fe, whom their SAvroua do thredeem From death, an d Hell ’ s alluring, a w. Delivered thro ughHis mortal thro e s . Save Tho u from all their wafting wo es, f Thine Own in trufiendurin g ! MY SOUL, THERE IS A COUNTRY. G eneral. No . 3 1 3 mf Mv fo ul, there is a co u ntry, 1 ) He thee hath ever friended, Afar beyo nd the flare, And, Oh! my fo u l, awake ! Where fiands a winged fentry, He hath in lo ve defcended, All fkilful in the wars ; To die here fo r thy fake. And there ’ bo ve no ife and danger, mf If tho u canli g et bu t thither, Sweet Peacefits crowned with fmiles ; There grows the flower o f peace, And ONE, bo rn in a manger, The to fe that canno t wither, Commands the beauteo us files. Thy fo rtrefs and thy cafe. V. f Leave, then, thy fo o lilhranges ! Fo r no ne can thee fecure, But ONE, Who never changes, Thy Go o , thy Life, thy Cu re TO 'THEE, 0 LORD, I YIELD MY SPIRIT. (Entered. Dir mic}: erg ebar. p TO Thee, 0 Loan, I yield my fpirit, Thine Own thro ughlife, in weal o r woe ; Ifjoy or trouble I inherit, The joy from Thee do thever flow; m . In tro uble itill Thy praife lball fo und, Till life lhall reachits elo fmg bo und. II. mf ’Twas Thou, Who ' long had waited fo r me, Ere thought o r being fprang to life ; My loving Guide did no t abho r me, But towards me yearned withmercy rife ; Tho u ever didll delight prepare, Where I could draw but pain or care. III. p When all fo rlo rn, defparrmg, weeping, What do thmy anx ious heart defire l It ever wo uld be pleafure reaping, By this, its to rment, fet afire The fin, 0 help me to fupprefa, To love Thee mo re, fin ever lefsl IV. “ Thy will be done ! ” be my petition, When I my wants to Thee confide ! 0 ! grant me, witha meek fubmifiion, Still wholly Thine, whate ’ er betide, In quiet trull to draw eachbreath, Till thefe mine eyes lhall fleep in death ‘SAVIOUR, WHOM I FAIN WOULD LOVE , G eneral. 1 7 SAVIOU R , Whom I fain wo uld lo ve, J k su s, crucified fo r me, Fix my ro ving heart above, Draw me nearer. unto Thee. crer. Thee to praife, and Thee to know, Make the jo y o f faints below Thee to fee, and Thee to lo ve, lake the blifs o f faints above, mf Lo an, it is no t life to live, - If Thy prefence Tho u . deny ; LOR D, if Tho u Thy prefence give, ’Tis no lo ng e r death to die. fSo urce and Giver o f repo fe, Only from Thy lo ve it flows ; Pearce and happinefs are Thine , Mine they are , if Thou art mine. B LEST AR E THE PURE IN HEART. General. NO. 3 r 7 . I. III. arf BLES T are the pure in heart, Still to the lowly fo ul F o r they lhall fee their GOD ; He do th H imfelf impart ; The feoret o f the LOR D is their ’ s And fo r His dwelling, and His Their foul is Ca R rs 'r ’ s abode. II. The LOR D, Who left the lk y, p LOR D, we Thy feek Our life and peace to bring, Our ’ blefiing b e 5 And dwelt mlowlinefs W1thmen, 0 g ive the pure and lowly heart, Their Pattern and their K ing A temple meet fo r Thee. V. f To GOD the FATH ER, SON, And SPI RIT g lo As ’ twas, and is, and g Kall be fo , To all e ternity. O WOR D C ELESTIAL, WHO THY R EST. G W I, or Advent. I. III. p 0 WOR D celefiial, Who Thy refi: p That when the Judge lhall, in H is ire, H afiquitted in the FATH ER ’ s breafi, Co nfig n the gu ilty to the fire, Who , after ‘ lapfe o f ag es ‘bo rn, And merey ’ s w ine, withlo vin cry, H aficome to aid 1 wo rld fo rl orn Shall claim the righteo us fo r lky ; II. N . mf Now light o ur bofoms fro m above, We, faved by The from death and lhame, And fire them withThy warmefilove, The gnawing worm, the quenchlefs flame, That heavenly joys mayfill - the heart, crerM ay view the face o f GOD abo ve , Where joys, that .fade. no blifirimpart ; An d ever lhare Thy endlefs lo ve. V. f To GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON, And Ho u rSm ar, TH R EE in ONE, As ever g ivfn , i s g ive All preife, e ternity to i ll. FAR FROM MY HEAVENLY HOME. General. I. III. mf FAR from my heavenly home, To thee, to thee I refs ; Far from my FATH ER S breafi, A dark and to il ome I fainting cry, blefl: SPIR IT, co me, When lhall I pafs this wildernels , And fpeed me to my reft ! And reach the faints ’ abo de ? II. IV. My fpirit ho meward tu rns, 1 ) My GOD, my life, be near ! And fain wo u ld thither flee On Thee my hopes I call My heart, 0 Sio n, droo ps and yearns, 0 guide me thro ugh the defert here , When I remember thee. And bring me home at lafi! V. f To GOD the FATH ER, SON, And SPIR IT, glo ry be , As ’ twas , and Is, and iball be fo To all eternity . MY SONG IS LOVE UNKNOWN. I . III. mf MY fo ng is love u nknown, 1) In life no ho ufe, no home, My SavIOUR ’ s lo ve to me My LOR D o n earth might have have to the lo velefiz lhewn, In deathno fi' iendly tomb, That, fo r my fake, Heav ’n was H is ho me, My LOR D lho uld take But mine the tomb, Frail fle lhand die i IL mf Why, wha hathmy LOR D do ne E What makes this rage and fpite ? H e made the lame to run, difpleafe; And ’ gainfiH im rife ! IV’ . Here might I {lay and ling NO fio ry fi) divine ever was lo ve , dear KI NO, f This is my Friend, In Who fe fweet praifi, I all my days Co uld gladly fpend. CHRISTIAN ! SEEK NOT YET REPOSE. G eneral, or Confirmation. I. III. mf CH R ISTIAN, feck no t yet repo lb, ng f Lifien to thy forrowing LOR D, Cali thy dreams o f cafe away ; H im tho u lo veft to Obey ; Tho u art in the midi o f fo es It is He, Who fpeaks the wo rd p Therefo re watch and pray . p Therefo re watch and pray. II. IV. f Gird thy heavenly armou r o n, mf ’ Twas by watching and by prayer Wear it ever, night and day ; Ho ly men Of o lden day Near thee lu rks the evil One ; Wo n the palms and crowns they wear; p Therefo re watch and pray, 3 There fo re watch and pray . V. p Watch, fo r thou th Pray, fo r Narrow JESU, LORD, TO ME IMPART. G eneral, or Passion- tide. N0° 3 2 3 ° I. p 13 90, LOR D, to me impart Shelter in Thy wo unded heart ; crer. Let me ever here abide, dim. Refling in Thy flrick en fide. II. mp If the Evil One with wiles, If the wo rld with wealth begu iles, era . In Thy heart retreat is fure, In Thy fide I refl: fecure. III. flelh, mo re wily, waits, Hauntin g me with tem tIng baits, tree. Fearlefs may fafe abi c, All my refuge this Thy fide. IV. p When lhall co me my clofing day, JESU, call: me no t away! mar. Grant me, SAVIOUR , when I die, dim. Bu ried in Thy fide -to lie. NEARER, MY GOD, TO General. p NEARER, my Hear Tho u my prayer E ’ en tho ugha heavy cro fs Fainting I bear, Still all my prayer lhall be ; ( f or. Nearer, my GOD, to Thee ; p Nearer to Thee ! ” II. 1 ! If, where they led my Ia n. I too am bo rn e, Planting my fieps in His, Weary and wo rn ; May the pathcarry me Nearer, my Go o, to Thee; p Nearer to Thee! III. p If Thou the cup o f pain Giveft to drin k, Let no t my trembling lip From the draught (brink ; So by my woe s to be rrer. Nearer, my GOD, to Thee p Nearer to Thee l ” Skill where my Captain fights Le t me be fo und ; “ Thro ughtoils and llrife to be a “ Nearer, my 000, to Thee p Nearer to Thee l ” V. p. When, my courfe fin ifhed, I Breathe my lafibreath, Bu r ’ ring the lhadowy Valley of death Even there (hall I be Nearer, my Go o, to Thee ; p Nearer to Thee ! ” VI. mf And when Tho u, l o an, once more Glorio us ihnlt come, Oh! fo r a. dwellin g- place, In Thy bright home ! [ Thro ughal l e ternity p Nearer to Thee ! ALMIGHTY GOD, THY PIER CING EYE. G eneral. No . 3 2 6. mf AL I I 'GHTY a n, An d mufl the crimes that I hz ve dm Strik es throu ghthe Be read and parbfifhed there, And o ur mo lt fecret actio ns lie Be all ex po fed befo re the fun, All o pen to Thy fight. While men and ang els hear ? There ’ s not a fin that we commit, p LOR D ! at Thy feet afiramed I li ' e, Nor wicked wo rd we fl y, I upward dare no t loo k But in Thy dreadfiil Bo o k ’ tis writ Fo rg ive my fins befo re I die, Ag ainfl the j udgment- day. And blo t them, from Thy Boo k ! Remember all the dy in That my Redeemer And let His blo o dwadi o ut my And answer fo r my g uilt. O PRECIOUS SAVIOUR, FROM THY THRONE. G eneral. N° 3 2 7 p 0 PR ECIOUS SAVIOUR, fromThy thro ne mf O mo urners ’ Comfo rt ! fo u ls ’ Deli ht ! Offiarry fplendo r Thou haft flown, Tho u lo ving Fo unt Of mercy brig t Thy lo ft and ru ined lheep to feck, Indulgent SAVIOUR, nigh me (land, A Shepherd ever faithful, meek To fcreen me from the fo eman ’ s han d To Thy dear Self O draw Thou me, Tho u faithfu l Shepherd o f the thaep, That I may ever fo llow Thee ! Redeem me when in death I fleep. II. p Alas how fadly fall ’ u am I l A wand ’ rer from Thy fo ld I cry ! me fro meternal pains, And in Thy blo o d blo t o ut my fiains ; f That, walhed by Thee as white as fnow, My heart with lo ve may ever glow. IV. f O Brideg ro om, decked in rich array OutfhinIng far the o rb Of day, Still fweeter than the ho nied l ’ to re, Thy favo ur grant me I implo re ; Fo rg ivenefiz that I e ’ er have ftrayed, Andjo y in dying , ne ’ er to fade ! MY SON, GIVE , ME THINE HEART cf “ Mr (o n, g ive Me thine heart ! ” p Yet o ’ er the wafl e o ffin p LOR D, what have Still comes that te nder c ry A marble Ofl i’ ring, cold Oh! ho wI releafe ! ppAnd dead while it mould ive. p L ORD, nor l .die ! 11. p Once k nit to Thee in love, mf My hm, g ive Me thine heart Alas l i wen ' t afiray p Sweet hope a ' ttend 'flIe fe und ! tree. I wandered on , I fadly fell, m s. 0 marble foften, melt tha n lhow pp Andfimk in glo om I lay. Life, ftir the barren g ro mfl ! f “ S on, Ion, give Me thine zheu t ; Gmd l n ami ann mt 'froe ; Thy heaat o f rig ln is zhh e z '” Erlfirm d, and he ld in p h anfio nchit witha l MY FAITH LOOKS UP TO THEE. I. III. p M‘ r ‘faithlouk'a .tO Thee, p When life ’ s dark maz e I tI - ead, An d g riefis aro und me fpread, SAvIOUR divine Be Tho u my Guide trer. Now hear me while I pray crer. Bid dark nefs turn to day, Take all my ilt away ; Oh letme {fil m this day Be wholly Thine ! II. mf Ma Th rich e im art Stre y ngth i io m g fziting p heart, My z eal inli ' fire l As Tho u haft die d fo r me, a m. Oh ! may my lo ve to Thee Pure, warm, and chang elefs be, A living fire IV. p When ends life ‘s t ra nfient dream, When death ’ s cold fullen Itream Shall o ’ er me ro ll ; BlefiSAVIOUR then in lo ve Difl rufiand fear remo ve 0 hear me fafe above, I A ranfomed fo u l O GOD , OUR HELP IN AGES PAST. G eneral. arf 0 G00, our help in ages pafi, Our hope for years to come, Our Ihelter from the fio rmy blall, And o ur e tern al home ; Beneaththe lhadow Of Thy thro ne Thy fain ts have dwelt fecure ; Suficien t is Thine arm alone, And o ur defence is fure. m. p Time, like an overflowing llream, Bears all its fo ns away They fly fo rgo tten, as a dream Dies at the ope ning day. f Our GOD, o u r help in ages pafi, Our hope fo r years to come, Be Tho u o ur guard while troubles lafi, And our eternal home. mf Befo re the hills in order fioo d, Or earthreceived her frame, From everlalling Tho u art GOD, To endlefs years the fame. era . A tho ufand ages in Thy fight Are like an evenin g go ne ; As lho rt the watchthat ends the Before the rifmg fun. G LO R IOUS TH INGS OF THEE ARE SPOKEN . f GLORI OUS things o f thee are fpoken, Zio n, City Of o ur G OD ! He . Who fe wo rd canno t be bro ken, Fo rmed thee fo r His Own abode ; On the Ro ck o f Ages fo unded, What can lheke thy firre repo fe Withfalvatio n ’ s walls furrounded, Tho u may ’fifmile o n all thy foes. III. mf SAVIOUR ! we o f Zion ’ s city Members thro ughThy grace became T ho ughthe wo rld deride o r pity, We will glo ry in Thy Name ! Fading is the wo rldling ’ s pleafure , All his bo alled pomp and lhow; f So lid jo ys and lafiing tre afure, No ne but Zio n ’ s children know. p See the llreams o f living wate rs, Springing Well fupply thy fans and daughters, And all fear o f wan t remo ve trer. Who can faint while fucha river Ever flows the ir thirfl t ' afl ' uage ; G race, which, like the Loan, tin Gu n , Never fails from age to age ? HOLY FATHER, GREAT CREATOR. mf HOLY FATHER, great CREATOR, So urce of mercy, love, and peace, Come withun&ion fromabove, Loo k upon the Mediator, Raife o ur hearts withrapture higher, Clo the us withHis righteo usne fs ; Fill them withthe SAvIOUa ’ s love ; p rm. Heavenly FATHEa, p era . So urce o f comfo rt, Throughthe SAVIOUR, hear and blefs. Cheer us withthe SAVIOUa ’ s love. II. mf Holy Jaws, LORD of Glo ry, Whom angelic hofis proclaim, While we hear Thy wondro us fio ry, Mee t and wo rlhip in Thy Name, p era . Dear Ranaau aa, In o ur hearts Thy peace proclaim. IV. fGo n the LORD, thro ughevery nation Let Thy wondro us mercies ibine ! In the fo ng o f Thy falvatio n Every tongue and race combine ! p a w. Great J EHOvAH ! Fo rm o ur hearts, and make them Thine. 0 LOVE DIVINE , HOW SWEET THOU ART. G eneral. No . 3 3 5 . p 0 LOW divine, how fwee t Thou art ! When lhall I fin d my willing heart All taken up by Thee ? rrer. I thirfi, I fain t, I die to prove The greatnefs o f redeeming love, The love of CHRIsT to me. II Inf Still fironger e ’ en than deathor hell, Its riches are unfearchable The firfi- bo rn fo n s o f light Defire in vain its depths to fee ; They canno t reachthe myllery, The length, the breadth, the height. III. ”If GOD o nly kn ows the lo ve Of GOD Oh! that it now were lhed abro ad In this poor fiony heart ! rrer. Fo r love I figh, fo r love I ine This o nly po rtion, LORD, Ea Be mine this better part ! IV p Oh! that I co uld for everfit WithMary at the Mafier ’ s feet ! Be this my happy cho ice ! era . My o nly care, delight, and blifs, My jo y, my heaven o n earth, be this, To hear the Brideg room’ s vo ice ! OH ! ” I ‘WAS A JOYFUL SOUND TO HEAR. General I. IV. f OH ’ twas ajo yfu l foun d to hear p 0 pray we then fo r Salem' s ps ace ! Our tribes devo utly fay F o r they lhall pro fp ’ ro us Up, Ifiael, to the temple hafte, Tho u ho ly City o f o ur GOD, And keep yo ur fella! day. Who bear true lo ve to thee. V. At Salem’ s co urts we muflz ap May peace within thy fiscred walls Witho ur afi' embled pow ’ rs? “ A eo nllant guell be fo und ! In flro ng and beauteo us o rder rang ed, Withple nty and pro fperity Lik e her united tow’ rs. Thy palaces be cro wne d! III. VI. ’Tis _ thither, by divine command, But mail o f all I ’ ll fa lt thy goo d, The tribes of GOD repair, And ever will), thee well, Befo re His ark tq celebrate For Sio n and the tem ’ s fike, His Name withpreife and prayer. Where GOD, vo uc es to dwe ll. THOU, LORD, BY STRICTEST SEARCH HAST KNOWN. G eneral. IV TH OU, LOR D, by firiélcfiEar - ehhafl: If I the mo rning ’ s wings co uld gain, And fly beyo nd the Wellern main, My riling up and lying do wn, Thy fwifter hand wo u ld firfl: arrive, My {Ceret tho ughts are known to Thee, And there arrell Thy fug itive. Kno wn lo ng befo re co nceived by me. V. power l lland ; Or lho u ld I try to fhu n T fg ht Thy hand Beneaththe fible wing s to o high! TOO daz z ling bright fo r mortal eye ! III If up to heaven I take my flight, p Search, try,O GOD, my tho ughts and heart, " I ' is there Tho u dwell ’ fl: enthroned in light If mifchief hark s in any pm Or i n to hell ’ s infiernal plains , Co rreét me where I go aftray, ’Tis there Almighty veng eance reigns. And gu ide me in Thy pcrfeélrway. O JESUS, EVER PRESENT. General. No ' 3 3 9 “ I. IV. pt} 0 JESUS, ever prefent, How o ft in dark nefs fallen, O SH EPH ER D, ever kind, And wo unded fo re by fin, Thy very Name is mufic Thy Hand has gently raifed me , To ear, and heart, and mind. And healing balms po ured in II. V. It wo ke my wo ndering childhoo d mf 0 SH EPH ER D go o d! I follow To mufe o n thing s abo ve ; Wherever Tho u wilt lead It drew my harder manhoo d NO matter where the pal ’ ture, With co rds o f mighty lo ve. With Thee at hand to feed. III. VI. 1) How o ft to fu re deltruélio n Thy Vo ice, in life (0 mighty, My feet had go ne allray, In death lhall make me ho ld Wert Tho u no t, patient SHEPHERD, p 0 bring my ranfomed fpirit The Guardian o f my way ! To Thine eternal fo ld ! YE SERVANTS OF THE LORD. G eneral. I. mf YE fervants o f the LOR D, p Watch l ’ tis yo ur Lo R D ’ s command ; Each in his o ffice wait, And while we fpeak H e ’ s near Obfervant Of His heavenly wo rd, Mark the firftfig nal o f H is hand, And watchfu l at H is g ate. And ready all appear. Let all yo ur lamps bebright, a w. 0 happy fervant he, And trim the go lden flame ; In fu cha pofiure fo und ! Gird up yo u r lo ins as in His fight, He lhall His LOR D with rapture fee, Fo r awfu l is His name . And be with ho no ur crowned . V f The banquet CHR I ST lball fpread H is 0 ai hand, And ’ taife that faithful vant 's head Amidlt th’ angelic band. FIERCE RAGED THE TEMPEST O ’ ER THE DEEP. G m al. NO. 3 4 2 f FIBR CB raged the temp cft o ’ er the deep, dim. Watch did Thine anx lo us fervants keep, Bu t Tho u waft wrapped in leis fie pp Calm and 1151. CP’ mf Save, LOR D, we perilh was their cry dim. Oh ! fave us in o ur ago ny ! ” f Thy wo rd abo ve the fio rm rose high pp “ Peace ! be fiill l “ III. cm . 1 ) The wild winds hu fhcd, the ang ry deep pp San k lik e a little child to lleep, The fu llen billows ccafed to leap At Thy will. IV. mf So , when our life is clo uded o ’ er, And flo ral - winds drift us o n the lho te, dim. Say, lefl we fink to rile no mo re, pp Peace ! be {till TAKE UP THY CROSS, THE SAVIOUR SAID . G eneral, or Confirmation. NO. 3 43 p TAR E up thy cro fs , the SAVIOUR faid, p Tak e u p t cro fs, no r heed the lhame, “ If tho u wo uld ’ fltMy difciple be No r et cm . Deny thyfelf, the wo rld fo rfak e, cm : Thy LOR D Cro fs endured, And humbly follow after Me. To fave thy fo ul fromdeath and hell 1) Take u py thy cro fs , no r let 1ts weight p Take up thy cro fs, then, mHis fireng th, Fill weak fp1rit with alarm And every danger calmly brave eras. H is ll reng thlhall bear thy co urag e up, ares. ’ Twill gu ide thee to a better home, And brace thy heart, and nerve thine And give thee vié ' t ’ ry O ’ er the grave. arm. V. p Take up thy crofiz, and fo llow Him, No r think till death to lay it down Fo r o nly he, who bears the cro fs, f May ho pe to wear the glo rio us crown. ONE THERE IS ABOVE ALL OTHERS . I. mf ONE there is abo ve all o thers ; H is is love beyond a bro ther ’ s p His Name is Lo ve ! thly friends may fail, o r leave us , One day fo o the, the nex t day g rieve us , But this Friend will n e ’ er decelve us p H is Name is Love ! mf ’Tis eternal life to know Him, mf Thro ugh His Name we are fo rg i Think,0 think, how muchwe o we Him, p H is Name is Love ! us , tren Belt o f blelling s He ' ll pro vide u s , t bu t go o d lhall e ’ er betide us, glo ry H e will gu ide us 2 p H is Name is Love ! III. mf We have found a friend in Jesu s , ’Tis H is reat delight to blefs p is Name is Lo ve ! . H ow o ur hearts rejo ice to hear H im Bid us dwell in fafety near H im! Why lho uld we diftruft or fear H im? 1 ) His Name is Lo ve ! IF THOU WOULDEST LIFE ATTAIN. NO. mf If tho u wo uldell life attain, p So o n the llruggle will be pal! If withCau s 'r tho u wo uldell reign, Calm and peace will come at lall Reaping wifdom from the pail, ( res. So o n thro ughDeath’ s traufporting do o r, All thy pains and labo rs o ’ er, fTho u lhalt go to jo in the blel In thy prefen t earthly date. In the realms of endlefs tell ; II . IV. mf Labo r, while it yet is day p Re ll, from to il an d anx ious care ; Labor, while yo u labor may3 Rell, from earthly wear and tear ; Labor, fo r the night is lon g ; trea. Rell, from ever preren t lin ; Labo r, for the foe is ltro ng, Rell witho ut an d tell wit fLabor, for the priz e is great ; Re ll, whichn o abatemen t knows ; Labor, for the hour is late. V p Rell, and infinite repo fe. pJESU, Who fo r me didll die On the Gro fs o f Calvary, era . No t in aught that is my own, But in Thy true Blo o d alo ne, fDo I pu t my trembling trull pp Spare, O fpare, a wo rm o f dual SAVIOUR, BLESSED SAVIOUR . G eneral. No . 3 4 7 . Savxou a, blellbd Savio ur, Liften whilll we ling! Hearts and voices raifmg Praifes to o ur King . All we have to o ffer, All we ho pe to be, Body, fo ul, and fpirit, All we y ield to Thee . II. p Nearer, ever n earer, CHRtS ' r, we draw to Thee, Deep in adoratio n, Bending low the knee. pp Tho u, fo r o ur redemptio n, Cam’ li o n earthto die ; Thou, that we might fo llow, Hall gone up o n high. III. mf Great, an d ever greater, f Brighter llill and brighter, Are Thy mercies here, Glows the we ltern fun, f True and everlalling Shedding all its g ladn efs Are the glo rie s there ; O ’ cr o ur wo rk that ’ s do ne. Where no pain o r fo rro w, rim. Time will fo o n be o ver, To i! o r care, is kn own ; To i! an d fo rrow pal! Where the angel legio n s p May we, blell ' éd Savio ur, Circle ro un d Thy thro ne. Find a re f! at p Dark, and ever darker, Was the win t ’ ry pall, Now a ray o f g ladnefs O ’ er o ur pathis call Every day that pafl ' e th, Every ho ur that flie s, f Tells o f love unfading, Lo ve that never dies. V . mf Clearer ftill an d clearer, Dawns the light from Heaven, In o ur fadnefs bringing News o ffins fo rgiven . Life has lo ll its lhadows, P ure the light within, Tho u hall lbed Thy radian ce On a wo rld o ffin . CHILDREN OF THE H EAV ’NLY KING. G eneral, or Procqfim l. No . 3 49 . p C H IL DR E N Of the Heav ’ nly King, f Shout, yelittle flo ck and blefi i ! As ye jo urney fweetly ling : Yo u o n J Es u s ’ thro ne fhall refi tree. Sing yo ur Savio ur ’ s wo rthy praife, There yo u r feat is now prepared, Glo rio us in H is works and ways ! There yo ur kingdom and reward. II . V. p We are trav ’ llin home to GOD Lift yo ur eyes, y e fans o f light In the way the athers tro d ; Zio n ’ s city is in light ; trey. They are happy now, and we There o ur endlefs home lhall be, So o n their happinefs lhall fee. There o ur LOR D we foo n fhall fee. III. mf O ye banilhed feed, be glad I CH R IST o ur Advo cate is made ; Us to fave, o ur flelhafl ' umes ; B ro ther to o u r flelhbecomes. VII. p LOR D, o bediently we g o , Gladly leaving all belo w; f Only Tho u our Leader be, And we lllll will fo llo w The e ! VI fl Fear no t, brethren ! jo yfu l flan d On the bo rders o f yo ur land ; J ESUS CH R 1ST, yo u r FATH ER ’ S SON, Bids yo u u ndifmayed g o o n. THY SAVIOUR STANDETH AT THE DOOR. G eneral. Rev. iii. s o . NO 3 5 ° A men. III . p THY Savio ur flandethat the door ! p Where can I peace o r comfo rt find He waits, He knocks, He cries ! Unlefs in Thy dear love ? Let not the Pleader fue in vain, or forrow dim His eyes ; p But, liarting up, 0 let Him in, rm. Withthee to fup, [ Thy love to win. II p Goo d LoaD, if Tho u would ’ ll raife Thy voice, Tho ughlanguid is mine car, t rey. This vacant heart lhould open wide, Nor wait till Tho u wert near p Then come to me Here ever tell ! rrtr. I fighfo r Thee f To fill my brealt! p Unlefs Thy face Shall near me shine, m 1. Withlo o ks of grace f And light divine ? IV. p Bleli Savio ur, ever let my heart Be found a home for Thee ! rm . Ne ’ er may I grieve the tender Guefl, Who flo ops to dwell withme ! p 0 keep me Thine When deathis nigh, tree. And ltill be mine f Beyond the fl y ! LORD, G eneral. I . p lesu, my LORD, my GOD, my all, Hear me, blell Savio ur, when I call ! rm . Hear me, and from Thy dwelling place Po ur down the riches o f Thy grace. pJESU, my LORD, we Thee ado re, mu . 0 make us love Thee mo re and more. II . pjasu, too late I Thee have fo ught, How can I love Thee as I o ught, era . And how ex tol Thy matchlefs fame, The glorio us beau ty o f ' Thy Name ? pjas o , my Lo an, we Thee adore, ( f or. 0 make us love Thee more and more. III. pjasu, what didll Tho u find in me, That Tho u hall dealt fo lovingly ? gre at the jo y that Tho u hall bro ught! Oh! far exceeding ho or tho ught jssu, my LORD, we hee adore, tree. 0 make us love Thee more and mo re. IV. pjesu, o f Thee lhall be my fo ng ; To Thee my heart and fo ul belo ng ; (ref. All that I have, ‘ o r am, is Thine, And Tho u, blell Savio ur, Tho u art mine. pjEso , my Loan, we Thee ado re, 0 make us love Thee more and mo WHEN WOUNDED SORE THE STRICKEN SOUL. G eneral, or Lear. NO 3 5 3 ~ I. III. p WH EN wo u nded fo re the firick en fo ul pWhen penitence has wept in vain Lies bleeding and unbo und, Over fome fo ul, dark fpo t, cm . One o nly hand, a pierced Hand, crer. One o nly llream, a fiream o f Blo o d, Can falve the finner ’ s wound. Can walhaway the blo t. p When forrow fwells the laden breafl, mf ’Tis JESUS ’ Bloo d that walhes white, And tears o f an flow, His Hand that brings relief ; n Heart, H is Heartthat ’ s to uchedwith all o urjo vs Can the finner ’ s woe. And feelethfo r o ur grief. p Lift u Thy bl Hand, 0 LOR D ! tree. U ea! that cl ng tide ! f We have no lhelter from o urfin pp But in Thy wo unded Side. LEAD US, HEAV 'NLY FATHER, LEAD US . G eneral, or Lent. N0° 3 54 p Law as, Heav ’nly FATHER, lead us O ’ er the wo rld ’ s tempelluo us fea r as, guide us, keep us, feed us, III. inf Smarr of our Goo, defcendin Fill o ur hearts withheav ’ niy joy Love withevery paflio n blending, Pleafure that can never clo y p Thus provided, Pardoned, guided, p SAVto ua, breathe f ° venefs o ’ er us ; All o ur weaknefs o u do ll know; era . Tho u didll tread this earthbefo re us ; Thou didll feel its keeneli woe ; p Lo ne an d dreary, Fain t an d weary, Throughthe defert Tho u didll g o . L EE D S ALL IN CHORUS SING, HALLELUJAH ! 4 fl M etal. Cantemus mum melodum. NO. 3 5 5 I. Le t us all in cho - rus ling, Hal - le ln jab ! Hal le Thro ughthe wo rld the e cho Thro ughthe wo rld the e to Heav ’ n ’ s e na! King ! Hal - le jah! Hal le jah Ha! - O THOU, THE CONTRITE SINNER ’ S FRIE ND. G eneral, or Lent. N 0° 35 5“ N . p 0 THOU the co ntrite finner ’ s Friend, p When Satan, by my fins made bold, Who lo ving lo v ’ lt them to the end, Strives fromThy Cro fs to lo o fe my lfli eras. On this alo ne my hopes de end, Then with Thy pitying s enfold, That Tho u wilt plea fo r me. eras. And plead, O plead fo r me ! V. p When, weary in the Chrifiian race, pp And when my dying F ar o fl ' app ears my telling- place, All dark with ang uilh, gu ilt, an d fear And, fainung, I mil ’cru ft Thy grace, Then to my fainting fight appear, cm . Then, SAVIOUR, plead fo r me. in H eav ’ n fo r me. III. p When I have erred and ne aliray, Afar from Thine and 1fdom’ s way, And fee no glimm’ ring, guiding ray, ares. Still, SAe UR, plead fo r me. VI. p When the full light o f heav ’ nly thy Reveals my fins In dread array, Say, Tho u halt walhed them all away ! f O fay, Tho u plead ’ lt fo r me ! : A NST THOU, GOOD LORD, FORGIVE SO SOON ? NO. 3 5 7 . I. p CANST Tho u, g oo d LOR D, fo rgive fO foo n mf It 18 no virtue o f mine own, A fo ul hath nned fO lo ng ? But Blo o d o f Him that died, CanfiTho u fubmit Thyfelf g to o ne, Ou r elder Bro ther, and Thy SON, That lo ads Thee fill! withwro ng ? Whom my fins crucified. V. Co uld I with all the faints compare, Strange way, by fucha g uiltlefs wave Yet I were black to Thee To walhaway o ur crnuca, But, mo re defilcd than lepers are, Who fe leall: dro p was eno ugh to fave Whence comes this love to me ? The wo rld a tho ufand times ? Canll Tho u be d jul ’ t and deal reward p Fo r every crimfo n tear that He To tho fe un o ne b y fin ? Thus lhed to mak e me live, The gate o f Heav ’ n all ang els guard, tree. Oh! wherefo re, wherefo re have no t I And lhall I enter in ? A thoufand fouls to g ive ? O FOUNT OF MERCY, GOD OF LOVE ! natural. fO FOUNT Of merc y , GOD Of lo ve Thefe vario us me rcies from abo ve How rich Thy o unties are Matured the fwelling grain ; The ro lling feafo ns, as they mo ve, A yellow harvell cro wns Thy love, Pro claim Thy co nfiant care. And plentyfills the plain. II. V. f When ’ neath the bo fom o f the earth p Seed- time and harvell, LOR D, alo ne The fower hid the grain, Tho u do ll o n man bello w ; Thy g o o dnefs marked its fecret birth, Then let him no t fo rget to o wn And fent the early rain. FromWhom his blefling s flow! VI. The fpring ’ s fweet influence was Thine ; f O Fo unt o f love ! o ur praife is Thine; The plants in beau ty grew; To Thee o u r fo ngs we ’ ll raife Tho u gav ’ li refulgent fu ns to lhine, And all created Nature jo in, And mild refrelhing dew. In fweet harmo nio u s praife ! O LORD OF HARVEST ! ONCE AGAIN. fiarhest. NO 3 60 mf O LOR D o f harvell ! o nce again mf No r vainly o f Thy Wo rd we alk We thank Thee fo r the ripened grain ; A lcflo n from the reaper ’ s F o r crops fafe carried, fent to cheer SO lhall Thine angels ilfue fo rth Thy fervants thro ugh ano ther year ; The tares be burnt ; the jufiOf earth: pares. Fo r all fweet ho ly tho ughts fup lied p crew. The fpo rt o f fun and lto rm no more, By feed- time, and by harvell - Dd; Be g athered to their Father ’ s flare. II. N . f The bare dead grain, in autumn fown, p 0 LOR D, o ur prayers be daily faid, Its ro be o f vernal green puts o n ; As Tho u halt taught, fo r dailybread; Glad from its wintry grave it But no t alo ne o ur bo dies feed, Frefit g arnilhed by the KI NG Supply o ur faintin fpirits ’ need! So , LOR D, to tho fe, who fleep 0 Bread o f Life ! om day to day, Shall newand glo rio us bo dies be. Be Thou their Comfo rt, Food, and Stay COME, YE THANKFUL PEOPLE , COME ! fiarhest. fCOME, ye thankful people, come ! p Fo r the LORD o ur GOD lhall come, Raife the fo ng o f Harrell - home ! And lhall take His Harvefl home ; All is fafely gathered in From His field lhall in that day Ere the winter llo rms begin All ofi' ences purge away ; GOD o ur Maker do thpro vide Give His angels charge at lall Fo r our wan ts to be fupplied In the fire the tares to call ; Come to GOD ’ s own temple, come ! rrt r. But the fruitful ears to llo re Rail ' e the fo ng o f Harvefi- home ! In His garne r evermo re. II. IV. inf -All the wo rld is GOD ’ S o wn field, mf Even fo , LORD, quickly come Fruit unto His praife to yield ; To Thy final Harvell—home ; Wheat and tares toge ther fown, Gather Thou the people in, Unto jo y o r fo rrow grown Free from fo rrow, free from fin ; Firfithe blade, and then the car, There fo r ever purified, Then the full corn lhall appear In Thy prefence to abide ; LORD o f harvell , grant that we fCome, withall Thine angels, come, Who lefome grain and pure may be. Raife the glo rious Harvell - home ! THE GOD OF HARVEST PRAISE. fiarhrst. f TH E GOD o f harvell praife In lo ud thank fg iving raife Hand, heart, and vo ice ! The valle s fin ile and fing, The wo o d;and mo u ntains ring, The plains their tribute bring, The llreams rejo ice. f The GOD o f harvell praife ! Hands, hearts , and vo ices ralfe, With fweet acco rd! Fro m field to g ether thro ng, And bring yo ur lheaves alo ng, Then in yo u r harvell fo ng, f Blcfs ye the LOR D! mf Yea, blefs H is ho ly Name, And pu refl: thanks pro claim, Thro u gh all the earth ! To glo ry in yo ur lo t Is comely, bu t be no t His benefits fo rgo t, Amid yo u r mirth. THOU THAT SENDEST SUN AND RAIN. S entient harhrat. No . 36 I. mf TH OU that fendefl: fun and rain, Ruling o ver land and fea, tree. May we ne ’ er o f Thee complain, Ne ’ er, whate ’ er o ur lo t may be. mf Whether fun o r rain in turn ”If All we have we know is Thine, Ripen or Ne ’ er to murmur o r complain. Feed us this and every day. inf Thus, as changefu l feafo ns bring, Wealth o r wan fi t lh whiche ’ er it be, Uncom lammg ' we ’ ll fing, f Sirup y trufimg all to Thee. III. p Fewer flo cks o r fewer herds , Scanty tho u gh o u r fl o re may be, we feem to hear Thy wo rds ; f “ Trult, ye faithful, trull: in Me ! ” THIS STONE TO THEE IN FAITH WE LAY. l aying the finalisation of a Gharth . NO 3 65 f ' TH IS fio nc to Thee in faith we lay, mf Whe n here Thy mefi' en ers pro claim We build the temple, LOR D, to Thee ; The blefféd Go fpel o Thy SON, Thine eye be open ni ht and day, ares. Still, by the pow ’ r o f H is great Name, To g uard this he e and fanétuary. Be mig hty fig ns and wo nd rs do ne l p When here Thy peo ple feek Thy face, 1 , But will, indeed, J EHOVAH deign And dying o finners pray to live, To tarry here, no tranfient g uefi? er. H ear Thou m Heav n, Thy dwe l l g rt i t ‘g; Here will the wo rld ’ s R EDEEMER reign. And when Tho u hearefi, LOR D, fo r And here the HOLY SPIR IT refi? ares. That glo ry never hence depart ! Yet choo fe no t, LOR D, this ho ufe alone ; f Thy kingdom come to every heart ; In every bofom fix Thy thro ne ! O LORD OF HOSTS, WHOSE G LORY FILLS . l aying the f onnhation of a c hard) . No . 3 66. I. N . f O LOR D o f ho lis, Who le To Thee they all to Thee The bo u nds o f the eternal The treafures o f e earth and fes ; And y et vo uchfafes, in Chriflian lands, And when we brin gl themto Thy throne, To dwell in temples made with hands. We but prefent T cc withThine Own II V 0 g rant that we, who here to d ay, The heads that guide endu e withfltill. Rejo icing, this fo undatio n lay, The hands that wo rk preferve fromill: May be In very deed Thine Own, That we, who thefe fo undatio ns lay, Built o n the precio us Co rner- lio ne. May raife the to pfio ne in its day. III mf Endue the creatures with Thy grace, f Bo th now and ever, LOR D, pro teét That ib ali ado rn Thy dwelling- place ; The temple o f Thine Own elea ; The beauty o f the o ak and pine, Be Tho u in them, and they in Thee, ‘he go ld andfilver, make them Thine. 0 ever blelSed Tr inity ! LORD OF HOSTS, TO THEE WE RAISE . church B ehiratis n. NO. 36! I. mf LOR D o f balls ! to Thee we raife Here a ho ufe Of prayer and praife ; Tho u Thy peo ple ’ s hearts prepare, Here to meet fo r praife and prayer. II. f Let the living here be fed With Thy Wo rd, the heavenly Bread ; Here, in ho pe o f lo ry blell, May the dead be aid to refi! III. mf Here to Thee a temple fland, While the fea lhall gird the land ! H ere reveal Thy mercy fu re, While the fu n and mo o n endure ! IV. f Hallelujah ! earth and ihy To the jo yful fou nd reply ! I " Hallelujah ! hence afcend Prayer and praife til! time fhall e n d. BLESSED CITY ! HEAV ’NLY SALEM ! NO. 3 69 . I . BLI SSkD City ! heav ’nly Salem ! Vifion fair o f peace and reli, Who o f living nones art falhio ned In the regio n s o f the blell As a fpo ufe, by waiting angels Tho u in bridal ro bes art drelt. II . ssf Blooming fi-elh, from heaven defcending, Fo r the wedding- chamber dight, As a fair aflianced virgin, Fitted fo r her Bridegroom’ s fight All th firee ts and walls are blaz ing, Buift o f gold, thrice - pure an d bright. V f Glory, hono ur, praife, and power, Give the FATHER and the Son ; jo in the Sa m in the worlhip, On in THREE, and THREE in ONE ; Ofl ' er lkill the ado ration, While uncoun ted ages run ! f Gleam withpearls thy fparkling portals ; Open lie thy ho ly fhrines : They, who for their LORD have sufl ' ered, Whom to crulhthe wo rld combin es, There, by virtue o f His merits, Every fain t in glory lhines. IV. In their places are cemen ted By the Builder ’ s skilful hand, Ranged thro ugho ut thy holy fiructures. There for ever will they fiand. CHRIST IS LAID THE SURE FOUNDATION. No . 3 70. f: Cam is laid the fure Fo un dation, Co rner- ho ne from heavenly hands Firm the co upled walls uniting, Bo thHe lin ks withfacred bands p cra . Holy Sio n, thus fuppo rted, Reitin g o n Him ever hands. II. fLoved o f Go o, to G0!) devo ted, Highthe City do thupraife Lo ude ll fo ngs o f exultatio n, Burfiing {trains o f meafured p [ Ta n a in On her Go o proclaiming, So un ding forthtriumphan t lays. V fGlo ry, worlhip, praife, an d power, Give the Fam n and the So rt ; Shew the Su m equal ho no ur ; Om: in Ta tum, and Ta n : in O n ; I Ofl ’ er ho ly ado ratio n, While un co un ted ages run. p Go o o f Heav ’ n ! in this Thy temple , When implored 0 be Tho u nigh WithThy ten der - ell compafi Hearken to o ur prayerful Send us down Thy richell blz ng Evermore, as here we lie. IV. m cre befiow o n all Thy fe rvants What they crave in mee k requefi Ever holding fafiThy mercies, Jo ined fo r ever withthe blell p tra . Then Thy Paradife to en ter, There tranflated to Thy te ll. FROM GREENLAND ’ S ICY MOUNTAINS . missions . mf Fno n Greenland ’ s icy mountains, p Can we, who fe fo uls are lighted From India ’ s co ral lirand Withwifdom from on high, Where Afric ’ s funny fo un tains Can we to men benighted Roll down their go lden fand ; The lamp o f life deny ? From many an ancient river, fSalvatio n ! 0 salvation ! From many a palmy plain, The joyful fo und pro claim, They call us to deliver Till eachremo teit n atio n Their land from error ’ s chain. Has learnt Masstau ’ s Name. II. mf What thoughthe fpicy breez es Blow foft o ’ er Cey lon ’ s ille ; Tho ughevery pro fpeét pleafes, And o nly man is vile ; In vain withlavilhkindnefs The gifts o f Go o are firo vm ; The heathen in his blindne fs Bows down to wo o d an d (to ne . IV. of Walt, waft, ye winds, His Ro ry, And you, ye waters, ro ll, Till, like a fea of glo ry, It fpreads from pole to pole ; Till o ’ er o ur ranfomed nature, The Laws fo r finners llain, fR auaau s a, K wo , Gamma, f In blifs re turn s to reign . O SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD . missions . p 0 Smart o f the living Go o, In all Thy plenitude of grace, Where ’ er the foo t o f man hathtrod, Defoend o n o ur apo ltate race. II. Give tongues o ffire, and hearts o f love, To preachthe reco nciling wo rd Give pow’ r and un é ' tio n from abo ve, Whene ’ er the joyful found is heard. f Be darknefs, at Thy coming, light ; Co nfulion, order in Thy path; So uls lacking firengthinfpire withmight ; Bid mercy triumpho ver wrath. IV. p 0 Srrarr o f the Lo an, prepare All the ro und earthher Go o to meet ; cm . Breathe Tho u abro ad like mo rn ing air, Till hearts o f lio ne begin to beat. SAVIOUR, SPRINKLE MANY NATIONS . missions . No . 3 74‘ mavromt, fprin kle many natio ns ; Fruitful le t Thy fo rrows be ; By Thy pains and co n fo latio ns, Draw the Gen tiles un to Thee ; Of Thy Cro fs the wo ndro us flo ry, Be it to the natio ns to ld ; Let them fee Thee in Thy glo ry, And Thy mercy manifo ld. III. f ret. Savroua, lo ! the ifles are waiting, Stretched the hand, and flraimd the fight, For Thy Spirit, new creating Love ’ s pure flame and wifdom’ s light Give the wo rd, and o f the preacher Speed the fo o t, and to uchthe tongue, fTill o n earthby every creature Glo ry to the Lamb be fung. 1 ) Far and wide, tho ughall un knowing, Pan ts for Thee e achmo rtal breafl ; Human tears fo r Thee are flowing, Human hearts in Thee wo uld re fl, Thirfling, as fo r dews o f even, As the new- mown grafs for rain, Thee they feek, the Go o o f heaven, Thee, as Man, for finners flain. ARISE , o LORD, AND SHINE ! missions . arf An n , 0 Loan, and lhine mf Put forthThy glorious power In all Thy favin ‘g might, That Gentiles all ma ree, ’ And profper each efign And earthprefent her re, To fpread Thy glo rio us light ; In converts born to Thee cm. Let hea llreams o f mercy flow, f Gon, our own Go o, His Churchiball blefs, That all earthThy truth Andfill the earthwithrighteoufnefa. II. fBring diflant nations near To ling Thy glorio us praife ; Let every people hear, And learn Thy holy ways ! ci mighty Goo ! afl ' ert Th caufe, overn by Thy righteous awa ! IV f To Go o, the o nly wife, The one immortal King, Let hallelujahs rife From every living thing ! f Le t all that breathe, on every coafl, Praife Parana, Son, and Hoar Gaos 'r ! WE GIVE THEE BUT THINE OWN. c haritable eroutctions. I mf We give Thee bu t Thine Own, Whate ’ er the gift may be : All that we have is Thine alo ne, A trult, 0 Lo an, fo r Thee. II. f May we Thy bo u nties thus The captive to releafe, As flewards true receive, To GOD the lo ft to bring, And gladly, as Tho u blefl ' efl u s, To teach the way o f life and peace, To Thee o ur firfl - fruits give. It is a CH a ts 'r- like thing. III. 1 ) Oh ! hearts are bruifed and dead, f And we believe Thy wo rd, And homes are bare and co ld Tho u gh dim o ur faith may be, And lambs , fo r whom the Shepherd bled, Whate ’ er fo r Thine we do , 0 LOR D, Are {ha ying from the fo ld! We do it u nto Thee. IV. To co mfo rt and to blefs, To find a balm fo r woe, To tend the lo ne and fatherlefs, Is angels ’ wo rk below. GOD OF MERCY, THRONED ON HIGH. f or the y oung. NO 3 7 8 I. III. mf GOD o f mercy, thro ned o n high, p Jasu , lo ver o f the yo un Liflen from Thy lo fty feat ; Cleanfe us with Thy lo o d divine; Hear, O hear o u r humble cry ; Ere the tide o ffin gro w fimng, Guide, 0 guide o ur wandering feet. Save us, keep us, make us Thine ! IV. Yo ung and erring travellers, we Let u s ever hear Thy vo ice ; All o ur dangers do no t know; Aflt Thy co unfel day by day Scarcely fear the fl o rmy fea, Saints and angels will rejo ice, H ardly feel the tempel ’ t blow. If we walk in Wifdom’ s way. mf SAVIOUR, give us faith, and o ur Ho pe and lo ve o n every o u l Hope, till time fhall be no mo re Lo ve, while endlefs ages ro ll ! BY COOL SILOAM ’ S SHADY RILL. the y oung. I. W. p BY co o l Siloam’ s lhady rill, And fo o n, to o foo n, the wintry hour How fweet the lilyy . g ro ws Of man ’ s maturer ag e How fweet the breath, beneath the hill, Will lhak e the fo ulW1thfo rrow ’ 8 power, Of Sharo n ’ s dewy to fe l And flo rmy pat! " o n ’ s rag e. II. V. mf Lo ! fuchthe child, who fe early feet mf O Tho u , Who fe infant feet were found The paths o f peace have tro d Within Thy FATH ER s lhrine Who fe fecret heart, with influence fweet, Who fe years, with chang elefs virtuf Is upward drawn to GOD. crowned , Were all alike divine ; III. VI. p By coo l Siloam’ s lhady rill Dfindent o n Thy bo unteo us breath, The lily mull decay feek Thyy g race alo ne, The ro le, that blo oms beneath the hill, mes. In childho o d, manhoo d, ag e, and death, Mull: lhortly fade away. To keep us flill Thine Own. LORD, THIS DAY THY CHILDREN MEET. f or the mung. I. mf LOR D, this day Thy children meet p Help us u n to Thee to ray, In Thy co u rts with willing feet ; Hallo wing o ur happy y Unto Thee this day they raife From Thy Prefence thus to win Grateful hearts in hymns o f praife. Hearts all pure, and free from fin. No t alo ne the Day o f refl mf All o ur pleafures here below, With Thy wo rlhip lhall be blefl SAVIOUR , fro m Thy mercy flow In o u r pleafure and o u r glee, Bu t if earth has jo ys like this, LOR D, we wo uld remember Thee. What lhall be o ur heavenly blifs ! Mak e, 0 LOR D, o u r childho o d lhine With all lowly grace, like f Then thro ugh all eternity We lhall live in Heaven with Thee. JESUS IS OUR SHEPHERD. f or the Young. NO 3 3 2 I. 1) Jesu s 1s o ur Shepherd, Wiping every tear Fo lded m H is bo fom, What have we to fear ? p Only let us fo llow Whither He do th lead, ( res . To the thirfly defert, Or the dewy mead. II. p ' J Es u s 1s o u r Shepherd Well we know H is vo ice its g entleft whifp er Makes o ur heert re ° ° o ice p E ven when He chidet Tender 13 its to ne ares. No ne bu t He lhall guide us We are H is alo ne. p J s s u s is o ur F o r the lheep He bled ; Every lamb is fprink led With the blo o d He lhed p Then o n each H e fetteth His Own feers t fign at have My Sp1r1t, Th faith He, are Mine. IV. p Jes u s is o u r Shepherd Guarded by H is arm, fret. Tho ugh the wo lves may raven, No ne can do us harm. p When we tread death ’ s valley, Dark with fearful glo om, crer. We will fear no evil, f Victo rs o ‘ er the tomb . THOU, WHO THRONED k ABOVE ALL GLORY. f or the Young. No . 3 8 4. p T1100, Who, thro ned above all Ye t didll no t difdain to dwe Infant o f a J ewilhmo ther, As a child 1n Ifrael, f Lo an and Savxo ua, Give us g race to know The well. Still thro ughevery earthly trial May we 8 ho ld Thy promife fafl nd when this than life is over, And the pains o f deathare pad, f Lo an and Savrovl . p Bring us to Thy home at lat . II. uf Ran fomed by Thy Croft and Pallio n, Thine, and Thine alone are we p From this wo rld o f flu and fo rrow, Keep, 0 Lo an, Thy children he fLoan and p Give us grace to fo llow Thee. LAMB OF GOD ! I LOOK TO THEE IV p LAMB o f GOD ! I loo k to Thee ; mf Let me abo ve all fulfil Tho u lhalt my ex ample be ; GOD my heav ’ nly F ar n aR ’ s will ; Tho u art g entle, meek, and mild ; H is go o d Smart grieve ; Tho u waft o nce a little Child. Only to His g lo ry live. II. ares. F ain I wo uld be as Tho u art ; Give me an o bedient heart ; Tho u art pitiful and kind ; Let me have Thy lo ving mind. III. VI. 1) Meek and lowly may I be ! f I lhall then lhew fo rthThy praife ; Thou art all humility! e The all my happy days Let me ‘ to my betters bo w; Then the wo rld thall alwa 3 fee Subject to Thy parents Thou. C11RIST, the Ho ly Chil in me. p Lo vin Jas u, g entle La n a, In hy g rac10us han ds I am ak e me, Savro u a, what Tho u art, Live Thyfelf within my heart. JESU, HIGH IN GLORY. No . 3 86. 1 II. 3 ) Though Tho u art fo holy, p Sa e us, ’ LOR D, fromfirming ; Heav ’ n ’ s Almighty King, {Watch113 ‘ day by day crer. Tho u wilt floo p to liften cres, ’H ’ elp us now to lo ve Thee ; When Thy praife we ling. Take o ur Iins away . p Then,when Jesus callsus To our heav ’ nly era . We °would gladly anfwer f Savro UR, LOR D, ’we come ! ” IT IS THE LORD ! BEHOLD HIS HAND. I IV p Ir is the LOR D beho ld His hand, Who knows bu t GOD will hear o ur cries, Outfiretehed with an amictive ro d ; Tu rn fwift deftruaio n from o u r path, And hark! a vo ice goes thro ughthe land, Reftrain H is j udgments, o r chaftife Be ftill, and kno w that I amGOD In tender mercy, no t in wrath II. V. Shall we, like gu ilty Adam, hide f He will, He will, fo r J es u s pleads In dark eft lhades, o ur darker fears Let heaven and earthHis lo ve re cord Fo r who His comin g may abide ? Fo r us, fo r us , He intercedes ; Or who lhall flan when He appears Our help is nigh ; it is the LOR D ! mf No l let us thro ng aro und His feat, 1 ) Into His hands then let us fall, And let us meet H im Face to face ; Come health o r fick nefs , life o r death, Our fpirits profirate at H is feet, Whether He fends us balm fo r gall, Co nfefii o u r fins , and fue fo r grace. Or immo rtality fo r breath. WALKING ON THE WINGED WIND. a rmafiremen“ . I. III. mf WALK I NG o n the winged wind, Prayer revailed amidfi: defpair Fear befo re H im, Death behind , GOD ights to anfwer prayer ; When the LOR D came down in wrath, Judgment laid its terro rs by ; Clouds and dark nefs girt His path! Mercy beamed o ’ er earth and lky. II IV Thence abroad His arro ws flew, svf Now be fo rrow turned to fo ng ; Thick and fafi: they fmo te and flew ! Let the bruised reed w flro 1 ) We in dufl and alhes lay Smo king flax break o rth and ' Si ze ; None co uld help, but all co uld pray. Prayer transfo rm itfelf to praife ! V f Let the living now record All the g o o dnefs o f the LORD ! Him let His redeemed ado re, Go in peace, andfin no mo re . LORD, IN MINE AGONY OF PAIN I n time at fl atness . F or Private m . I. 9 Loan, in mine ago ny o f pain I turn mine eyes to Thee, mu. In humble trull , that as ' my da M ge y promifed flrengthwill p Teachme to pray withThy deaf Son, Fart -Ian, Thy will, no t mine be done. ” II. Sleeplefs I pafs the weary night, ‘ And lo ng fo r dawn o f day ; he dawning day no refpite br1ugs, ’ ! gain fo r night I pray su, Lo an, canll aid, and Thou alo ne ! pme to fay, Thy will be do ne. ” III. p ’Tis Thine, my . lharpefl pains to foo the, And dry eachfalling tear ; era . ’Tis Thine, by precio us promifes, My fainting heart to cheer In lp atience then my race I ’ ll run, Sti meekly pray, Thy will be done. IV. 5 p A moment ’ s light afliifiio n here On earth, bears no com are melt: To that eternal weight of bli s, WithImus I iball lhare The crofio n earth, in heaven the crown Father, Thy will , no t mine he done. ” LIFT NOT THOU THE WAILING VOICE. On the c hristian ’a B ean) . F or Private are. p Ltvr no t thou the wailing voice ; Weep no t, ’ tis a Chriltian dieth; Up, where blefséd faints rejo ice, Ranfomed now, the fpirit flieth. p Freed from earthan d earthly failing, him n o voice o f wailing ; Highin heaven ’ s own light he dwelle th fFull the fo ng o f triumphfwelleth. III p They, who die in Can er, are blell Our ’ s then be no tho ught o f grieving Swee tly withtheir Go o they refi, All their to ils and tro ubles leaving ; era . So be o ur ’ s the faiththat faveth, Hope, that every trial braveth, Love, that to the end endureth, fAnd, thro ughCmu rr, the crown fecureth. inf Po ur no t tho u the bitter tear ; Heaven its bo o k o f comfo rt opeth, Bids thee forrow no t, n o r fear, But as on e who always hopeth p Humbly here in faithrelying, Peacefully in jesus dying, Heavenly joy his face is Why lhould thine withtears be gulhing ? WHY, WEARY MOURNER SHED THE CEASELESS pWHY, weary mo urner, lhed the ceafelefs tear ? inf Draw nighthe Bo fom where the weary refi, Why bow thy foul beneathdefpo n din g fear ? There hopeful lay thy heavy laden breafi; Lift up thin e eyes ! beho ld the gladd ’ ning fight ! Tho ughfpo tted o ver witha deadly blight, Fo r, crowned withgo lden rays o f mercy bright, era . Thy fins of fcarlet there fhall turn to white ; f Lo ! Can er appears thine everlalling light. fThy darknefs merge in everlalling light. II . IV. p Tho u o ft hail fallen, o ft the Spirit grieved, mf Withwatchful care purfue thy lowly way ; By fin enchained, of peace an d jo y bereaved Thy firengthiball n ow be as thy lhining day Tho ughcircled ro un d by foes of fearful might, Withfaiththy lhield the foeman bo ldly fmite, ( res. Ye t feck the Cro fs, however dark the night ; Withtriumphfare main tain the mortal fight f For thee it beams witheverlalling light. V fLoo k up to 08 11137 thine everlalling light. Tho ughtearful fo rrow dimmed thy Savio u a ’ s eyes, Ye t, forrow pail, He ro fa above the lkies Then fian chthyweepin g, fpeed thy heavenward flight; Tho u fo o n lhalt reach, beyo nd the fiarry height, f Thy deathlefs crown of everlalling light. WHAT VARIOUS HINDR ANCES WE MEET. f or mrihats use. mf WH AT vario us hindrances we meet While Mo fes flo o d with arms fpread wide, In coming to a mercy - feat Succefs was fo und o n Ifrael ’ s fide ; Yet who that knows the wo rth o f prayer, But when thro u ghwearinefs they fai led, Bu t wifhes to be Often there ? That moment Amalek prevailed. Prayer makes the darkened clo ud withdraw; Have yo u no wo rds ? Ah think ag ain ! Prayer climbs the ladder Jaco b faw Wo rds flow s pace when y o u complain, Gives ex ercife to faith and lo ve ; And fill yo u r fello w- creatu re ’ s ear B rings every blefiing fro m abo ve. With the fad tale o f all yo ur care. Reftraining prayer we ecafe to fight ; Were half the breath, thus vainly fpe n t, Prayer makes the Chrifiian ’ s armo r bright; To H eav ’ n in fupplicatio n fent, “ l S atan trembles when he fees Yo u r cheerful fo ng wo uld o ftener be weak ef ’c faint u po n his knees . f Hear what the LOR D has do ne fo r me. JESUS, LORD, WE KNEEL BEFORE THEE. NO. 3 9 6. pJesus, LORD, we kn eel befo re Thee ; p When temptatio n fo rely prefl ' es, Bend from he av ’ n Thy gracio us car ! In the day o f Satan ’ s pow’ r, (res. While o ur waiting fo uls ado re Thee, era . In o ur times o f dee dillrefl ' es, Frien d of helplefs finners, hear ! In eachdark an trying ho ur, era . By Thy mercy, p tr“ . By Thy mercy, Oh! deliver us, go od Oh! deliver us, good LORD. II. V. arf Taught by Thin e un erring Smarr, p In the weary night o f ficknefs, Bo ldly we draw n ighto Go o, In the throes o f grief and pain ; Only in Thy fpo tlefs merit, When we feel o ur mortal weaknefs, Only thro ughThy precio us blo o d When the creature ’ s help is vain, p a w. B Thy mercy, p trer. By Thy mercy, Oh! cliver u s, go o d LORD ! Oh! deliver us, go o d LORD ! p From the depths o f nature ’ s blindnefs, From the hard ’ ning pow’ r o ffin, From all malice and unkin dnefs, From the pride that lurks within, p trey. By Thy mercy, Oh! deliver us, go od LORD ! VII. mf jasus, may Thy promifed blefling Comfo rt to o ur fo uls afl ' ord ! May we, n ow Thy love po fl ' efling, Find at lalt the great reward l p ( res. B y Thy mercy, Oh deliver us, goo d Loan ! VI. pp In the fo lemn ho ur o f dy ing, In the awful j udgmen t- day, May o ur fo uls, o n Thee rely ing, Find Thee fiill o ur Hope and Stay ! p ( res. B Thy mercy, Oh! cliver u s, go od LORD ! jESU ! CHILD OF MORTAL THROES ! l itany. No . 3 97. 1. J r su ! Child o f mo r tal throes ! uit ting Thy di vine re po fe, 3 . By the fweat that dewed the gro und, y that bit ter, wail ing fo un d, Mee k ly bow ing ’ neath the blows, Dealt by Thy re lent lefa foes Ris ing from the wafle a ro und, Friends un feen, while fo es a bo und So n o f Save us from c Lo ne ly Ohl be Tho u o ur m I n . M ir a f m fn m b e fu n . a t m l} . 1 . i f Arw t J QM l b 11 , m [ h I “ . z . Sufi’ r ing LORD ! Bend to us Thy liflen 4. Bleed ing Lo an ! Save Thy peo ple, wall 6. By Thy co nqu ’ r in g co urfe o n high, ’Mid the fquad - ro ns o f the lk y, Who in fplen - do r roun d Thee fly, Rais ing their e x ult ing cry REJOICE, YE PURE IN HEART. ” material. I. f s o rc a, ye pure in heart, Rejo ice, give thanks, and fing ! nt banner wave o n high, The Grofs o f CH R I ST yo ur KI NG! II. Bright yo uth, and fnow- crowned age, Stro and maidens meek, yo ur free, ex u lting fo ng ! wo ndrou s praifes speak! III Yea ! o nward, o nward fiill, With hymn, and chant, and fo ng, Thro ugh te, and po rch, and co lumned aifle The llowed pathways thro ng! IV. o rdered feet pafa o n ! Bid tho ughts o f evil ceafe ! Ye may no t bring the firife o f to ngues Within the home o f V0 With all the angel choirs, With all the faints o f earth, Po ut o ut the {trains o f j o y and blifs , True rapture, no b efi: And Hallelujahs lo u d! Whilfianfwerin echo es u pward float, Lik e wrea o f incenfe - clo ud! VII. Withvo ices full and As o cean ’ Lead fo rth the The pfalms o f ancient days ! VIII. alf Yes ! o n thro u gh life ’ s long path! Still chanting as y e g o ! rom yo u th to ag e, by nIght and day, In gladnefiand in wo e. Still lift yo ur fiandard high! Still march in firm array! As warrio rs thro ugh the dark nefs toil, Till dawns the go lden day. X. p At lafithe marchlhall end, The wearied o nes lhall refl The pilgrims find their Father ’ s J erufalem thc ’ bleft. XI. f Then o n ! Ye pure in heart ! Rejo ice, g ive thank s, andfing ! Yo ur o rient banner wave o n high, The crofiz o f Gu R xsT yo ur KING f Praife H im, Who reigns o n high, The LOR D Who m we ado re ! The FATH ER , So n , and HOLY Gn osT, One GOD fo r e ve rmo re ! WITH GLADSOME FE ET WE PRESS . firstmional. NO 3 99 1 . With glad- fame fee t we prefa ho ly mo un t, 1 With glad fome feet we ptefs To o n ’ s ho ly mo un t, Where gulh from its deep Where gulh re Oh! hap py, hap py hill, The joy of cv ’ ry I 31 Si lo am’ s ta! rill, the fain t ! ~OH ! HAPPY FEET THAT TREAD. . t I. V. arf On ! happy feet that tread p Oh happy fo uls that rife Thin e earthly co urts, 0 LORD ! In childlike trull to Thee, There heavenly light is lhed, Withhallowed facrifice There Thine Own peace is poured. Of prayer an d litany ! IL VI. Oh! happy knees that ptefs fOh happy eyes that light, Thy Temple ’ s lowly floo r, Withbrave and holy pride, While co n trite hearts confefs, And pard ’ ning grace implore ! For whichthe martyrs died ! III. VII. m h! happy cars that hear, pp Ohl happier flill who ' low Withglad and fimple faith, Befo re Thine altar kneel, The mefi' age ringing clear, Withtrembling rapture glow, “ Thy fins Go o pardoneth And Thy dear Prefen ce feel! VIII. f Oh! happy to ngues that fing, I But happiefi, happiefifar Withburning praife on fire, To Heav ’ n ’ s Mr courts to foar, Here faintly echo ing And, where all glo ries are, The bright celelhal choir ! To prail ' e Thee evermo re ! WE LOVE TH Y TEMPLE, LORD. ‘ mon ssisnal, or General. No. 4m. f WE lo ve Thy temple, LOR D, p Reign peace within her walls, Thine ho no r ’ s dwell So ft peace fi‘ om GOD abo ve ! The habitatio n o f Thine f Reign plenteo ufnefs within her towers, The home o f light and grace. The riches o f His love ! II. VI. H ow g o o dly are Thy tents , One in her co urts Great GOD of Ifrael ! Is fince GOD is there We lo ng, we faint for Thine abo de, Far better than a tho ufand days, That we withThee may dwell. That k now no r praife no r prayer. III. The fo ng ful birds have bu ilt In this Thy houfe, O LOR D, Within Thy courts their nelt, Shall we no t fain rejo ice ? And thither all Thy dear redeemed And burn to pafa her happy gates, Wo u ld flo ck in fearcho f reli. With fwelli ng heart and vo ice ? IV. mf There blefi' é d waters flow, f Great Zio n ’ s Kin g ex to l A fin- fo rgiving floo d, The Triu ne GOD ado re ! And there ' my flerio us wine is po ured, Let fo unds o f trium h rend the lk y, dim. A dying Sav1o u R ’ s Blo o d. Till Time lha! be no mo re ! T O G O D T H E L O R D . N O 4 0 2 . AWAKE ! PUT ON THY STRENGTH. momentum. No . 4 0 3 . f AWA R E ! awake ! put o n Thy llreng th, mf But lies in fro nt a dreary walte, O Arm o f CHR IST the LOR D ! Where thirfl and hunger reign Awake ! as in the ancient days ! era . Yet Tho u canll: deck the barren hill; Frelhtriumphs no w reco rd ! And fill the empty plain. Tho u driefi: up the mighty fea, f Lift up Thine Arm! lift u p Thy Vo ice ! The waters o f the deep, The defert feels the lho ck l Thatjoy might fpring in faddened hearts , Sweet Manna lhowers from the lk ies , dim. And mo urners ceafe to weep. dim. Sweet water from the ro ck. f Thy ranfomed people pafl ' ed the wave, They tro d the Red Sea flo o r ; The clo u dy pillar fro wned behind, But fmiled with light befo re. Lift up Thine Arm, difplay Thy light, Again to guard and guide ! Beneath Thy banner, mighty LOR D, dim. We too have cro fl ' ed the tide. fAwake ! awake ! pu t o n Thy fl reng th, That Thy redeemed may come Withfing ing, and with endlefs jo y, To that u ndying home. fl Awake ! O Arm o f CH R IST the LOR D ! Come to uch thefe lips o f clay, And they their lo udelt praife lbalifing To crown this fella! day ! f On, o n we halte withho ly z eal, Since Tho u the path hall blali ; The diflant mo untains rife in view, Thy feat o f peace and relt. Th ere lies the City o f o ur GOD, The City beaming bright Where lhines no r fun, no r mo o n, no rliar, J im. The LAME its o nly light ! LET ALL THE WORLD IN EVERY CORNER SING. c an in maiz e. NO. 404. fLet all the wo rld in every corner fing My GOD and KING ! The heaven s are no t to o high His praife may thither fly : The earthis n o t to o low ; His praifes there may grow [ Let all the world in every corner fing My GOD an d Kim ! III fLET all the world in O every corner fing My GOD and KING ! The FATHER, withthe SON, And Sn arr, THREE in ONE, One everlalling LORD, Be evermo re ado red ! f Let ail the world in every corner fing My GOD and Kim? ! f Let all the wo rld in every co rner fing My G OD and KING ! The ChurchwithPfalms mull lho ut NO doo r can keep them o u t Bu t, above all, my heart Mull bear the lo ngefipart f Let all the Wo rld in every co rnerfing My GOD and KiNG l Tbi: Pointing of tbc P/b lter i! o utboriz td 6y Hi: Grate tbc d‘borfiop of f or) . M t asalttr, arrangthfor Maurine, (Sta nd and Improved Editior, at redactedprim,) Withappropriate Englilh Chan ts. Edited by the Rev. Sir F. A. GORE Ou SELEY, Bart. , M. A Mus. Doc. , Oxo n. , &c. , and EDWIN GEORGE MONR, Mus. Do c. , Oxo n. , Org anifl: an d Cho ir Mafier o f Yo rk Minller. The fpecialities o f this wo rk are, 1 lt.— The divifio n o f the words in whichthe two extremes o r the purely fyllabic an d the po lyfyllabic have been equally avo ided. and.— The emplo ymen t o f Sin gle Chan ts o nly . 3 rd. —The pro vifio n o f two ferie s o f Chan ts thro ugho u t the mo n th; the o n e, mo re o r lefs ancien t (from the time o f Tallis to Dr. Cro tch), the o ther by living compo fers. EDITION I. , in l amo . , as a hand- bo o k fo r Choir and Co ngregatio n, for diliribu tio n by Clergymen, and fo r ufe in Singing Clafi' es and Co llegiate an d Paro chial Scho o ls. Price as. , bo und in who le clo th, limp. The Chan ts prin ted in vo cal parts, a feparate editio n fo r eachvo ice. EDITION II . , in Fo o lfcap quarto , handfomely prin ted in an tique Pica type, withthe Chan ts in lho rt fco re, fo r the reading- dent, o rgan, doc. Who le clo thbo ards . Price 5 9. EDrTION III. , in Imperial 3 amo . , witboat tbs Cbafm. Clo th, l s. Ditto, withProper Pfalms, 1s. 3d. Proper Pfalms, feparately, 3d. A few co pie s may liill be had o f the Demy quarto Edition, prin ted from an tique Great Prime r type, withthe Chan ts in lho rt fco re. Who le clo thbo ards. Price 2 1 3 . mit ! tumults, or Ermine of the (alarm. From the “ Pfalter. Comprelfed fcore, 9d. EachVo ice part, fing ly, 3d. Words o nly, a4mo . , xfid. amt anglttan amoral a trium Book , Being the o rder fo r Chanting the Daily Prayer, Litany, and Ho ly Communio n, &c. , as n o ted by Merbeck and o ther autho rities, adapted fo r prefen t ufe in the Eng lilhChurchby EDwrN GEORGE MONK, Mu s. Do c. , Oxon . 1 8mo . , in paper co ver, 1 3 . who le clo th, as. Six tb Editiort, Ravi/ed and Enlarged. Gri n angliran attain Book , A Co lleélio n o f Single Chan ts, An cien t and Modern, appropriated to the Daily Pfalms, Canticles, an d Hymn s, in the Bo o k o fCommo n Prayer. The Chan ts co rre fpo nd withtho fe o f the Pfalter, ” and are fimilarly numbered. Edited by EDWIN GEORGE MONR, Mus. Do c. , Oxo n . 1 8mo . , in paper co ver, 1 3 . 6d. who le clo th, as. 6d. New editio n, who le clo th, Fo o lfcap quarto , large type, 4s. 2, Lo n do n : NOVELLO, EWER and Cd.

Day by day we pray to God almighty, His is the auto and the finisher. Lord our God, our Father in heaven, bless us who have become united ...